MOVICS系列教程(三) RUN Module

MOVICS系列教程(三) RUN Module

作者: 生信宝库 | 来源:发表于2022-01-20 10:27 被阅读0次






runDEA(): run differential expression analysis with three popular methods for choosing, including edgeR, DESeq2, and limma runMarker(): run biomarker identification to determine uniquely and significantly differential expressed genes for each subtype

runGSEA(): run gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA), calculate activity of functional pathways and generate a pathway-specific heatmap

runGSVA(): run gene set variation analysis to calculate enrichment score of each sample based on given gene set list of interest

runNTP(): run nearest template prediction based on identified biomarkers to evaluate subtypes in external cohorts

runPAM(): run partition around medoids classifier based on discovery cohort to predict subtypes in external cohorts

runKappa(): run consistency evaluation using Kappa statistics between two appraisements that identify or predict current subtypes



# run DEA with edgeR
runDEA(dea.method = "edger",
       expr       = count, # raw count data
       moic.res   = cmoic.brca,
       prefix     = "TCGA-BRCA") # prefix of figure name
#> --all samples matched.
#> --you choose edger and please make sure an RNA-Seq count data was provided.
#> edger of CS1_vs_Others done...
#> edger of CS2_vs_Others done...
#> edger of CS3_vs_Others done...
#> edger of CS4_vs_Others done...
#> edger of CS5_vs_Others done...

# run DEA with DESeq2
runDEA(dea.method = "deseq2",
       expr       = count,
       moic.res   = cmoic.brca,
       prefix     = "TCGA-BRCA")
#> --all samples matched.
#> --you choose deseq2 and please make sure an RNA-Seq count data was provided.
#> deseq2 of CS1_vs_Others done...
#> deseq2 of CS2_vs_Others done...
#> deseq2 of CS3_vs_Others done...
#> deseq2 of CS4_vs_Others done...
#> deseq2 of CS5_vs_Others done...

# run DEA with limma
runDEA(dea.method = "limma",
       expr       = fpkm, # normalized expression data
       moic.res   = cmoic.brca,
       prefix     = "TCGA-BRCA")


# choose edgeR result to identify subtype-specific up-regulated biomarkers
marker.up <- runMarker(moic.res      = cmoic.brca,
                       dea.method    = "edger", # name of DEA method
                       prefix        = "TCGA-BRCA", # MUST be the same of argument in runDEA()
                       dat.path      = getwd(), # path of DEA files
                       res.path      = getwd(), # path to save marker files
                       p.cutoff      = 0.05, # p cutoff to identify significant DEGs
                       p.adj.cutoff  = 0.05, # padj cutoff to identify significant DEGs
                       dirct         = "up", # direction of dysregulation in expression
                       n.marker      = 100, # number of biomarkers for each subtype
                       doplot        = TRUE, # generate diagonal heatmap
                       norm.expr     = fpkm, # use normalized expression as heatmap input
                       annCol        = annCol, # sample annotation in heatmap
                       annColors     = annColors, # colors for sample annotation
                       show_rownames = FALSE, # show no rownames (biomarker name)
                       fig.name      = "UPREGULATED BIOMARKER HEATMAP")
# MUST locate ABSOLUTE path of msigdb file
MSIGDB.FILE <- system.file("extdata", "c5.bp.v7.1.symbols.xls", package = "MOVICS", mustWork = TRUE)

# run GSEA to identify up-regulated GO pathways using results from edgeR
gsea.up <- runGSEA(moic.res     = cmoic.brca,
                   dea.method   = "edger", # name of DEA method
                   prefix       = "TCGA-BRCA", # MUST be the same of argument in runDEA()
                   dat.path     = getwd(), # path of DEA files
                   res.path     = getwd(), # path to save GSEA files
                   msigdb.path  = MSIGDB.FILE, # MUST be the ABSOLUTE path of msigdb file
                   norm.expr    = fpkm, # use normalized expression to calculate enrichment score
                   dirct        = "up", # direction of dysregulation in pathway
                   p.cutoff     = 0.05, # p cutoff to identify significant pathways
                   p.adj.cutoff = 0.25, # padj cutoff to identify significant pathways
                   gsva.method  = "gsva", # method to calculate single sample enrichment score
                   norm.method  = "mean", # normalization method to calculate subtype-specific enrichment score
                   fig.name     = "UPREGULATED PATHWAY HEATMAP")


# MUST locate ABSOLUTE path of gene set file
  system.file("extdata", "gene sets of interest.gmt", package = "MOVICS", mustWork = TRUE)
# run NTP in Yau cohort by using up-regulated biomarkers
yau.ntp.pred <- runNTP(expr       = brca.yau$mRNA.expr,
                       templates  = marker.up$templates, # the template has been already prepared in runMarker()
                       scaleFlag  = TRUE, # scale input data (by default)
                       centerFlag = TRUE, # center input data (by default)
                       doPlot     = TRUE, # to generate heatmap
                       fig.name   = "NTP HEATMAP FOR YAU") 
# compare survival outcome in Yau cohort
surv.yau <- compSurv(moic.res         = yau.ntp.pred,
                     surv.info        = brca.yau$clin.info,
                     convt.time       = "m", # switch to month
                     surv.median.line = "hv", # switch to both
                     fig.name         = "KAPLAN-MEIER CURVE OF NTP FOR YAU") 
# compare agreement in Yau cohort
agree.yau <- compAgree(moic.res  = yau.ntp.pred,
                       subt2comp = brca.yau$clin.info[, "PAM50", drop = FALSE],
                       doPlot    = TRUE,
                       fig.name  = "YAU PREDICTEDMOIC WITH PAM50")

除了NTP之外,MOVICS还提供了另一种无模型方法来预测亚型。具体来说,runPAM()首先在发现训练集(即TCGA-BRCA)中对medoids (PAM)分类器进行分区训练,以预测外部验证测试集(即BRCA-Yau)中患者的亚型,验证队列中的每个样本被分配到一个子类型标签,其质心与样本的皮尔逊相关性最高。最后,将执行组内比例(IGP)统计来评估发现队列和验证队列之间获得的亚型的相似性和重现性。

yau.pam.pred <- runPAM(train.expr  = fpkm,
                       moic.res    = cmoic.brca,
                       test.expr   = brca.yau$mRNA.expr)
# predict subtype in discovery cohort using NTP
tcga.ntp.pred <- runNTP(expr      = fpkm,
                        templates = marker.up$templates,
                        doPlot    = FALSE) 
#> --original template has 500 biomarkers and 500 are matched in external expression profile.
#> cosine correlation distance
#> 643 samples; 5 classes; 100-100 features/class
#> serial processing; 1000 permutation(s)...
#> predicted samples/class (FDR<0.05)
#>  CS1  CS2  CS3  CS4  CS5 <NA> 
#>   99  105  138  155  107   39

# predict subtype in discovery cohort using PAM
tcga.pam.pred <- runPAM(train.expr  = fpkm,
                        moic.res    = cmoic.brca,
                        test.expr   = fpkm)
#> --all samples matched.
#> --a total of 13771 genes shared and used.
#> --log2 transformation done for training expression data.
#> --log2 transformation done for testing expression data.

# check consistency between current and NTP-predicted subtype in discovery TCGA-BRCA
runKappa(subt1     = cmoic.brca$clust.res$clust,
         subt2     = tcga.ntp.pred$clust.res$clust,
         subt1.lab = "CMOIC",
         subt2.lab = "NTP",
         fig.name  = "CONSISTENCY HEATMAP FOR TCGA between CMOIC and NTP")

# check consistency between current and PAM-predicted subtype in discovery TCGA-BRCA
runKappa(subt1     = cmoic.brca$clust.res$clust,
         subt2     = tcga.pam.pred$clust.res$clust,
         subt1.lab = "CMOIC",
         subt2.lab = "PAM",
         fig.name  = "CONSISTENCY HEATMAP FOR TCGA between CMOIC and PAM")

# check consistency between NTP and PAM-predicted subtype in validation Yau-BRCA
runKappa(subt1     = yau.ntp.pred$clust.res$clust,
         subt2     = yau.pam.pred$clust.res$clust,
         subt1.lab = "NTP",
         subt2.lab = "PAM",
         fig.name  = "CONSISTENCY HEATMAP FOR YAU")                  






    本文标题:MOVICS系列教程(三) RUN Module
