

作者: Janice丝语 | 来源:发表于2022-01-24 07:25 被阅读0次


Grab a pew.

We are all sorted here.

He got peckish.

I’m wasting my breath.//

They don’t reckon for one second that there’s another way in.

Put a chain across the door, bolt it shut.


1 He clung to the walls like an insect.

2 He climbed up the side of the walls, ran along the roof, dropped in through this skylight.

3 He climbed six floors of a building and jumped the balcony.

4 He ran along the window ledge onto the terrace.//

He’s welcome to go and own up anytime.

The personal effects will have been impounded.


Put the wind up

Take my words as gospel

From here en route to the station



The only pregnable point / impregnable

In magistrate’s court

Cipher/ Deciphering/ Code-breaking method

Hardcore propellant




The above records are scripts picked up when I watched the English teleplays. The watching process was interrupted for several times to write down those key words and sentences. Spending time on the entertainment program or opera soap is also a special way to study if we have an appropriate perspective on them.

Make fun! And keep on doing then.



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