S1: 瑞典
- herings and meatballs
- 用火来做饭。人类与火最本源的关系。用铁铸灶台来烹饪食物。
- H&M, ABBA, Volvo, IKEA
- Hugely sucesful, but also very modest.
- 宜家快速搭建平板式公寓 BokLok
- lagom =>中庸 => 不多不少
- 1959年Volvo发明安全带,但并没有申请专利
- 11个月产假的the latte papas,瑞典爸爸推婴儿车带小孩的场景很常见
- 贫富差距的巨大变化
- 移民的门槛很低,15%人口出生在其他国家
- 但新出生的移民,很难融入瑞典的社会。
- 1980年开始,对酒精的严格控制,国营统一销售
- 相互帮助和协作
- 《谋杀》
- 《权力的城堡》
- 匿名捐献精子
- 建设可以增强沟通的建筑
- 50%的高税收是心甘情愿的 => 怡然
- 发自内心对国家和社会的信任
- 公民学校,通过各方面相同的”平等集体生活“,让下一代学会”如何实现民主“,”如果表达观点” => 公民教育
- 甚至在国外居住的丹麦人,也会回来到公民学校重温”丹麦精神“ => 合作和友好相处
- 可以在别人家的菜地里随意采摘东西,然后再付钱离开。
S3: 挪威
- 石油支撑的国家的发展
- 18世纪建筑
- 1970年,石油开始快速发展
- 不是所有的石油收入都直接花费
- Law of Jante => 对自身的克制
Don't think you're anyone special or that you're better than us.
The ten rules state:
1.Don't think you're anything special.
2.Don't think you're as good as us.
3.Don't think you're smarter than us.
4.Don't convince yourself that you're better than us.
5.Don't think you know more than us.
6.Don't think you are more important than us.
7.Don't think you are good at anything.
8.Don't laugh at us.
9.Don't think anyone cares about you.
10.Don't think you can teach us anything.
An eleventh rule recognized in the novel is:
Don't think that there aren't a few things we know about you.
- 渔业也是主要经济支撑,第二大出口业
- 隧道到处都是
- Voss-Oslo 火车路线
- 火车纪录片和游船纪录片 Slow TV
- Fox Song
- 挪威2011年的暴行,一开始大家认为这是穆斯林的行为,但后来才发现,凶手是一个挪威人。
- 挪威的最高判处为21年,尽管这个人犯下了滔天罪行,但法律不能为此而改变。
- 挪威的监狱条件很好,没有警卫等
- 社会对犯人的好坏,意味着社会的发展程度。
- 积极乐观和对祖国的自豪的感觉