

作者: 俏皮和汉子 | 来源:发表于2019-02-18 19:46 被阅读0次

Redesign the viewing experience of data plugins



The mobile version of sellers’ workstation provide data service through two plugins. One presents the selling data of the sellers' own store for free (the left one in Figure 1) , while the other presents the whole category which is for charge (right).  

Figure 1  数据相关插件


1. 由于工作台和本店数据插件中无引导页面或功能,商家如果不自行去插件库查找,很难知道苏宁提供此功能,不利于转化。

2. 商家开通服务后,同类指标和相关联的信息割离在不同模块,浏览不方便,不利于对比洞察、理解数据。

However, there are two main drawbacks of the separation of the two perspectives of data. 

1.It damages the viewing experience. Viewers needs to go back and forth to compare the data of their stores and the whole category, which brings more loads to their information digestion.

2.It damages the conversion. A great percentage of users don't know that there is a category one, since the free plugin doesn't give a hint on the interface.   

Figure 2  当前模块逻辑结构


As a result, I integrate the plugins for higher awareness of the category function and for a better viewing experience.

结构层优化 Structure level


Figure 3  整合目标拆解

There are two main points in the refinement of the information architecture:

1. Prioritize real-time data (based on the finding of event tracking

show the real-time data on the homescreen

2.Enhance vertical and horizontal comparison.

horizontal: the change of store' data over time

vertical: the comparison between the store and the whole category


Figure 4  当前首页vs优化首页 real-time data on the homescreen


While integrating the two plugins, I remain the current way of main navigation: real-time, traffic, sale,customer. Since users are used to this navigation on mobile and web, it's better not to change in order to keep consistency and to reduce the cognitive loads of learning new pattern. 


Figure 5  整合后架构

框架层优化 Skeleton level





Due to the merging of information, there are two main points in the interaction design of each page.

Integration: How to present store and category data integrally.

Optimization: Optimizing the interaction components to improve the ease of use.

整合点 Integration

1. 基于“先概览,再细节;先本店,再行业”的逻辑组织信息 

Basic Narrative: first overview then detail, first own store then category  


 “先概览,再细节”   以流量分析为例,先提供整个店铺关键指标的数据概览(一屏),再详细展示流量来源、商品排行等细节信息。 

Figure 6   流量分析优化稿



Figure 7  销售总览优化稿

2. 同类信息融合展示 Integration of different dimensions

a) 同指标不同维度对比 

The redesign integrates the different dimensions of the same index. For example, the redesigned line chart pesents the real-time PV (the orange line in the second left interfaces) with the reference of the PV of one day before(the blue line)

Figure 8  在图表中增加行业维度,便于对比洞察

b) 同类信息列表合并

Figure 9  地域分布合并展示   

3. 对未开通功能的状态显示

When users are using the free version, they will see the notification “Please upgrade your plugin for category data” and button “upgrade now” for a quick access to the purchase page. 

Figure 10  开通行业(左)和未开通行业(右) Figure 11  在列表内展示时,保存指标名称,不显示具体内容


1. 扩大浏览面积



In order to expand the viewing areas, I integrated the data picker into the title bar.

Figure 12 筛选栏优化

2. 时间控件优化


Current data picker shows dates in a long list which is inconvenient to choose from. 

Figure 13  当前时间控件


In my redesign, the data picker is changed into calendar style which is more intuitive. For the dates that are disabled I present them in light grey or just them invisible. 

Figure 14  优化控件样式

3. 信息可视化集成


To emphasize the change of store ranking, I use an thumbnail(the line charts)to improve data-ink ratio and make the trend more obvious. 

Figure 15  优化排名显示方式,突出变化趋势





