SMAC&Dailypetphotography – D

SMAC&Dailypetphotography – D

作者: 冰冰的小城堡 | 来源:发表于2018-02-05 19:50 被阅读5次

    This is Steemit Monthly Author Challenge Day 1’s post.


    When I see the official account of Guokr, I find their colleages will take cats,which they called cheerleaders, to go to work. I admire them so much. When I feel tired at work, by taking a glimpse of the cats, I’m sure that all the tiredness must be gone instantly.


    My friend found me in bad mood these days, so he lent the fuzzy one to me. In that case, I have the chance to take cheerleader go to work with me.


    So…here it is…


    To be the truth, fuzzy animals are really healing. This guy walked up and down on my desk, biting my pen and drinking the water from my cup. I just looked at her with a stupid face. Sometimes this guy will jump on my knees and whistle to sleep. Cat grunt is super healing!

    背景: Background


    This cat was named by me called 13, which complained by many people, for 13 means crazy in Chinese. She’s 2 years old, and was adopted by her owner 2 year ago.


    The former owner said: I have 4 cats and 2 dogs. The neighbors, who knows that, put the little cat in a bag, outside of my house. I wanna to keep her, but she was so small and my 4 cats really don’t like her. So I have to find another owner for her.

    从此主子就在铲屎官的家里过着无忧无虑的生活,王子和公主happy ever after~(深切感觉到了铲屎官要杀人的眼神= 。= !!!)

    Finally, the prince and the princess live together and happy ever after~ (OMG…I already feel my friend’s kill eyes…)



        本文标题:SMAC&Dailypetphotography – D
