TKR DAY5(C8-C10)刘小咪

TKR DAY5(C8-C10)刘小咪

作者: Jolie_Laide | 来源:发表于2016-12-05 19:16 被阅读0次



An invitation, but only a halfhearted one.

A thank-you, but only a halfhearted one.

形容词。If someone does something in a half-hearted way, they do it without any real effort, interest, or enthusiasm. 半真半假的,并非真心实意的。


Then I  took a couple of the envelops of cash from the pile of gifts and my watch, and tiptoed out.

动词。If you tiptoe somewhere, you walk there very quietly without putting your heels on the floor when you walk. 蹑手蹑脚地走。


I flinched, like i'd been slapped.

动词,退缩,躲避。If you flinch, you make a small sudden movement, especially when something surprises you or hurts you.


That not even Ali's paralyzed face could mask his sorrow.

动词,遮蔽,掩盖。If one thing masks another, it prevents people from noticing or recognizing the other thing.


set up a mutually-profitable arrangement



When he stood, he eclipsed the moonlight.

动词,使...黯然失色。If one thing is eclipsed by a second thing that is bigger, newer, or more important than it, the first thing is no longer noticed because the second thing gets all the attention.



There would be some pain, but life would move on. I wanted that, to move on, to forget, to start with a clean slate. I wanted to breathe again.


Don't make this even more difficult than it already is.


I watched Baba's car pull away from the curb, taking with it the person whose first spoken word had been my name. 

【Hassan有很多种称呼,不管是Amir的“朋友”还是“仆人”,有一个最特殊的,就是“the person whose first spoken word has been my name"。】

War doesn't negate decency. It demands it, even more than in times of peace.



Chapter 9

After Amir's 12-year-old birthday party, he received a lot of presents including two from Baba. A brand new Schwinn Stingray and a wristwatch. However, except for the leather-bound notebook from Rahim Khan, all the other presents were felt like "blood money" and not unable to arouse any of Amir's interest.

Amir kept thinking about the story told by Rahim Khan at his birthday party, and he believed the best way to save the trouble was to send Hassan away. So he came up with a plan which turned out to be a huge pain to everyone in the end. He brought the wristwatch and some cash to Ali and Hassan's hub and put them under the mattress, telling Baba that they were gone and pretending it was Hassan who stole them. 

When faced with Baba, Hassan said he did stole the wristwatch and the money, protecting Amir once more. Baba didn't accuse Hassan of that, instead, he forgave Hassan. But Ali and Hassan made up their mind to leave, which was exactly what Amir wanted. Life went on.

Chapter 10

In 1981, 19-year-old Amir and Baba was on the way to Jalalabad together with some others in the truck. During the journey, some German soldiers blocked their way and wanted to assault a young woman---one of the passengers---sexually. Baba stood out and saved her. But Amir, again, played a coward, like five years ago when he saw Hassan was being raped. 

All the passengers were cheated by Karim, who failed to took them to Peshawar. They had to stay and wait and lived under poor conditions. There Ali and Baba saw Kamal who was pretty ill then and his father. Amir and Baba heard the sad story about Kamal's mother being killed. When they arrived in Pakistan, Kamal died and his father committed suicide by shooting himself in the mouth. 







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      本文标题:TKR DAY5(C8-C10)刘小咪
