2 The museum.

2 The museum.

作者: 润润2010and霖霖2014 | 来源:发表于2020-09-14 18:07 被阅读0次

Peppa and her family are going to granny and grandpa pig's house.

Hello, my little ones.

Hello granny, hello grandpa.

Peppa george, we've got a present for you.

What is it?

It's a tree house.

Where is the tree house? I can't see it.

it somewhere on the tree.

Wow, it's so tall. Grandpa, if I was a bird, I  World fly on it.

Don't worry,  We can Climb a ladder.

It's a pretty tree house,I'm going to make it a  Castle so I'm the princess.

Peppa  Imagine being a princess.

The ladder is ready.

Let's climb it.

This is my best treehouse. I never want to come out.

Everyone  It's tea time.

Can I have a tea time in the tree house?

Yes, Of course.

what a  Lovely day!


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      本文标题:2 The museum.
