10.13 Utility - Option Switch 选项

10.13 Utility - Option Switch 选项

作者: 刘板栗 | 来源:发表于2017-02-24 23:23 被阅读42次

    Control two or more states using an index (0, 1, 2...). For two states, use Switch. Useful for tracking a state that is one of multiple options (ex: tab bar). Often used with Option Picker to select from two or more options. Formerly known as Index Switch.
    Right-click to add additional states.
    See State Basics for more information.

    使用索引(0,1,2 ...)控制两个或更多状态,用于需要在多个状态中选择一个的交互(如:标签栏)。只有两种状态一般用 [Switch] 模块。

    Option Picker 模块一起使用,Option Picker 相当于升级版 Transition 模块,用来定义多个值。以前称为 **Index Switch索引开关 **。
    右键增加更多状态(即左侧输入口的数量)。查看 基础 - 状态 了解更多信息。


    Set to 0 接口1
    A pulse that sets the Option Switch to option 0.

    Set to 1 接口2
    A pulse that sets the Option Switch to option 1.

    Set to 2 接口3
    A pulse that sets the Option Switch to option 2.


    Option 输出
    An index that represents the state of the Option Switch.
    板栗:连接到 Option Picker 模块的 Option 输入口。

    Related Patches 相关模块

    Switch,Counter,Option PickerOption Sender

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          本文标题:10.13 Utility - Option Switch 选项
