

作者: zlith_58a7 | 来源:发表于2018-07-29 16:05 被阅读0次


    1. I sold my car for this -Inventor(我为P3D卖房-创始人)

    I sold my car for this -Inventor(我为此卖房-创始人)





    4. The night is dark and full of divies(夜色虽黑,分红满满)

    The night is dark and full of divies(夜色虽黑,分红满满)

    5. PoS(proof of shilling)technology is probably why you're here(PoS(骗子证明)技术大概就是为什么你在这里)

    PoS(proof of shilling)technology is probably why you're here(PoS(骗子证明)技术大概就是为什么你在这里)

    6. Technically, the masternode oracalizes social networks into our own network, don't tell chainlink(技术上说,主节点会将社交圈智能合约化至我们的网络上,所以,别(轻易)告诉别人你的邀请链接)

    Technically, the masternode oracalizes social networks into our own network, don't tell chainlink(技术上说,主节点会将社交圈智能合约化至我们的网络上,所以,别(轻易)告诉别人你的邀请链接)

    7. We're hoping the robot accountant doesn't achieve sentience(我们希望机器人会计不会感到伤感)

    We're hoping the robot accountant doesn't achieve sentience(我们希望机器人会计不会感到伤感)

    8. PoWH(Proof of Weak Hands)technology is probably why you're still here)(PoWH(韭菜证明)技术可能就是你为什么还在这儿)

    PoWH(Proof of Weak Hands)technology is probably why you're still here)(PoWH(韭菜证明)技术可能就是你为什么还在这儿)

    9. Agent 232 has been acivated(代理232已经激活)

    Agent 232 has been acivated(代理232已经激活)

    10. One of our developers has a PHD in memetics(我们其中以为开发者具有模因学博士学位)

    One of our developers has a PHD in memetics(我们其中以为开发者具有模因学博士学位)

    11. If you donate funny tokens to the smart-contract, people will write news articles about them(如果你赞助有趣的代币到智能合约,人们将书写关于他们的新闻)

    If you donate funny tokens to the smart-contract, people will write news articles about them(如果你赞助有趣的代币到智能合约,人们将书写关于他们的新闻)

    12. Careful, if you're not on Powh.io someone stole our funny meme bar(注意了,如果你不在Powh.io其他人已经溜进了我们有趣的模因吧)

    Careful, if you're not on Powh.io someone stole our funny meme bar(注意了,如果你不在Powh.io其他人已经溜进了我们有趣的模因吧)

    13. When the power of hodl overcomes the hodl of power the world will know peace,-Gimikendrix(当死多的力量超过权力的死多,世界将保持和平)

    When the power of hodl overcomes the hodl of power the world will know peace,-Gimikendrix(当死多的力量超过权力的死多,世界将保持和平)

    14. Cryptocurrency investment dog is watching, do not let him down(加密货币投资狗正在看着,别让他失望)

    Cryptocurrency investment dog is watching, do not let him down(加密货币投资狗正在看着,别让他失望)

    15. The snek of dividends loves you(分红的蛇队爱你们)

    The snek of dividends loves you(分红的蛇队爱你们)

    16. The grandmas have begun baking cookies-(sf)(奶奶们已经开始做饼干了)

    The grandmas have begun baking cookies-(sf)(奶奶们已经开始做饼干了)

    17. For you (为了你)

    For you (为了你)

    18. We'pay Carlos Matos to promote us, but his wife said no(我们支付卡洛斯马托斯来宣传我们,但他的妻子说不行)

    We'pay Carlos Matos to promote us, but his wife said no(我们支付卡洛斯马托斯来宣传我们,但他的妻子说不行)

    19. The Bettere Business Bureau hasn't rated us just yet(商业改善局尚未对我们进行评级)

    The Bettere Business Bureau hasn't rated us just yet(商业改善局尚未对我们进行评级)

    20. Don't let the Fomo kick in, we haven't released that yet(不要让Fomo开始,我们还没有发布)

    Don't let the Fomo kick in, we haven't released that yet(不要让Fomo开始,我们还没有发布)

    21. mantso please spellcheck the quotes before uploading them(mantso ,请将这些引经据典检查后再上传)

    mantso please spellcheck the quotes before uploading them(mantso ,请将这些引经据典检查后再上传)

    22. Stop mooning i haven't finished accumulating yet(别再奶了,我还没有屯够币)

    Stop mooning i haven't finished accumulating yet(别再奶了,我还没有屯够币)

    23. I have 232 problems but my dis ain't one(我有232个问题,但是分红不是其中之一)

    I have 232 problems but my dis ain't one(我有232个问题,但是分红不是其中之一)

    24. You're probably on one of the ground floors.- (og)(你可能在某一层地板上)

    You're probably on one of the ground floors.- (og)(你可能在某一层地板上)

    25. Don't like us on facebook, please i'm begging you (求你了,别像我们在Facebook上一样

    Don't like us on facebook, please i'm begging you (求你了,别像我们在Facebook上一样)

    26. They didn't care who i was until I put up the metamask(在我拿起metamask之前,他们并不关心我是谁)

    They didn't care who i was until I put up the metamask(在我拿起metamask之前,他们并不关心我是谁)

    27. I know what you're thinking don't do it(我知道你在想什么,别这样做)

    I know what you're thinking don't do it(我知道你在想什么,别这样做)

    28.Once you buy you're here forever(一旦拥有,天长地久)

    Once you buy you're here forever(一旦拥有,天长地久)

    29. He's trying to sell, activate quantum fomo(他正试图出售,激活量子fomo)

    He's trying to sell, activate quantum fomo(他正试图出售,激活量子fomo)

    30. Like you really have a better place to store your ETH(像你这样的在这个市场上真的有更好的地方储存ETH)

    Like you really have a better place to store your ETH(像你这样的在这个市场上真的有更好的地方储存ETH)

    31. Any idiot can make money. Keeping money,very few can do-John MCafee(任何白痴都会挣钱,但是极少人会保住它们)

    Any idiot can make money. Keeping money,very few can do-John MCafee(任何白痴都会挣钱,但是极少人会保住它们)

    32. Damn, this succeeded, now we have to write a whitepaper(靠,这个成功了,我们现在还得写白皮书)

    Damn, this succeeded, now we have to write a whitepaper(靠,这个成功了,我们现在还得写白皮书)

    33. The Snek's name is P3DRO (蛇队的名字叫做P3DRO)

    The Snek's name is P3DRO (蛇队的名字叫做P3DRO)

    34. What are the three dimensions? ETH, Bitcoin, and your bank account.(三维是指哪些?ETH,BTC,还有你的银行账户)

    What are the three dimensions? ETH, Bitcoin, and your bank account.(三维是指哪些?ETH,BTC,还有你的银行账户)

    35. Remember, your're here forever(记住你永远都在这里)

    Remember, your're here forever(记住你永远都在这里)

    36. Best place to hide your ETH during divorce proceedings(在你离婚诉讼中最佳存储ETH的地方)

    Best place to hide your ETH during divorce proceedings(在你离婚诉讼中最佳存储ETH的地方)



