Mark 14:1-11 1 It was now two days before the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. And the chief priests and the scribes were seeking how to arrest him by stealth and kill him, 2 for they said, “Not during the feast, lest there be an uproar from the people.” 3 And while he was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he was reclining at table, a woman came with an alabaster flask of ointment of pure nard, very costly, and she broke the flask and poured it over his head. 4 There were some who said to themselves indignantly, “Why was the ointment wasted like that? 5 For this ointment could have been sold for more than three hundred denarii and given to the poor.” And they scolded her. 6 But Jesus said, “Leave her alone. Why do you trouble her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. 7 For you always have the poor with you, and whenever you want, you can do good for them. But you will not always have me. 8 She has done what she could; she has anointed my body beforehand for burial. 9 And truly, I say to you, wherever the gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.” 10 Then Judas Iscariot, who was one of the twelve, went to the chief priests in order to betray him to them. 11 And when they heard it, they were glad and promised to give him money. And he sought an opportunity to betray him.
马可福音14:1-11 1 过两天,就是逾越节和除酵节了,祭司长和经学家设法怎样用诡计逮捕耶稣,把他杀害。 2 不过他们说:“不可在节期下手,免得引起民众暴动。” 3 耶稣在伯大尼,在患痲风的西门家里吃饭的时候,有一个女人来了,拿着一瓶珍贵的纯哪哒香膏。她打破了瓶,把香膏浇在耶稣的头上。 4 有几个人很生气,彼此说:“为甚么这样浪费香膏呢? 5 这香膏可以卖三百多个银币,用来赒济穷人。” 他们就向她发怒。 6 但耶稣说:“由她吧! 为甚么难为她呢? 她在我身上作的是一件美事。 7 你们常常有穷人跟你们在一起,只要你们愿意,随时都可以向他们行善,然而你们却不常有我。 8 她已经尽她所能的作了。她预先用香膏膏了我的身体,是为了我的安葬。 9 我实在告诉你们,福音无论传到世界上甚么地方,都要传讲这女人所作的来记念她。” 10 十二门徒中的一个,就是加略人犹大,去见祭司长,要把耶稣交给他们。 11 他们听见了就很欢喜,答应给他银子。于是犹大就找机会出卖耶稣。
Introduction |
引言 |
We have reached the last section of Mark’s Gospel. Chapter 14 and 15 will look in detail at the last few days of Jesus’ earthly life. The theme of chapter 14 is the all out abandonment of Jesus. He will be rejected, betrayed, and abandoned until the point that he is all alone. In fact, this passage today is a rejection sandwich. |
我们现在讲到了马可福音的最后一部分。第14和15章将展现耶稣在地生活最后几天中的细节。14章的主题是“所有人遗弃耶稣“。他将被拒绝、出卖、抛弃直到祂孑然一身。事实上,今天这段经文是一个关于拒绝的三明治结构。 |
Rejection Sandwich |
关于拒绝的三明治结构 |
1. The Plot Against Jesus (1-2) |
1. 谋害耶稣(1-2节) |
2. The Worship of Jesus (3-9) |
2. 敬拜耶稣(3-9节) |
3. The Plot Against Jesus (10-11) |
3. 谋害耶稣(10-11节) |
Once again, we are forced to ask how the center of the sandwich is the key to interpreting this entire passage. So we will take the pieces of bread together first and then we will take the middle part of the sandwich and ask how it informs the interpretation of the whole passage. |
再一次,我们被问及三明治的中心如何作为解读这整段经文的关键。所以我们先把上下两片面包吃掉,再来吃中间的馅,看看它如何告诉我们该怎样解读整段经文。 |
1. The Plot Against Jesus (1-2) |
1. 谋害耶稣(1-2节) |
It was now two days before the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. And the chief priests and the scribes were seeking how to arrest him by stealth and kill him, 2 for they said, “Not during the feast, lest there be an uproar from the people.” |
过两天,就是逾越节和除酵节了,祭司长和经学家设法怎样用诡计逮捕耶稣,把他杀害。 2 不过他们说:“不可在节期下手,免得引起民众暴动。” |
Mark narrates for us that this story took place two days before the Passover. The Passover was the beginning of the weeklong Feast of Unleavened Bread (Exod 12:15-20; Deut 16:1-8). This was a remembrance and commemoration of their hurried departure from Egypt when they could not wait for the dough to rise and had to eat unleavened bread. The camera zooms in on the religious leaders. They are spending their time seeking how to arrest him and kill him – by stealth and in secrecy (v. 1). Why the need for secrecy and steath? They cannot do it openly during the feast – because they fear an uproar from the people (v. 2). The official decision against Jesus is placed in stark contrast with the popular opinion of the people. We hear again and again that what the religious leaders truly value is what people think of them – they are constantly motivated by fear of the people. |
马可告诉我们这个故事发生在逾越节前两天。逾越节是持续一周的无酵节的第一天(出埃及记12:15-20;申命记16:1-8)。这是在回忆和纪念他们当初匆忙离开埃及,那时他们等不及面团发酵就吃无酵饼。镜头对准宗教领袖们。他们花时间谋算如何逮捕并杀害祂,要秘密地暗中下手(第1节)。为什么需要暗中下手?他们不能在节期中公开做这事——因为他们害怕引起民众暴动(第2节)。官方预谋杀害耶稣的决定与民众的观点成鲜明对比。我们一次又一次地听到,宗教领袖们真正看重的是人们如何看待他们——他们总是害怕民意。 |
3. The Plot Against Jesus (10-11) |
3. 谋害耶稣(10-11节) |
10 Then Judas Iscariot, who was one of the twelve, went to the chief priests in order to betray him to them. 11 And when they heard it, they were glad and promised to give him money. And he sought an opportunity to betray him. |
10 十二门徒中的一个,就是加略人犹大,去见祭司长,要把耶稣交给他们。 11 他们听见了就很欢喜,答应给他银子。于是犹大就找机会出卖耶稣。 |
The religious leaders have now found the answer to their search. One of Jesus’ own disciples sought them out to betray Jesus to them (v. 10). This was the initiative of Judas. There is great rejoicing (v. 11). The religious leaders finally have something that they value: a way to kill Jesus while shielding themselves from the outrage of the people. Judas in return has something that he values: money (v. 11). Now Judas begins looking for the opportune moment to betray Jesus. But in the middle of the sandwich something happens that also focuses on what people value. |
宗教领袖们现在找到了他们想要的答案。耶稣的一个门徒找到他们把耶稣出卖给他们(第10节)。这是犹大主动投诚。而宗教领袖们很欢喜(第11节)。宗教领袖们终于得到了他们看重的东西:一个既能除掉耶稣又能躲避民愤的两全之策。作为回报,犹大也得到了他所看重的东西:钱(第11节)。现在犹大开始寻求出卖耶稣的时机。但在这个三明治的中间,所发生的事情也反映了民众所看重的东西。 |
2. The Worship of Jesus (3-9) |
2. 敬拜耶稣(3-9节) |
3 And while he was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he was reclining at table, a woman came with an alabaster flask of ointment of pure nard, very costly, and she broke the flask and poured it over his head. 4 There were some who said to themselves indignantly, “Why was the ointment wasted like that? 5 For this ointment could have been sold for more than three hundred denarii and given to the poor.” And they scolded her. 6 But Jesus said, “Leave her alone. Why do you trouble her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. 7 For you always have the poor with you, and whenever you want, you can do good for them. But you will not always have me. 8 She has done what she could; she has anointed my body beforehand for burial. 9 And truly, I say to you, wherever the gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.” |
3 耶稣在伯大尼,在患痲风的西门家里吃饭的时候,有一个女人来了,拿着一瓶珍贵的纯哪哒香膏。她打破了瓶,把香膏浇在耶稣的头上。 4 有几个人很生气,彼此说:“为甚么这样浪费香膏呢? 5 这香膏可以卖三百多个银币,用来赒济穷人。” 他们就向她发怒。 6 但耶稣说:“由她吧! 为甚么难为她呢? 她在我身上作的是一件美事。 7 你们常常有穷人跟你们在一起,只要你们愿意,随时都可以向他们行善,然而你们却不常有我。 8 她已经尽她所能的作了。她预先用香膏膏了我的身体,是为了我的安葬。 9 我实在告诉你们,福音无论传到世界上甚么地方,都要传讲这女人所作的来记念她。” |
Mark does something he does not normally do – he tells us where Jesus is and the house where he was. Mark tells us first that the house was in Bethany – a village 2 miles outside Jerusalem. Mark even tells us whose house it is: the house of Simon the leper. The note that he was a leper is another note about being an outsider in society. But the note about Simon the leper also stresses the transformative power of Jesus. Simon used to be known for his leprosy. But now he is merely a former leper. Jesus has healed him – active leprosy would have precluded him from any social occasion. |
马可做了他通常没做的事——他告诉我们耶稣在哪里,在哪个房子里。马可首先告诉我们,那房子是在伯大尼——耶路撒冷城外两英里处的一个村庄。马可甚至告诉我们那是谁的房子:患麻疯的西门家。麻疯提示了他是个社会外缘的人。同时提及患麻疯的西门也强调了耶稣转化的大能。众所周知西门从前患麻疯,但现在他只是个曾经的麻疯病患者。耶稣已经医治了他——未痊愈的麻疯病人要被排除在一切社会活动之外。 |
Most scholars believe that Mark’s narrative tells the story of John 12:1-8 in a somewhat different form. “If so, Mark’s unnamed woman is Mary, sister of Martha and Lazarus, and Simon could be the father of the three.” (James Edwards, Mark, p. 413). The fact that Mary is unnamed probably continues the outsider theme – rather than focusing on her as someone on the inside circle of Jesus. |
多数学者相信马可这里叙述的就是约翰福音12:1-8的故事,只是形式上稍有不同。”如果是这样,那马可福音中的那个无名女人就是马利亚,马大的妹妹,拉撒路的姐姐,而西门可能就是他们三姐弟的父亲。“(詹姆斯·爱德华兹《马可福音注释》413页)将马利亚的名字隐去也是社会外缘人主题的延续——而不是作为耶稣核心圈内人物聚焦在她身上。 |
Why this constant note of insider vs. outsider? It establishes the surprising way that One would expect that displays of discipleship would be found with the religious elite (the scribes) or the inner circle of the disciples (like Judas). No one would expect to find a display of discipleship in this place in this house by this woman. |
为什么一直有这个圈内和圈外对比?这建立了令人惊讶的表现方式,人们会期望在宗教精英(如文士)或门徒的核心圈子(如犹大)中找到真门徒的表现。 没有人会期望在这种地方,这所房子里,由这个女人表现出真门徒的行为。 |
This note is enhanced further by the fact that the woman broke all social conventions or social etiquette in coming directly to Jesus. Male fellowship among the Jews was not supposed to be broken by the “intrusion” of women unless they were bringing and serving food. But this is not the first time or the last time in Mark’s Gospel that we see Jesus did not share the same values and ideas as the culture around him! |
当这女人违背所有社会习俗或社交礼仪,径直来到耶稣跟前,这个主音进一步加强。 除非她们带来食物并服侍,否则犹太人之间的男性团契不应该被女性的“入侵”打破。 但这不是马可福音书中的第一次或最后一次,我们看到耶稣与祂周围的社会文化没有共同的价值观和思想! |
She didn’t bring Jesus food, but worship! She came with something that the narrator says is very costly: *an alabaster flask of ointment of pure nard, very costly *(v. 3). I had to look up what “nard” is because I sure don’t have anything like it laying around the house. Nard is “an expensive aromatic oil extracted from the root of an Indian herb of the same name” (Edwards, Mark, p. 413). |
她没有给耶稣带来食物,却是敬拜! 她带来了叙述者所说的非常昂贵的东西:一瓶珍贵的纯哪哒香膏(第3节)。 我不得不查看“哪哒”是什么,因为我肯定我屋子里没有任何类似的东西。 哪哒是“一种从同名印度草本植物根部提取的昂贵芳香油”(詹姆斯·爱德华兹《马可福音注释》413页)。 |
I remember one of my friends in high school used expensive cologne. It was pretty common for girls in my class to use perfume, but none of the guys did. In fact, my only exposure to cologne was my Grandpa using Old Spice after shaving. I asked my friend what kind of cologne he used and he told me it was called “Obsession.” I made a mental note to myself that next time I went shopping I would look for some. When I finally found some (in a glass case), I saw the sticker price and I was shocked: $60! I don’t have that much in my checking account right now – let alone for cologne. I thought to myself, this would need to be an obsession for me to spend that much on cologne – they should call it dispossession (emptying your checking account). |
我记得我在高中的一个朋友使用昂贵的香水。 我们班上的女生使用香水很常见,但没有男生这样做。 事实上,我唯一接触的香水是我的爷爷在刮完胡子后使用的欧仕派。 我问我的朋友他使用了什么样的香水,他告诉我它被称为“痴迷”。我向自己暗暗下个决心,下次去购物时我会找一找这东西。 当我终于找到了(在一个玻璃柜子里),我看到了标价,我感到震惊:60美元! 我当时的支票帐户中没有那么多钱 - 更不用说古龙水了。 我心想,这对我来说需要花费很多金钱在香水上 - 它们应该被称为败家鬼(让你的银行账户空掉)。 |
If you thought $60 was expensive, wait until you hear about nard. The focus on the value of the nard is very pronounced in the narrative. In fact, the people present (presumably the disciples) immediately estimated the equivalent value to be a year’s worth of wages: could have been sold for more than three hundred denarii(v. 5). A denarii was a day’s wage for a day laborer. In modern equivalence, it would be like $25,000, not $60. Where did this woman get this valuable object? I think one commentator is exactly right in answering this question. |
如果你认为60美元是昂贵的,那么等到你听说哪哒就不觉得了。 这段叙述显然突出强调了哪哒的昂贵。 事实上,在场的人(可能是门徒)立即估计相当于一年的工资价值:可以卖三百多个银币(第5节)。 当时一个银币是劳动者一天的工钱。 换算成现代货币,它将是25,000美元,而不是60美元。 这个女人从哪里拿来这么昂贵的东西? 我认为有一位注释家在回答这个问题时是完全正确的。 |
“Women were by and large excluded from careers that afforded the possibility of earning such wages or procuring objects of such value. The nard was very probably a family heirloom, in which case it possessed a sentimental value in addition to its monetary value. Mark reports that she did not pour out the unguent but smashed the jar itself, which means the vessel could never be used again, thus symbolizing the totality of the gift.” (Edwards, Mark, 413-14). |
“妇女基本上被排除在能够获得这种工资或获得这种价值的物品的职业之外。 哪哒很可能是一个传家宝,在这种情况下,除了货币价值之外,它还具有感情价值。 马可报告称,她没有倒出药膏,而是砸碎了瓶子,这意味着器皿再也无法使用,因此象征着奉献的完整性。“(詹姆斯·爱德华兹《马可福音注释》413-14页)。 |
What also stands out here is how the disciples feel about this extravagant gift poured out upon Jesus. They are incensed and indignant. Listen to verse 4 again. |
这里一个突出的对比是门徒们如何看待这种奢侈的礼物倾注在耶稣身上。 他们感到愤怒和愤慨。 再听第4节。 |
4 There were some who said to themselves indignantly, “Why was the ointment wasted like that? |
4 有几个人很生气,彼此说:“为甚么这样浪费香膏呢? |
They are indignant and regard this act as a “waste.” Imagine the stance they are taking: why “waste” this extravagant gift on Jesus? Is he not worth it? Are they saying others would be more deserving of it? |
他们愤慨,并认为这是一种“浪费”。想象一下他们所采取的立场:为什么“浪费”这种奢侈的礼物给耶稣? 祂不值得吗? 他们是否会说其他人更应该得到它? |
5 For this ointment could have been sold for more than three hundred denarii and given to the poor.” And they scolded her. |
5 这香膏可以卖三百多个银币,用来赒济穷人。” 他们就向她发怒。 |
They do not hide their assessment. They are indignant. They regard the act as a waste of the nard and a waste of its value. They rebuked her harshly (“they scolded her”). In fact, the Greek word behind this phrase “scolded” is unusually strong (embrimaesthai). It means to flare one’s nostrils in anger (Edwards, Mark, p. 415). |
他们不掩饰他们的估价。 他们很愤怒。 他们认为这种做法浪费了哪哒香膏也浪费了它的价值。 他们严厉斥责她(“他们骂她”)。 事实上,这个“责骂”背后的希腊词语气异常强烈(embrimaesthai)。 意思是愤怒地扇动鼻翼(詹姆斯·爱德华兹《马可福音注释》415页)。 |
John 12 gives a little more detail. Judas is the one that speaks these words of indignation. |
约翰福音12章描述了更多细节。犹大就是那个责骂她的人。 |
4 But Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples (he who was about to betray him), said, 5 “Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?” 6 He said this, not because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief, and having charge of the moneybag he used to help himself to what was put into it (John 12:4-6). |
4 耶稣的一个门徒,就是那要出卖他的加略人犹大,说: 5 “为甚么不把这香膏卖三百银币,赒济穷人呢?” 6 他说这话,并不是因为他关怀穷人,而是因为他是个贼,又带着钱囊,常取其中所存的。(约翰福音12:4-6) |
I think Mark does something similar in this story with the connection between the anointing of Jesus and the betrayal of Judas. Verse 10 says “then” or “and then.” |
我想马可在这个故事中也用了类似的笔法,把耶稣的膏抹和犹大的背叛联系在一起。第10节开头用了连接词“然后”。(译注:这里中文版圣经翻译时把连接词省略了) |
10 Then Judas Iscariot, who was one of the twelve, went to the chief priests in order to betray him to them. |
10 十二门徒中的一个,就是加略人犹大,去见祭司长,要把耶稣交给他们。 |
In other words, Judas’ love for money is a motivating factor. He would have loved to get his hands on some of that money, but it was “wasted” on Jesus, so he ended up selling Jesus for some silver coins. |
换句话说,犹大对金钱的热爱是一个刺激因素。 他本来希望得到一些钱,但它被“浪费”在耶稣身上,所以他最终为了一些银币而出卖了耶稣。 |
But Jesus rebukes his disciples. They are blind to the true motives and value of this moment and all that it symbolizes. |
但是耶稣责备祂的门徒。 他们对这个时刻的真实动机和价值以及它所象征的一切视而不见。 |
6 But Jesus said, “Leave her alone. Why do you trouble her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. 7 For you always have the poor with you, and whenever you want, you can do good for them. But you will not always have me. 8 She has done what she could; she has anointed my body beforehand for burial. 9 And truly, I say to you, wherever the gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.” |
6 但耶稣说:“由她吧! 为甚么难为她呢? 她在我身上作的是一件美事。 7 你们常常有穷人跟你们在一起,只要你们愿意,随时都可以向他们行善,然而你们却不常有我。 8 她已经尽她所能的作了。她预先用香膏膏了我的身体,是为了我的安葬。 9 我实在告诉你们,福音无论传到世界上甚么地方,都要传讲这女人所作的来记念她。” |
Jesus defends her and vindicates her in the sight of the others, much like he did for the woman with the flow of blood in Mark 5 and the poor widow in Mark 12. |
耶稣在众人面前为她辩护,就像祂为马可福音5章中患血漏的女人和马可福音12章中穷寡妇所做的那样。 |
They are indignant because they think she has done a wasteful thing – Jesus says that she has done a “beautiful thing”. They can’t see the true beauty of the act because they can’t see the true value of Jesus! |
他们感到愤慨,因为他们认为她做了一件浪费的事 - 耶稣却说她做了一件“漂亮的事”。 他们无法看到这行为的真正美丽,因为他们无法看到耶稣真正的价值! |
Look at his explanation. |
请看祂的解释。 |
7 For you always have the poor with you, and whenever you want, you can do good for them. But you will not always have me. 8 She has done what she could; she has anointed my body beforehand for burial. 9 And truly, I say to you, wherever the gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.” |
7 你们常常有穷人跟你们在一起,只要你们愿意,随时都可以向他们行善,然而你们却不常有我。 8 她已经尽她所能的作了。她预先用香膏膏了我的身体,是为了我的安葬。 9 我实在告诉你们,福音无论传到世界上甚么地方,都要传讲这女人所作的来记念她。” |
They focused on what could be done for the poor. Jesus does not disregard the poor or denigrate them or say that they are unimportant. The Bible is full of commands to be generous to the poor. Jesus emphasizes that the poor will always be present in this world and there will always be opportunity to do good to them. |
他们专注于为穷人做些什么。 耶稣当然不会无视穷人或诋毁他们或说他们不重要。 圣经充满了要对穷人慷慨的命令。 耶稣强调穷人将永远存在于这个世界,并且总会有机会为他们做好事。 |
But unlike the people looking for an opportunity to betray Jesus, they should be looking for an opportunity not to do something for the poor, but something for Jesus. |
但是,与寻找机会出卖耶稣的人不同,他们应该寻找机会不为穷人做点什么,而是为耶稣做点什么。 |
He says: “But you will not always have me” (v. 7). Don’t you see the treasure you have in me – here with you right now? Jesus stresses the preeminence of himself. Don’t they recognize his inestimable worth yet? And do they not yet understand what is about to happen to him? He has been constantly telling them that he would be betrayed and murdered. Jesus says that this nard has been used to anoint his body for burial. Is there anything worth more than Jesus? Is there any greater act than his sacrifice of himself? |
他说:“然而你们却不常有我。”(第7节)。 难道你没有看到在我里面你所拥有的宝藏 - 就是当下与你同在吗? 耶稣强调自己的优越性。 难道他们不认识到祂无法估量的价值吗? 他们还不明白将要发生什么事吗? 祂一直在告诉他们祂会被出卖和谋杀。 耶稣说这个哪哒香膏已被用来膏抹祂的身体作为葬礼。 还有比耶稣更有价值的事物吗? 有没有比祂牺牲自己更伟大的行为? |
The extravagance of the gift testifies to the supreme worth of Jesus Christ. Only he is worthy of such an act. The disciples are blind to the worth of Christ’s coming sacrifice. They have not understood what he has said about why he must die and be buried and rise again. Once again, just as the woman broke and poured out her most valuable treasure – they are failing to see that God did exactly the same thing for us in the death of Jesus. God sent his only Son into the world. Why? His body will be broken. His blood poured out as a sacrifice for us. Don’t they yet understand the true treasure and worth and surpassing value of it all? That is the main point of this whole passage. People reject Jesus and abandon him because they do not recognize his supreme worth. This unnamed woman does – her extravagant gift testifies to the extravagant worth of his person and his coming sacrifice. One Cannot Rightly Respond to Jesus without Rightly Recognizing His Supreme Worth |
礼物的奢侈证明了耶稣基督至高无上的价值。 只有祂才配得上这样的献礼。 门徒们对基督牺牲的价值视而不见。 他们没有理解祂所说的为什么祂必须死,被埋葬并复活。 再一次,正如那个女人破碎并倾倒了她最宝贵的财富一样 - 他们没有看到上帝在耶稣的死中为我们做了同样的事情。 上帝派祂唯一的儿子进入世界。 为什么? 祂的身体会被破碎。 祂的宝血为我们献祭。 难道他们还不了解真正的财富和价值,并它的殊胜价值吗? 这是整段经文的重点。 人们拒绝耶稣并抛弃祂,因为他们不承认祂至高无上的价值。 这位无名的女人却做了 - 她的昂贵礼物证明了祂的高贵价值和祂即将到来的牺牲。 如果没有正确地认识到耶稣至高无上的价值,就不能正确回应祂。 |
And here this Scripture is fulfilled in our midst. Jesus said that what they regarded with anger as a waste, will actually be celebrated for all of history in all the nations – even here in Minnesota. Whenever the gospel is preached (the message of true value), what she has done will be commemorated and celebrated throughout the world for all of history like we are doing right now. Jesus is worthy – he must have first place – the name above every name among every nation in every language. |
在这里,这段经文在我们中间得以实现。 耶稣说,他们认为是一种浪费而愤慨的事,实际上将为所有国家的历史 - 包括在这里明尼苏达州 - 所庆祝。 无论什么时候传福音(真实价值的信息),她所做的一切都将在世界各地纪念和庆祝,就像我们现在正在做的那样。 耶稣是配得的 - 祂必须拥有第一名 - 祂的名在一切邦族一切方言中都高于万名之上。 |
Application |
应用 |
There are a few applications for this passage. |
这段经文有几点应用 |
1. What Matters in Giving is The Heart of Worship |
1. 奉献最关键的是敬拜之心 |
We can start with one of the most immediate first – that is, the connection Mark makes between the poor unnamed widow in chapter 12 and the unnamed woman in Mark 14. The similarity between Jesus’ response to the poor widow and to this unnamed woman is striking, even though the circumstances and value of the gift they gave is so different. |
我们可以从最直接的第一个开始 - 也就是说,马可福音第12章中贫穷的无名寡妇和马可福音14章中无名女人之间的联系。耶稣对穷寡妇和这个无名女人的回应之间的相似性是引人注目的,虽然她们奉献的情况和价值是如此不同。 |
Mark 12:43-44 |
马可福音12:43-44 |
43 And he called his disciples to him and said to them, “Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. 44 For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.” |
耶稣把门徒叫过来,对他们说:“我实在告诉你们,这穷寡妇投入库里的,比众人投的更多。 44 因为他们都是把自己剩余的投入,这寡妇是自己不足,却把她一切所有的,就是全部养生的,都投进去了。”
Mark 14:7-9 |
马可福音14:7-9 |
7 For you always have the poor with you, and whenever you want, you can do good for them. But you will not always have me. 8 She has done what she could; she has anointed my body beforehand for burial. 9 And truly, I say to you, wherever the gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.” |
7 你们常常有穷人跟你们在一起,只要你们愿意,随时都可以向他们行善,然而你们却不常有我。 8 她已经尽她所能的作了。她预先用香膏膏了我的身体,是为了我的安葬。 9 我实在告诉你们,福音无论传到世界上甚么地方,都要传讲这女人所作的来记念她。” |
Both unnamed woman gave what they had. The poor widow gave what she had (two copper coins). The unnamed woman gave what she could (a year’s worth of wages). The similarities and the differences are striking. Both gave what they had to give (similarity), but the amount was vastly different. But even though the value was different (a penny vs. about $25,000), Jesus’ commendation and celebration is so similar. He celebrates both. Here is the lesson. The material value (financial cost) does not matter to Jesus as much as the heart value (giving that comes from treasuring God). God loves a cheerful giver. |
两位无名的女人都献上了她们所拥有的全部。 穷寡妇给了她所拥有的财产(两个铜币)。 这位无名的女人尽其所能(价值一年的工资)。 相似之处和不同之处是惊人的。 两者都给出了她们拥有的全部(相似性),但数量却大不相同。 但即使价值不同(一分钱与约25,000美元),耶稣的表彰和庆祝却是如此相似。 祂对二者都庆祝。 这就是教导的要点。 对于耶稣而言,物质价值(财务成本)与内心的价值没有相关性(奉献当出自珍爱上帝的心)。 上帝喜欢甘心乐意的奉献者。 |
It comes back to our earlier sermons on giving and the widow’s mite. Financial giving has to flow from a heart that sees the true worth of Jesus Christ. No financial giving is too extravagant for Jesus and no financial gift is too meager to matter to Jesus when done with a heart that worships him. It is done with a heart of worship. |
这让我们回到早先的讲道,关于奉献和寡妇的一分钱。 经济上的奉献必须从一颗看到耶稣基督真正价值的心灵中流出。 对于耶稣来说,任何经济上的奉献都不会过于奢侈,当用一颗崇拜祂的心完成时,没有任何经济上的奉献对耶稣来说太微不足道了。 这是出自一颗崇拜的心。 |
What a contrast with Judas. Judas stops following Jesus – not just deserting him, but sacrificing him (selling his relationship with Jesus) for the god of money. The woman worships Jesus as God and pours out her most precious earthly treasure upon the greatest heavenly treasure. |
这与犹大形成鲜明对比。 犹大不再跟随耶稣 - 不仅仅是抛弃祂,而是为金钱之神牺牲祂(出卖他与耶稣的关系)。 无名女人尊崇耶稣为上帝,并将她最宝贵的地上财宝倾注在最伟大的天上宝藏之上。 |
Are you giving? Is your giving a sacrifice of praise – does the fragrance of prayer fill your heart and fill the room when the offering plates go by? Giving shows that money is not a god, but becomes part of our worship of God. There is a reason it is part of the worship service! |
你在奉献吗? 你的奉献是一种赞美的献祭吗 ?- 在奉献篮经过你面前时,祈祷的馨香是否充满了你的内心,并充满了整个大堂? 奉献表明金钱不是上帝,而是成为我们敬拜上帝的一部分。 奉献作为崇拜的一个环节是有原因的! |
2. Believers: Warning for Watchfulness |
2. 信徒们:关于警醒的警示 |
The insider/outsider contrast also functions as a warning. The fact that Judas was “one of the Twelve” (14:10, 20) demonstrates that proximity to Jesus is no guarantee of anything. In fact, those closest to Jesus (the 12) are called to greater watchfulness (Mark 13:33-36). Judas has seen more of Jesus’ mighty acts and perfect life and he uses all that familiarity as a way to betray Jesus. (this paragraph was influenced by James Edwards’ commentary – p. 412). In fact, we learn later that it cannot be stressed enough how heinous this action is . |
圈内/圈外人的对比也起警示作用。 犹大是“十二门徒之一”(14:10,20)这一事实表明,与耶稣接近并不保证任何事情。 事实上,那些最接近耶稣(12门徒)的人被呼召要更加警惕(马可福音13:33-36)。 犹大看到耶稣更多的大能作为和完美的生命,他利用自己对耶稣的熟悉和了解来背叛耶稣。 (这一段得益于詹姆斯爱德华兹的注释 - 第412页)。 事实上,我们后来才知道,这种行为是多么令人发指,再怎么强调都不为过。 |
21 For the Son of Man goes as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been better for that man if he had not been born. |
21 正如经上指着人子所说的,他固然要离世,但出卖人子的那人有祸了! 他没有生下来还好。(马可福音14:21) |
Do you supremely value, the supremely valuable? Christian, is your familiarity and nearness to the things of Jesus causing you to be less vigilant and feel less urgency to watch and pray that your soul would continue to treasure him above all else? |
你是否无与伦比地珍视拥有至高无上价值的那一位? 基督徒,你对耶稣的熟悉和接近,有没有使你不再那么警惕,不再紧迫地警醒并祈祷你的灵魂将继续珍惜祂高于一切? |
3. Non-Believers: Is the Cross a Waste or a Treasure? |
3. 非信徒们:十字架是废物还是珍宝? |
Non-Christian – the choice before you is stunning and staggering in its eternal significance. You can regard the most extravagant price ever paid in history, as either a wasteful thing or a beautiful thing. Did Jesus pour out his blood for nothing? Or do you see the price paid for your salvation and receive it as something beautiful so that you will worship Jesus for it for all eternity and never tire of singing: Worthy is the Lamb who was slain – |
非基督徒 - 摆在你面前的选择有着令人惊叹的意义,关乎永恒的生命。 你可以将历史上最高昂的代价,要么视为一种浪费,要么视为一种极美的事。 耶稣的血是白流的吗? 抑或你看到祂为你的救恩所付的代价,把它视为极美的事,以便你永远敬拜耶稣,永不疲倦地歌唱:被杀的羔羊配得 - |
4. Worship as Goal and Fuel for Missions: |
4. 敬拜是宣教使命的目标和动力 |
Christians, do you rightly value the spread of the gospel to all nations? Missions exists because worship doesn’t. We want our worship of Jesus to extend to all the peoples. We will not sing Worthy is the Lamb who was slain by ourselves. Part of the Praise is that the Lamb who was slain is worthy “for by your blood you purchased people for God from every tribe and tongue and people and nation” (Rev. 5:9). |
基督徒,你是否正确地重视福音在万国的传扬? 敬拜缺如之处便是使命所向之处。 我们希望我们对耶稣的敬拜能泽及万民。 我们自己不会唱歌被杀的羔羊是配得。 赞美的一部分是,被杀的羔羊是值得的“因为你曾被杀,曾用你的血, 从各支派、各方言、各民族、各邦国, 把人买了来归给 神”(启示录5:9)。 |
Sermon Discussion Questions |
讲道讨论问题 |
Sermon Text: Mark 14:1-11 |
讲道经文:马可福音14:1-11 |
Sermon Title: The Supreme Worth of Jesus Christ |
讲道标题:耶稣基督至高无上的价值 |
Main Point: One Cannot Rightly Respond to Jesus without Rightly Recognizing His Supreme Worth |
要点:如果没有正确地认识到耶稣至高无上的价值,就不能正确回应祂。 |
Outline |
纲要 |
1. The Plot Against Jesus (1-2) |
1. 谋害耶稣(1-2节) |
2. The Worship of Jesus (3-9) |
2. 敬拜耶稣(3-9节) |
3. The Plot Against Jesus (10-11) |
3. 谋害耶稣(10-11节) |
Discussion Questions |
讨论问题 |
1. How does the sandwich structure of the passage help us interpret the point of the passage? |
1. 这段经文的三明治结构如何帮助我们解读经文的要点? |
2. How does Mark set up the stories as a contrast between insiders and outsiders? Why does he do that? |
2. 马可如何在故事中对比圈内和圈外人?为什么他要这样做? |
3. Why are the disciples indignant with what the woman did? How does Jesus correct them? |
3. 为什么门徒对那女人所做的不高兴?耶稣如何纠正他们? |
4. How was this passage actually fulfilled in church today? |
4. 这段经文如何在今天的教会付诸实践? |
5. How is the giving of the poor unnamed widow in Mark 12 both similar and different to the giving of the unnamed woman in Mark 14? How does Jesus respond in similar ways to them? What does that say about what Jesus values in giving? |
5. 马可福音12章中贫穷无名的寡妇和14章中无名的女人有什么异同点?耶稣对她们的反应有什么相似之处?这说明耶稣看重奉献的什么要素? |
Application Questions |
应用问题 |
1. Are you giving? Does your giving come from a heart of worship? How can you grow in this regard? |
1. 你奉献吗?你的奉献是出自奉献的心吗?你可以在这方面如何成长? |
2. Are you keeping watch over heart when it comes to how you treasure and value Jesus? What earthly idols must be cast down this week so that Christ may have first place? |
2. 在如何珍视珍爱耶稣这方面,你如何在内心保持警醒?在这周你有什么属世的偶像需要铲除才能让基督在你心中居首位? |
3. What part does missions have in your heart? How is the spread of the gospel connected to your worship of Jesus? |
3. 你心中有宣教使命的哪些部分?传扬福音与你敬拜耶稣有什么关联? |
Prayer Focus |
祷告聚焦 |
Pray for a grace to rightly respond to Jesus by rightly recognizing his supreme worth. |
祈求恩典,因着正确地认识耶稣至高无上的价值而正确地回应祂。 |