Four Steps to Defeating the Gian

Four Steps to Defeating the Gian

作者: 671 | 来源:发表于2018-02-22 11:18 被阅读16次

Four Steps to Defeating the Giants


Feb 21, 2018

“You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty . . . This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands . . . and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel” (1 Samuel 17:45-46 NIV).

“大卫对非利士人说:‘你来攻击我,是靠着刀枪和铜矛,但我来攻击你,是靠着万军之耶和华的名,就是你所辱骂、带领以色列军队的 神。今日耶和华必将你交在我手里。我必杀你,砍下你的头,今日我要把非利士军兵的尸体给空中的飞鸟和地上的野兽,使全地的人都知道以色列中有 神。’”(撒上17:45-46 和修)

How do you defeat the giants that are keeping you from being the man God wants you to be? How do you defeat the fears that keep you from being the woman God wants you to be?


If you want to be a person of great faith with a great dream and a great life work, you do the very things that David did to defeat the giants of delay, discouragement, disapproval, and doubt.


1. Remember how God has helped you in the past.

1. 记住上帝在过去是如何帮助的你。

David says in 1 Samuel 17:37, “The Lord who rescued me from the claws of the lion and the bear will rescue me from this Philistine!” (NLT).


When you remember the ways that God has helped you in the past, it gives you confidence for the future.


2. Use the tools that God has given you now.

2. 使用上帝现在所给你的工具。

David used the tools that God provided that utilized his strengths: “Then Saul gave David his own armor . . . ‘I can’t go in these,’ he protested to Saul. ‘I’m not used to them.’ So David took them off again. He picked up five smooth stones from a stream and put them into his shepherd’s bag” (1 Samuel 17:38-40 NLT).

大卫使用了上帝给他提供的工具,得以发挥它的力量。“扫罗把自己的战衣给大卫穿上……就对扫罗说:‘我穿戴这些不能走路,因为我没有试过。’于是他脱下身上的这些军装。他手中拿杖,又在溪中挑选了五块光滑的石子,放在袋里,就是牧人带的囊里,手里拿着甩石的机弦,迎向那非利士人。”(撒上17:38-40 和修)

Don’t wait for something you don’t have — such as money, education, or connections. Use the tools God has already given you to face your giants with confidence.


3. Ignore the dreambusters.

3. 无视梦想家。

Later in life, when others were speaking against him, David had to encourage himself in the Lord: “David was seriously worried, for in their bitter grief for their children, his men began talking of killing him. But David took strength from the Lord” (1 Samuel 30:6 TLB).

后来,当其他人说话反对他的时候,大卫不得不在主里鼓励自己:“大卫非常焦急,因为众百姓为自己的儿女痛心,说要用石头打死他。大卫却倚靠耶和华-他的 神,坚定自己。”(撒上30:6 和修)

When you encourage yourself in the Lord, it’s not just a positive mental attitude. There is a bedrock trust in God’s grace, provision, security, and power.


4. Expect God to help you for his glory.

4. 在它的荣耀里期待上帝的帮助。

David stormed the battlefield, shouting, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty . . . This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands . . . and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel” (1 Samuel 17:45-46 NIV).

大卫在战场上猛烈攻击,喊道,“你来攻击我,是靠着刀枪和铜矛,但我来攻击你,是靠着万军之耶和华的名,就是你所辱骂、带领以色列军队的 神。今日耶和华必将你交在我手里。我必杀你,砍下你的头,今日我要把非利士军兵的尸体给空中的飞鸟和地上的野兽,使全地的人都知道以色列中有 神。”(撒上17:45-46 和修)

I made this decision when I was a young man. On the mountains of Northern California one night, I got down on my knees and said, “God, I’m not the smartest guy, the best educated, or the most talented. But I’m going to trust you. And I will do anything, anytime, anywhere in faith, even when it doesn’t make sense to me.” And what an adventure my life has been!


I stand up and speak to a crowd every week that is about five times bigger than the town I grew up in. I’m a country boy — with a slingshot.


God will use anybody who will trust him and expect to be used by him — not because of who you are, but for his glory.


Talk It Over


What “giants” are standing between you and your dream?


Think of the tools that God has given you to accomplish your task. How are you using them to their full extent?


How do you want to be used by God? Do you expect him to do it?




      本文标题:Four Steps to Defeating the Gian
