A butterfly

A butterfly

作者: 南乐百合 | 来源:发表于2017-03-10 11:40 被阅读0次
A butterfly

You are a little butterfly

Joyfully flys into my heart

With flowers and so much warmth

There I wait for you till the end

You come and go

Stays only for a brief period of time

But I can always hear your laughter

I can always smell you

A aromatic baby butterfly

A butterfly

You are a little butterfly

Peacefully flys into my mind

With love and so much hope

There I will hold your hands tight

You said you would come back

Stay as close as you can

So I can always be lightened up by your smile

I will always be by your side

You are a rose garden to me

One day

I will be in it as a butterfly

A butterfly


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