

作者: 唐三战神 | 来源:发表于2022-01-31 15:44 被阅读0次





Journey to the west is an outstanding fairy tale novel in ancient China. It can also be said to be a fairy tale. Whether it is the monkey king with 72 changes, the pig Bajie who is lazy and greedy, or the gods and demons who show their magic powers, it is so kind, credible and vivid in our eyes, so it has greatly stimulated our imagination, And imagination is the most precious thing in people. The development and progress of society are inseparable from human rich and unique imagination.

Of course, the author has rich imagination and vivid language. And created a very personalized and well-known image of Monkey King, Tang monk, pig Bajie and Tang monk.

Monkey King is loyal, jealous of evil, brave, rebellious, yearning for freedom and good at forbearance. Monkey King was born. Monkey king was born in Huaguo Mountain, Aolai country, Dongsheng Shenzhou in the Saha world. He was born from the immortal stone since its opening up. However, the immortal stone is not without origin. It is located on the ancestral vein of ten continents and three islands. Its high circumference is based on 24 Qi, and its upper orifices correspond to nine palaces and eight trigrams. Therefore, the monkey king has developed a skill. Protect Tang monk to obtain scriptures.

In a sense, as people grow up, they wear on their heads. Hoop spell. It's more. Reading Journey to the West may help you form some of the pride and fighting spirit of dare to ask where the road is.


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