1. cut back on 节约开支
2. save a bundle 省下不少钱
※ little bundle 小婴儿
3. belt-tightening 勒紧裤腰带
tighten your belt
4. the lesser of two evils 两害相权之轻者
※ better the devil you know
5. out of the question 不可能
※ out of place 不协调,格格不入, out of reach 拿不到,out of order 不按顺序,出故障..
6. between a rock and a hard place 进退两难
※ between the devil and the blue sea
7. the name of the game 问题的关键
e.g. Hard work is the name of the game if you want to succeed in business.
8. bat around some ideas 讨论问题
※ bounce some ideas off
e.g. We've been batting the idea around for a few years.
9. until one is blue in the face 直到面色发青
10. spare sb sth
Spare me the sob story 别跟我说那哭哭啼啼的故事了。(别卖惨了)
Spare me the gory details. 别跟我讲那些骇人听闻的细节了。
※ <五道口> spare sb’s feelings 照顾感受
11. pull one's weight 尽全力做好分内工作
e.g. You're going to have to start pulling your weight.
12. cut someone some slack 放某人一马
e.g. Cut him a little slack – his father just died.
13. run a tight ship 管理有方;严加控制
e.g. The boss runs a tight ship.
14. shape up or ship out 不好好干就卷铺盖
e.g. He is late again, tell him to shape up or ship out.
15. on the dot 准时;在指定时刻
e.g. The taxi showed up on the dot.
16. don't waste your breath 别白费口舌了
e.g. Don’t waste your breath arguing with him.
17. last straw 最后一根稻草
e.g. This is the last straw. I quit!
18. slave driver 奴隶主(形容非常苛刻)
e.g. My boss is a slave driver.
19. burn one's bridges (注意有s) 过河拆桥
e.g. Oh, she's known for burning bridges. No one in her last job even talks to her.
20. out of the loop 圈外人(想起妙玉“槛外人”)
21. according to the rumor mill 谣言说...
22. make a pass at 吃豆腐
※<五道口>make a move on,hit on,take advantage of
23. up to one's old tricks 老把戏
e.g. Our boss is up to his old tricks.
24. on the make
① 谋取钱财/权力 I believed his story, but Jen thought he was just on the make.
② 求欢 She is a beautiful woman who's often approached by guys on the make.
25. get nailed 被逮住
26. take the cake/biscuit(英) 空前惊人,极其讨厌
e.g. You've done some silly things, but this one really takes the cake!
27. What goes around comes around 天道有轮回,苍天绕过谁
※ Karma is a bitch
28. she'll get hers 会有报应的
29. tell sb off 训斥某人
※ chew sb out
30. go off 闹钟/警报等发出响声
※ set off 触发...
31. latest dirt 最新爆料
※ tidbit ,scoop
e.g. I heard an interesting tidbit about Howard and Bernadette.
e.g. I got the inside scoop on his new girlfriend. 我得知有关他新女友的最新内幕消息。
1. slave driver 重音在前
2. recommend 重音在后