机器学习:4.2 欠拟合和过拟合 Underfitting &

机器学习:4.2 欠拟合和过拟合 Underfitting &

作者: Cache_wood | 来源:发表于2022-04-14 11:43 被阅读0次


    • Training error: model error on the training data
    • Generalization error: model error on new data
    training error
    Low High
    generalization Low Good Bug?
    error High Overfitting Underfitting
    data complexity
    Low High
    model Low Normal Underfitting
    complexity High Overfitting Normal

    Model Complexity

    • The capacity of a set of function to fit data points

    • In ML, model complexity usually refers to:

      • The number of learnable parameters

      • The value range for those parameters

    • It’s hard to compare between different types of ML models

      • E.g. trees vs neural network
    • More precisely measure of complexity: VC dimension

      • VC dim for classification model:
        the maximum number of examples the model can shatter

    Data Complexity

    • Multiple factors matters

      • of examples

      • of features in each example

      • the separability of the classes

    • Again, hard to compare among very different data

      • E.g a char vs a pixel
    • More precisely, Kolmogorov complexity

      • A data is simple if it can be generated by a short program

    Generalization error

    • Generalization error bound (an informal statement)

      |error on unseen data - training error|\leq \sqrt{\frac{D}{N}(\log(\frac{2N}{D})+1)}

      • D: VC-dim, M: number of training examples
    • Generalization error also depends on the training algorithm

      • Adding regularization can penalize complex models

      • Model trained with stochastic gradient methods generalizes better

    Model Selection

    • Pick a model with a proper complexity for your data
      • Minimize the generalization error
      • Also consider business metrics
    • Pick up a model family, then select proper hyper-parameters
      • Trees: #trees, maximal depths
      • Neural networks: architecture, depth (#layers), width (#hidden units), regularizations


    • We care about generalization error
    • Model complexity: the ability to fit various functions
    • Data complexity: the richness of information
    • Model selection: match model and data complexities



        本文标题:机器学习:4.2 欠拟合和过拟合 Underfitting &
