自 现象级英语

原句: Emmanuel Macron imposed a 9pm curfew on Paris and eight other French cities, saying that this was not the time for conviviality.欢乐的时候
X did something,saying that Y.
what, why
造句:The startup laid off a quarter of its employees, saying that it was hit hard by covid-19. 创业公司裁掉四分之一的员工,解释说是因为受到疫情打击太大。

1 这段话:解释做法,给出原因
2 套用上文的句式paraphrase:The commission cancelled the second debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, the presidential candidates, saying that the health risks were too great.


原句:The urge of the old to lament the folly of the young is as ancient as civlization (itself). 老年人数落年轻人愚蠢,这种冲动跟文明本身一样古老。
主干:The urge is as ancient as civilization.
句式:X is as ancient as civilization itself.
造句:The desire to be beautiful is as ancient as civilization itself. 爱美之心由来已久
The pursuit of beauty is as ancient as civilization itself.
同义替换:desire, yearning, wish, longing, pursuit

Q& A
1 学术写作:多读这类作品,如academic papers, book reviews, 把自己浸泡在这种文风里
2 口语化:不确定的情况查字典,或用Google问 是否正式 formal or informal
3 频率:每天一个句子就已经够了。Don't overwhelm yourself. 质比量更重要
4 推荐的资源:manchester phrasebank