

作者: Sherry92 | 来源:发表于2017-09-13 12:21 被阅读0次









开头段:(背景描述)The issue of whether possession is playing a key role in one's happiness is a hot-debated one,(话题引入)with many people taking the attitude that the more possessions you have, the happier you would become.(表明观点)However, I believe people would feel happier with fewer possessions by leading a simple life in this complicated world.

(背景描述)The issue of death penalty is an emotional one, with many people taking the attitude that it needs to be used both often and swiftly to deter crime. Others believe that in a so-called "civilized" society, the death penalty is little more than barbarism.(表明观点)From my own perspective, the death penalty can never be put into practice.

(背景描述)Watching movies could be an effective way to escape from daily burdens temporarily and enjoy a moment of leisure and fun. Thus, this means of recreation is popular among the masses. (话题引入)Some viewers prefer to see a movie in the cinema. Others insist that it is a better choice to see a movie at home. (表明观点) As far as I am concerned, it could be more advantageous to go to the cinema.

结尾段:(衔接词)In a word,(重申观点) an effective leader is supposed to be one who makes everyone else count.(总结分论点)The feeling of unimportance could only undermine people's passion to work. As long as all team members know that they are included in the decision-making process, they would undoubtedly become more devoted to their duties. Working efficiency might be improved in the meantime. This perfectly explains how the art of leadership functions.

(衔接词)To conclude,(重申观点) I believe that a new movie theater is a fine idea.(总结分论点)I support it because of the changes it will bring to our citizens and our town. I believe that the reduction in crime, the increase in employment, and the improved infrastructure will make our town a nicer place to live.

(衔接词)To sum up,(重申观点) there is no need to completely prohibit the teachers from presenting their favorable views in class.(总结分论点)Students deserve the right to learn more than knowledge in class. In most cases, good mental influences produced by the teachers might be more valuable to their future development. Therefore, teachers should be encouraged to guide their students in an extensive manner.


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