一口毒奶 03

作者: IT界汤哥看世界 | 来源:发表于2020-04-26 18:01 被阅读0次


Efforts will never be in vain. The seeds planted today are places you can't see or think of. They take root quietly. Without your efforts, no one can give you the life you want. The harder you work, the luckier you will be.


The bird on the tree is never afraid of breaking the branch, because it believes not the branch, but its own wings. Instead of worrying about the future every day, it is better to try to live in the present.


In any case, life must continue. Sometimes, injury and failure are not necessarily bad things. They will make you better. So will loneliness and loss. Everything will become a good thing, as long as you can go to the end.


If you're not good enough, contacts are worthless. They're not sought after, but attracted. Only an equivalent exchange can reasonably help - it sounds cold, but it's true.


All unhappy things in the world depend on strong shoulders, accept growth, accept all unhappy parting! What don't you need to prove to someone who isn't worth it? Life is better for you.


The strong is not necessarily the strong. A really intelligent person knows how to make himself aggrieved and seek perfection. Hard and easy to break, soft and easy to grow, willfulness is your biggest enemy. We should learn to improve our personality, control our emotions, and do nothing more than willfulness. It's a bit painful, but if you want to succeed, remember that mature people do what they should do , not just what they like.


The most important thing in life is to know yourself, know your goal, direction and strength, but don't care how others evaluate you, just to see a better self.


There is no natural luck in this world, only the accumulation of past efforts. When you work hard to a certain extent, luck will meet you by chance.


Three sentences condense life! The first sentence: your responsibility is your direction, your experience is your capital, your character is your destiny, the second sentence: simply do complex things, that is, experts; repeatedly do simple things, that is, experts; seriously do repeated things, that is, winners, the third sentence: good belongs to self-confidence, opportunities belong to developers, miracles belong to perseverance.


Try all the meaningful things because you don't know what kind of things or people will change your life.


  • 一口毒奶 03


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    本文标题:一口毒奶 03
