一口毒奶 04

作者: IT界汤哥看世界 | 来源:发表于2020-04-26 18:03 被阅读0次


    1、 If someone cares about you depending on whether he is busy or not, it's good to be an ordinary friend. The best thing in life is to be able to serve people with what you have created when you stop living. If you love me, I will always be with you; if you don't love me, I will give you freedom.


    2、 Fate is just the loser's boring comfort, but the coward's mockery. People's future can only be determined by their own will and efforts. Bitterness is life; tiredness is work; change is destiny; forbearance is experience; tolerance is wisdom; Quietness is cultivation; giving up is gain; doing is possession.


    3、 Everyone has at least one dream and one reason to be strong. Walking on the road, is light or heavy, heart can feel. Life's fate, is bitter is sweet, is cold is warm, footsteps know. In the quiet of the night, playing with the heart full of scars, it contains struggle and desire. Wake up in the morning, the sun rises again, the road is still extending. No matter when, no matter how tired, dare not lose, do not fall down, only because there is desire in the heart.


    4、 Life is not perfect, there are bitter tears, regret of missing, deep resentment, regret of regret. Life is also very perfect, always let us laugh in tears, regret in epiphany, resentment in hiding, hate in love. To see whether life is perfect, we should ignore those imperfections and enlarge those possible perfections. As long as your heart is perfect, the world is perfect. So what we cultivate is a heart that loves the world.


    5、 The scenery is beautiful because of passing by. Fate, because of the efforts and wonderful! Days, in busy in the enrichment; life, in the simple meal in the fragrance; life, in the ups and downs of experience. As long as you treat it with your heart, every day is happy!


    6、 People slander you because you are good. Others use you to show that you are valuable. If you are envied, you are ahead of him. You are very influential when others beat you with words. So don't be angry. Be happy. Don't be sad. Break through.


    7、 With ideals and goals, we can gather enough strength to rush forward; with courage and confidence, we can work hard and never relax; with perseverance and perseverance, we can never give up; with strength and energy, we can see a bright future.


    8、 One has at least one dream and one reason to be strong. Tears will not flow into the ocean after all, and people will always grow up. After years of honing, everyone may have a pair of shining wings, in their own years cocoon into a butterfly.


    9、 Whatever it is, moderation is beauty. People's hearts are peaceful only when they are far away from each other; time is suitable when they are thick and thin. Scenery should be viewed from a long distance to be beautiful; human feelings should be indifferent to be long-term. Life is more insipid and lasting. Only by leaving white can we live far away. The most beautiful thing in life is to understand the distance, grasp the scale, and know how to advance and retreat.


    10、 In the world of life, you can lack money, but not morality; you can lose words, but not faith; you can fall, but not kneel; you can seek names, but not steal names; you can fall, but not degenerate; you can relax, but not indulge; you can be vain, but not hypocritical; you can be ordinary, but not mediocre; you can be romantic, but not dissolute; you can be angry, but not have a life 。 Take this good advice and share it with you.

    十一、 每天都给自己一句鼓励的话,每天都制定一个必须达到的目标,每天减少一些无谓的抱怨,生活就会充实一些,与梦想的距离也就更近一些。

    11、 Give yourself a word of encouragement every day, set a goal that must be achieved every day, reduce some meaningless complaints every day, life will be more substantial, and the distance with the dream will be closer.

    十二、 女孩子,拥有独立的人格,懂得照顾好自己,在事情处理妥帖后能尽情享受生活,不常倾述,自己的苦难自己有能力消释,不因小事随便发脾气久久不能释怀,内心强大而能生出一种体恤式的温柔,不被廉价的言论和情感煽动,坚持自己的判断不后悔。愿你成为这样的人,一个最棒的女人。

    12、 Girls, with independent personality, know how to take good care of themselves, can enjoy life fully after things are handled properly, don't often tell, they have the ability to relieve their suffering, don't lose their temper for a long time because of small things, have a strong heart and can produce a kind of compassionate softness, don't be incited by cheap speech and emotion, and insist on their own judgment and don't regret. May you be such a person, the best woman.

    十三、 眼泪不是我们的答案,拼搏才是我们的选择。让我们全心全意地收获生活的每一天,在平凡的日子里感受生命的美好,在耕耘里感受劳动的快乐和收获的期待。

    13、 Tears are not our answer. Fighting is our choice. Let us wholeheartedly harvest every day of life, feel the beauty of life in ordinary days, and feel the joy of labor and the expectation of harvest in cultivation.

    十四、 生命只有走出来的精彩,沒有等待出来的辉煌;埋怨,只是一种懦弱的表现;努力,才是人生的态度!实力代表尊严!

    14、 Life only comes out of the brilliant, not waiting for the brilliant; complain, just a cowardly performance; hard work, is the attitude of life! Strength represents dignity!

    十五、 成功没有捷径,把时间和精力,放在该做的事情上,而非抱怨,而非空想,只有努力才会遇到更好的自己。

    15、 There is no shortcut to success. Focus your time and energy on what you should do instead of complaining rather than dreaming. Only by working hard can you meet a better self.

    十六、 低头走路的人只看到大地的厚重,却忽略了高空的高远;抬头走路的人,只看到高空的广阔,却忽略了脚下的艰辛与险峻。不去惦记得失,不去顾虑成败,面对生活,从容、镇静,无论结果如何,笑脸相迎,乐观对待,即使,前途渺茫,道路曲折,依然坚信,路,就在脚下。

    16、 People who walk with their heads down only see the heaviness of the earth, but ignore the height of the sky; people who walk with their heads up only see the vastness of the sky, but ignore the hardships and precipities under their feet. Don't worry about gain and loss, don't worry about success or failure, face life calmly and calmly, no matter what the result is, smile and be optimistic, even if the future is slim and the road is tortuous, still believe that the road is at the foot



        本文标题:一口毒奶 04
