

作者: yangzming | 来源:发表于2019-03-01 11:24 被阅读0次

    1.7 ERC-1404 简单受限制Token标准

    • 标题:简单受限制Token标准(Simple Restricted Token Standard)
    • 需要的其他标准: None
    • 状态: Draft
    • 官方地址

    1.7.1 概述


    1.7.2 摘要

    当前的ERC Token标准为社区提供了一个平台,在这个平台上开发一个分布式的经济模型,专注于为真实世界构建Ethereum应用程序。随着这些应用程序的成熟并面临消费者的采用,它们开始与公司治理需求以及法规进行交互。它们不仅必须能够满足企业和监管要求,还必须能够与支撑其关联业务的技术平台进行集成。


    1.7.3 动机

    Token发行者需要一种方法来限制ERC-20 Token的转让,以符合证券法和其他合同义务。当前的实现没有解决这些需求。


    • 强制令牌锁定期
    • 执行通过AML/KYC检查
    • 私人房地产投资信托
    • 特拉华州普通公司法股份





    1.7.4 说明


    contract ERC1404 is ERC20 {
      function detectTransferRestriction (address from, address to, uint256 value) public view returns (uint8);
      function messageForTransferRestriction (uint8 restrictionCode) public view returns (string);




    1.7.5 原理


    1. detectTransferRestriction - 在此函数中,发行者强制执行其Token转移的限制逻辑。这方面的一些示例可能包括,检查Token接收人是否在白名单中,检查发送方的Token是否在锁定期间冻结,等等。由于实现由发行者决定,因此此函数仅用于标准化应该在何处启动此类逻辑的执行。此外,第三方可以公开调用此函数来检查转移的预期结果。因为这个函数返回的是uint8类型,而不是布尔值或直接返回,所以它允许函数调用者知道传输失败的原因,并将其报告给相关的对手方。
    2. messageForTransferRestriction - 这个函数实际上是message的访问器,它是一种人类可读的解释,解释了交易为什么受到限制。通过标准化消息查找,我们使用户界面构建器能够有效地向用户报告错误。

    1.7.6 实现示例


    1.8 ERC-1450 用于发行和交易符合SEC规定的证券的兼容安全Token

    • 标题:用于发行和交易符合SEC规定的证券的兼容安全Token
    • 需要的其他标准: ERC-20
    • 状态: Draft
    • 官方地址

    1.8.1 概述


    目前还没有一种象征性的标准能够明确地促进证券法律和相关法规的符合性。ERC-20标准不支持融资门户、经纪商、RTA和投资者的受监管角色,也不支持银行保密法/美国爱国者法KYC和AML要求。其他改进(尤其是EIP-1404(简单限制Token标准))试图解决KYC和AML的监管要求。这种方法很新颖,因为RTA完全负责执行KYC和AML,并且应该完全负责transferFrom, mint和burnFrom。

    1.8.2 摘要

    ERC-1450有助于根据证券法法规CF, D和A的规定记录所售证券的所有权和转让。证券的发行和交易受证券交易委员会(SEC)和美国各州具体的蓝天法律法规的约束。


    1.8.3 需求


    ERC-1450必须防止任何人执行transferallowanceapprove功能和/或实现这些功能总是失败。ERC-1450更新transferFrommintburnFrom函数。transferFrommintburnFrom只能由RTA执行,且受onlyIssuerTransferAgent修饰符的限制。另外,ERC-1450定义了transferOwnershipsetTransferAgentsetPhysicalAddressOfOperation, isTransferAgent等函数。只有发行者可以调用transferOwnershipsetTransferAgentsetPhysicalAddressOfOperation函数。任何人都可以调用isTransferAgent函数。 发行方和RTA

    出于遵从性的原因,ERC-1450构造函数必须指定发行者(所有者)、RTA (transferAgent)、安全性的名称和安全性的符号。

    Issuer Owned



    Issuer Controlled

    IssuerControlled通过拥有合约来维护发行者对其证券的所有权,并使发行者能够设置和更新发行者证券的RTA。ERC-1450的构造函数必须具有一个IssuerControlled的修饰符,其发行者在其ERC-1450构造函数中指定。IssuerControlled实例化ERC-1450的onlyIssuerTransferAgent修饰符,以使特定函数(setPhysicalAddressOfOperation和setTransferAgent)只允许发行方执行这些函数。 注册转移代理控制(Register Transfer Agent Controlled)


    ERC-1450必须在其构造函数中指定transferAgent,并实例化onlyIssuerTransferAgent修饰符,以使特定的函数(transferFrom、mint和burnFrom)只允许发行者的transferAgent地址来执行它们。ERC-1450还定义了公共函数isTransferAgent来查找和标识发行者的RTA。 证券

    ERC-1450通过应用onlyIssuerTransferAgent来更新transferFrommintburnFrom功能,以支持证券的发行、再发行和交易。 证券交易委员会规定



    私人投资者的信息绝对不能在公开的区块链上公开。 管理投资者信息

    必须特别小心及注意,以确保投资者的个人身分资料不会外泄或向公众披露。 发行者失去对其地址或私钥的访问权


    如果发行者无法访问,发行者的证券必须使用链外服务重新构建。发行者必须创建(并保护)一个新地址。RTA可以读取现有的发行者证券,RTA可以根据新的ERC-1450智能合约相应地生成投资者证券。 RTA丢失地址或私钥

    如果RTA失去访问权限,RTA可以创建一个新的Ethereum地址,而发行者可以执行setTransferAgent函数来重新分配RTA。 处理投资者(证券所有者)失去对其地址或私钥的访问权



    1.8.4 接口

     * ERC-1450 is an ERC-20 compatible token that facilitates compliance with one or more of Securities Act Regulations CF, D and A. 
     * Implementations of the ERC-1450 standard must define the following optional ERC-20
     *     fields:
     * name - The name of the security
     * symbol - The symbol of the security
     * Implementations of the ERC-1450 standard must specify the following constructor
     *   arguments:
     * _owner - the address of the owner
     * _transferAgent - the address of the transfer agent
     * _name - the name of the security
     * _symbol - the symbol of the security
     *  Implementations of the ERC-1450 standard must implement the following contract
     *      modifiers:
     * Owned - Only the address of the security’s issuer is permitted to execute the
     *     token’s constructor. This modifier also sets up the onlyOwner function modifier.
     * IssuerControlled - This modifier sets up the onlyIssuerTransferAgent function modifier.
     * Implementations of the ERC-1450 standard must implement the following function
     *      modifiers:
     * onlyOwner - Only the address of the security’s issuer is permitted to execute the
     *     functions transferOwnership, setTransferAgent, and setPhysicalAddressOfOperation.
     * onlyIssuerTransferAgent - Only the address of the issuer’s Registered Transfer
     *     Agent is permitted to execute the functions transferFrom, mint, and burnFrom.
     * Implementations of the ERC-1450 standard must implement the following required ERC-20
     *     event to always fail:
     * Approval - Should never be called as the functions that emit this event must be
     *     implemented to always fail. 
     * Implementations of the ERC-1450 standard must implement the following required
     *     ERC-20 functions to always fail:
     * transfer - Not a legal, regulated call for transferring securities because
     *     the token holder initiates the token transfer. The function must be implemented to
     *     always fail.
     * allowance - Not a legal, regulated call for transferring securities because
     *     the token holder may not allow third parties to initiate token transfers. The
     *     function must be implemented to always fail.
     * approve - Not a legal, regulated call for transferring securities because
     *     the token holder may not allow third parties to initiate token transfers. The
     *     function must be implemented to always fail.
     * Implementations of the ERC-1450 standard must implement the following optional
     *     ERC-20 function:
     * decimals - Must return '0' because securities are indivisible entities.
     * Implementations of the ERC-1450 standard must implement the following functions:
     * mint - Only the address of the issuer's Registered Transfer Agent may create new
     *     securities.
     * burnFrom - Only the address of the issuer’s Registered Transfer Agent may burn or 
     *     destroy securities.
    Contract ERC-1450 is Owned, IssuerControlled {
       * The constructor must implement a modifier (Owned) that creates the onlyOwner modifier
       * to allow only the address of the issuer (the owner) to execute the transferOwnership,
       * setTransferAgent, and setPhysicalAddressOfOperation functions. The construct must also
       * implement a modifier (TransferAgentControlled) that creates the onlyIssuerTransferAgent
       * modifier to allow only the address of the issuer’s Registered Transfer Agent to execute
       * the functions transferFrom, mint, and burnFrom).
        constructor(address _owner, address _transferAgent, string _name, string _symbol)
              Owned(_issuer) TransferAgentControlled(_transferAgent) public;
         * Specify that only the owner (issuer) may execute a function.
         * onlyOwner requires the msg.sender to be the owner’s address.
        modifier onlyOwner();
         * Specify that only the issuer’s transferAgent may execute a function.
         * onlyIssuerTransferAgent requires the msg.sender to be the transferAgent’s address.
        modifier onlyIssuerTransferAgent();
         * Transfer ownership of a security from one issuer to another issuer.
         * transferOwnership must implement the onlyOwner modifier to only allow the
         *     address of the issuer’s owner to transfer ownership.
         * transferOwnership requires the _newOwner address to be the address of the new
         *     issuer.
        function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) public onlyOwner;
         * Triggered after transferOwnership is executed.
        event OwnershipTransferred()
         * Sets the transfer agent for the security.
         * setTransferAgent must implement the onlyOwner modifier to only allow the
         *     address of the issuer’s specify the security’s transfer agent.
         * setTransferAgent requires the _newTransferAgent address to be the address of the
         *     new transfer agent.
        function setTransferAgent(address _newTransferAgent) public onlyOwner;
         * Triggered after setTransferAgent is executed.
        event TransferAgentUpdated(address indexed previousTransferAgent, address indexed
         * Sets the issuers physical address of operation.
         * setPhysicalAddressOfOperation must implement the onlyOwner modifier to only allow
         *     the address of the issuer’s owner to transfer ownership.
         * setPhysicalAddressOfOperation requires the _newPhysicalAddressOfOperation address
         *     to be the new address of the issuer.
        function setPhysicalAddressOfOperation(string _newPhysicalAddressOfOperation) public
         * Triggered after setPhysicalAddressOfOperation is executed.
        event PhysicalAddressOfOperationUpdated(string previousPhysicalAddressOfOperation,
            string newPhysicalAddressOfOperation);
         * Look up the security’s transfer agent.
         * isTransferAgent is a public function.
         * isTransferAgent requires the _lookup address to determine if that address
         *   is the security’s transfer agent.
        function isTransferAgent(address _lookup) public view returns (bool);
         * transfer is not a legal, regulated call and must be implemented to always fail.
        transfer(address to, uint tokens) public returns (bool success);
         * Approval does not have to be implemented. This event should never be triggered as
         * the functions that emit this even are not legal, regulated calls.
        event Approval(address indexed tokenOwner, address indexed spender, uint tokens);
         * allowance is not a legal, regulated call and must be implemented to always fail.
        allowance(address tokenOwner, address spender) public constant returns (uint remaining);
         * approve is not a legal, regulated call and must be implemented to always fail.
        approve(address spender, uint tokens) public returns (bool success);
         * Transfer securities.
         * transferFrom must implement the onlyIssuerTransferAgent modifier to only allow the
         *     address of the issuer’s Registered Transfer Agent to transfer `ERC-1450`s.
         * transferFrom requires the _from address to have _value tokens.
         * transferFrom requires that the _to address must not be 0 because securities must
         *     not destroyed in this manner.
        function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public
            onlyIssuerTransferAgent returns (bool);
         * Create new securities.
         * mint must implement the onlyIssuerTransferAgent modifier to only allow the address
         *     of the issuer’s Registered Transfer Agent to mint `ERC-1450` tokens.
         * mint requires that the _to address must not be 0 because securities must
         *     not destroyed in this manner.
         * mint must add _value tokens to the _to address and increase the totalSupply by
         *     _value.
         * mint must emit the Transfer event.
        function mint(address _to, uint256 _value) public onlyIssuerTransferAgent returns
         * Burn or destroy securities.
         * burnFrom must implement the onlyIssuerTransferAgent modifier to only allow the
         *     address of the issuer’s Registered Transfer Agent to burn `ERC-1450`s.
         * burnFrom requires the _from address to have _value tokens.
         * burnFrom must subtract _value tokens from the _from address and decrease the
         *     totalSupply by _value.
         * burnFrom must emit the Transfer event.
        function burnFrom(address _who, uint256 _value) public onlyIssuerTransferAgent returns

    1.8.5 原理


    1.8.6 向后兼容性

    ERC-1450通过以下规定与ERC-20 Token保持兼容性:

    • function allowance(address tokenOwner, address spender) public constant returns (uint remaining);
    • 必须实现为始终失败,因为allowance不是一种合法的、受监管的安全要求。
    • function transfer(address to, uint tokens) public returns (bool success);
    • 当Token持有者发起转移,必须实现总是失败,因为转移不是合法的、受监管的安全调用。
    • function approve(address spender, uint tokens) public returns (bool success);
    • 因为approve不是一种合法的、受监管的安全要求,就必须实现为总是失败的
    • function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint tokens) public returns (bool success);
    • 必须实现为只有发行者的RTA才能执行此操作
    • event Approval(address indexed tokenOwner, address indexed spender, uint tokens);
    • 不需要实现。永远不应该调用Approval,因为发出此事件的函数必须实现为总是失败

    1.8.7 实现示例


    1.9 ERC-1462 基础ST标准(Base Security Token)

    • 标题:基础ST标准
    • 需要的其他标准: ERC-20、ERC-1066
    • 状态: Draft
    • 官方地址

    1.9.1 概述


    1.9.2 摘要



    1.9.3 动机




    1.9.4 说明


    contract ERC20 {
        function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256);
        function balanceOf(address who) public view returns (uint256);
        function transfer(address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool);
        function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view returns (uint256);
        function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool);
        function approve(address spender, uint256 value) public returns (bool);
        event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);
        event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);


    interface BaseSecurityToken /* is ERC-20 */ {
        // Checking functions
        function checkTransferAllowed (address from, address to, uint256 value) public view returns (byte);
        function checkTransferFromAllowed (address from, address to, uint256 value) public view returns (byte);
        function checkMintAllowed (address to, uint256 value) public view returns (byte);
        function checkBurnAllowed (address from, uint256 value) public view returns (byte);
        // Documentation functions
        function attachDocument(bytes32 _name, string _uri, bytes32 _contentHash) external;
        function lookupDocument(bytes32 _name) external view returns (string, bytes32);



    根据ERC-1066,每个函数必须从Ethereum状态代码公共集(ESC)返回一个状态代码。这些代码的本地化不在本建议的范围内,可以通过在应用层上采用ERC-1444选择性地解决。如果检查函数允许该操作,则返回的状态代码必须是0x11 (allowed),或者是具有等效但更精确含义的特定于问题的代码。如果检查函数不允许该操作,则状态必须是0x10(不允许),或者是具有等效但更精确含义的特定于问题的代码。在出现内部错误时,函数必须从通用代码表或特定于问题的等效程序返回最相关的代码,例如:0xF0(脱链故障)。

    • 必须用检查相应的checkTransferAllowed返回状态代码的逻辑覆盖转移函数。
    • 必须用检查相应的checkTransferFromAllowed返回状态代码的逻辑覆盖transferFrom函数。
    • 必须用检查相应的checkTransferFromAllowed返回状态代码的逻辑覆盖approve函数。
    • 必须覆盖mint和burn等其他函数,如果它们存在于Token实现中,则应该相应地检查checkMintAllowed和checkBurnAllowed状态代码。
    • 要求send函数必须用检查相应返回状态码的逻辑覆盖:
    • 如果是代表Token所有者进行的,则checkTransferAllowed返回状态码;
    • 如果转移是代表一个操作者进行的(即委托转移),checkTransferFromAllowed返回状态代码。
    • 必须用检查相应的checkBurnAllowed返回状态代码的逻辑覆盖burn函数。
    • 如果令牌实现中存在其他功能,例如mint,则必须重写这些功能,例如安全Token是可铸造的。mint函数必须调用checkMintAllowed并检查它返回的状态码。


    • 为了保证与ERC-20和ERC-777钱包的兼容性,每个检查函数如果不被发行者的自定义逻辑覆盖,则返回0x11(允许)。
    • 根据返回的状态代码,如果不允许操作或发生错误,则要求所有覆盖的检查函数必须恢复。




    • 不是必须要使用文件功能,它们是可选的,并作为法律框架的一部分提供。
    • 如果使用了attachDocument函数,则要求文档引用必须具有唯一的名称,不允许用相同的名称覆盖引用。所有实现都必须检查给定名称下的引用是否已经存在。

    1.9.5 原理




    我们提出文档的功能是创建双重绑定和链下法律文档的必备工具,一个很好的例子是Neufund’s Employee Incentive Options Plan法律框架,实现了完整的法律强制性:智能合约印刷ESOP条款和条件文档,这本身就是智能合同。即使在没有法律要求引用安全Token中的文档的情况下,这也正在成为一种广泛采用的做法。但是它们几乎总是必需的,这是附加各种类型的有用文档的好方法。

    1.9.6 实现示例




