- what about your grade
- one hundred
- Did you try your best
- I've done my best
- 生活也是一百份吗
- 99的荒唐1分的纯真
- 说出去的话
- 99句假1句耍
- Written 99 line code
- 99分努力一个结果
- 九十九分贝的嘶吼
- 一分的沉寂
- 修炼了99年999天
- 一碰就破
- 一点既然
- 一了百了
- 99颗绽放的银弹
- 一把生锈的枪
- 我们99分的生活
- 谁懂得
- 下一分在哪
- 能找到吗
- 能握住吗
- 能看到吗
- 把音量调到99,隔绝世界
- 把缩进调成99, One line of code
- 杯满则溢
- 空杯为智
- 1分的美好,99分的遥不可及
- 99分的虚无缥缈,1分的淡然
- oh my dude Have a good habit
- never never Get lost
- you have parents bright friend the ture love
- Green such as silk, jade, such as a waterfall to ten thousand.
- 打出的耳洞 空洞的心
- 买醉的迷幻 终醒不来
- 喧嚣的夜店 亮不起来
- There are many ways to entertain yourself,But at least be a good man
- Even though life is destroying you
- But you can control yourself
- Live and live
- laugh and laugh
- cry and cry
- Is it over?
- Is it can over?
- 99%的渣一分纯
- I tour the percent
- I tour the face
- I tour the truth
- Tour the beef
- Crack the lie
- Destory the incomprehension
- Blow the dark
- 在我99%能量的bgm里
- 用我%1的灵感点燃周围
- For the love
- Heaven help me the man who ever really loves you!
- A real lover is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart.
- No man or woman is worth your tears and the one who is,won't make your cry。
- Convinced that there will be people who really love you.
- A person who truely loves you is someone who can sees the pain in your eye…
- For the peace
- 纵使99分的黑暗
- 那也点亮它
- 纵使99吨重的pressure
- 飘然如一克的鸿毛
- 99% thanks for help
- 1% for respect
- you catch 99
- call he 舅舅
- 喊他舅舅 久久 啾啾
- 回你呵呵 赫赫 何何
- 99根蜡烛一个环
- 绕着那些daylife
- Fire extinguisher
- pu pu pu pu
- dark dark dark
- What to do
- What can we do
- live a superstart
- in the galaxy
- find your love star
- peace&leave