How to Win Friends and Influence People is a very well-known book,and has always been a best-seller on the most obvious shelf in book stores in my vision since my first visit of local library at the age of 5. It has a less intriguing Chinese-translated name which literally translated into the title of The Weakness of Human Nature and may deter me from stepping into the amazement of this magic book till last week(you have to admit The Weakness of Human Nature sounds like an old-schooled study of some obscure philosophy theory.).But fortunately,my thoughtless searching of books for leisurely reading ended up on this undiscovered jade,so here i am,recommending a book which may change your life.
The version I'm reading was firstly published in 2010,since the introduction has mentioned that this book has kept being renewed since its very first publishment,so my brief introduction of How to Win Friends and Influence People will be based on the version which was published by publisher Pocket Books on 2010.
How to Win Friends and Influence People was written by Dale Carnegie,who described himself as a “simple country boy” from Missouri but also a pioneer of the self-improve genre. Titled as the great success master of 20th century,the father of modern adult education,the great orator and a psychological and interpersonal scientist,Dale Carnegie has Influenced and will keep influencing millions of individuals by his success courses and published self-educating books,and How to Win Friends and Influence People is the most celebrated writing among them all. After the very first edition in 1937,the book became an overnight sensation,and edition after edition rolled off the press to keep up with the public demand. The book itself was translated into almost every known languages,each generation has discovered it anew and has found it relevant.
This book is definitely constructed into four major parts,and provided a reading guidance specially in the beginning and an extra recommendation of other self-help books and courses produced by Dale Carnegie in the end. Usually it makes no distinct differences if readers skip the reading guidance,but i dont recommend you to do so on this one. It gives you nine very practical methods to do before,while and afteR reading this book,foR example developing a driving desire to master the principles of human relation before you read,reading each chapter twice while the journey and reviewing the book each month after finishing. This offers concrete things to do in case you dont know how to make most out of the book.
The four major parts each recounts a progressive way of how to achieve your final goal which starts from “FoundamentalTechniques” to “Be a Leader”.