- Scientific Grant Writing - Sessi
- Scientific Grant Writing - Sessi
- Scientific Grant Writing - Sessi
- Notes on Scientific Writing Cour
- The Science of Scientific Writin
- An Outline of Scientific Writing
- How to do scientific writing
- 科研必备|Scientific Writing and Comm
- Writing IAM Policies: Grant Acce
- Scientific writing tips--小水爱阳光
Metaphor of a cereal
Readability statistics
Fog-Gunning Formula
Grade=0.4*nb of words/nb of sentences + 100*nb of words with > 2 syllables/nb of words
When you want to emphasise something, use short sentences.
First sentence: should be active and not too long.
Scientific writing style
Longer sentences
Intensive use of passive voice
Supremacy of nouns over verbs
Multi-syllabic nouns of latin of greek origin
Specialized vocabulary for specialized people
Hegde words to handle uncertainty
The first few sentences should address directly to the heading
Cover letter:
- style: casual language, manuscript.
- purpose: suitability; impact; decide whether to send to peer review
- content: context; development of the field; show the big picture; significance and novelty; different way; specify reviewers;
Journal selector: edanz etc.
The Title
- Starting words get more attention.
- Keyword specificity: highly specific -> intermediary keyword -> Generic keyword
- Non-search keywords and verbs
- Keyword Choice
- Clear contribution
- Expectations
- Qualities: unique/ lasting/ concise/ clear/ easy to find/ honest/ representative/ catchy
The Abstract
- Attract or repulse the reader(filter)
- Prepare the interested reader(peek)
- Repeat title search Keywords
- Explain and Justify adjectives, jargon
- Parts: background, purpose, method, result, impact
- Tense of abstract: present and present perfect
- Qualities: complete, tied to title, concise and precise, stand-alone, representative, present.
- Use words in the title and abstract
- Contributions should be the most intended(have the deepest level)
- Consistency
- Qualities: informative, tied to title and abstract, logical, consistent, concise