Angela Merkel's legacy: has she

Angela Merkel's legacy: has she

作者: 菜鸡飞 | 来源:发表于2018-11-11 22:32 被阅读0次

legacy n. 遗产;后果

Angela Merkel’s approach to a problem, wrote one of her biographers, is “to sit it out”. Rather than entertain grand ideas of a “historic mission” or “strategic vision”, she aims to “solve today’s problems, in a way that ensures she stays in power”.

sit it out 静观其变;沉默到底
entertain v. 考虑
strategic vision 战略远景


The German chancellor, once described by Forbes as the world’s most powerful woman, managed that for 13 years. She has been measured, cautious, methodical, pragmatic, sometimes maddeningly noncommittal and seemingly always in control.

chancellor n. (德国或奥地利的)总理
measured adj. 慎重的;基于标准的;有规则的;量过的
methodical adj. 有条不紊的
pragmatic adj. 务实的
noncommittal adj. (态度、观点等)不明朗的;不表态的

这位德国总理,曾被《福布斯》杂志誉为全世界最有权势的女性,在过去 13 年里她都实现了上述目标。一直以来她都不急不忙,小心谨慎,有条不紊,脚踏实地,有时候深藏不露得令人恼火,并且看上去总是冷静自持。

But this week, weakened by plummeting polls, an unpopular and ineffective coalition, dire performances in recent state elections and increasingly acrimonious in-fighting among her centre-right alliance, she concededdefeat.

plummeting poll 直线下降的民意调查
coalition n. (尤指多个政治团体的)联盟
dire adj. 极其糟糕的
acrimonious 激烈的
alliance n. 联盟,联合;联姻
concede v. 勉强承认;认输


She is, her defenders say, a fundamentally decent politician who fought for democratic values; whose civil, level-headed persona represents all that the posturing populists now challenging Europe’s unity in countries like Hungary and Italy—and the one in the White House—do not.

defender n.拥护者
politician n.政治家
democratic adj. 民主的;
level-headed adj. 冷静明智的
persona 形象
posturing n. 故作姿态;摆姿势;并非由衷的言行


Others, however, are not so sure. “Much of what we think we know about Merkel is either spin or speculation,” says Hans Kundnani, senior research fellow at Chatham House. “The extraordinary thing is, after 13 years in the chancellery we still don’t really know who she is.”

spin n. 偏袒性报道
speculation n. 投机;推测;思索;

但是其他人则没那么肯定。“我们以为自己了解的关于默克尔的事情,有很大一部分要么是偏袒,要么是推测。”查塔姆研究所的高级研究员汉斯·昆德纳尼说道。“不寻常的事情是,她在总理的位置上待了 13 年,我们仍然无法真正了解她的为人。”

Merkel’s hard line on enforcing austerity was popular in Germany but almost certainly helped fuel support for populist movements in southern Europe, while her 2015 open borders policy—based, Kundnani believes, as much on a misreading of German opinion as on compassion—boosted the German anti-immigration party.

hard line 强硬路线
austerity n. (经济的)紧缩
compassion n.同情;怜悯

默克尔选择强硬路线,强制执行经济紧缩政策,在国内虽然顺应了民意,但几乎必然为欧洲南部的民粹主义运动煽风点火了,同时她在 2015 年实行的开放边境政策,昆德纳尼认为其落脚点既有恻隐之心,又有对德国民意的误读,这一政策推动了德国反移民政党的崛起。

“We don’t yet know,” says Kundnani, “whether Merkel will go down in history as the woman who destroyed Europe, or saved it.”


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      本文标题:Angela Merkel's legacy: has she
