2019-11-24与基督同钉十字架Crucified with

2019-11-24与基督同钉十字架Crucified with

作者: 羊皮卷的味道 | 来源:发表于2019-11-24 14:11 被阅读0次
Steven Lee 李司提反
Bethlehem, North 伯利恒北堂
November 24, 2019 2019年11月24日
Galatians 2:20-21 加拉太书2:20-21
20 I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. 21 I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose. 20 我已经与基督同钉十字架;现在活着的,不再是我,而是基督活在我里面;如今在肉身中活着的我,是因信 神的儿子而活的;他爱我,为我舍己。 21 我不废弃 神的恩;如果义是藉着律法而来的,基督就白白地死了。
[Pre-Sermon Intro: Why Galatians 2:20] This morning we conclude our mini-series on the person and work of Jesus by looking at a beloved and well-known passage: Galatians 2:20–21. There are a few reasons for us to end here as we look towards Advent. [讲道引言:为什么讲加拉太书2:20]今天早上,我们要作关于耶稣的位格及其工作小小系列讲道的最后一讲,我们来看一段大家喜闻乐见、耳熟能详的经文:加拉太书2:20-21。 我们在这里结束这个讲道系列以期待降临节,有几个原因。
Thanksgiving is this week, and what better way to elicit in us thanksgiving than to study the one of the most beloved summary statements of the gospel. 感恩节就是在这周,还有什么能比研读这段最受欢迎的福音总结之一来引发我们的感恩之情更好的呢。
Gospel Befriending: As we look towards the holidays, we want the gospel to saturate our hearts and be on our lips as we engage those who don’t yet trust in Christ. Our Befriending Initiative doesn’t end, but continues as we increasingly become disciple who make disciples. 福音交友活动:当我们期待假期时,在我们与尚未相信基督的人交往时,希望福音能浸透我们的心灵与唇舌。 我们的“交友活动”并没有结束,而是将随着我们越来越成为能够造就门徒的门徒而继续下去。
Our women’s Bible study groups have been studying Galatians this semester, and have just looked at this passage this past week. 我们的妇女查经组本学期一直在学习加拉太书,并且在过去的一周里刚刚查考了这段经文。
[Prayer] [祷告]
[Introduction: Michael Bloomberg] *During an interview for the NY Times, Michael Bloomberg—former New York City mayor, businessman, and ninth richest man in the United States—shared that his mortality had begun dawning on him, sobered by how many of his former classmates have passed away. * [引子:迈克尔·布隆伯格] 在纽约时报的一个访谈中,前任纽约市长,商人,全美第9大富豪迈克尔·布隆伯格表示,死亡开始向他逼近,随着许多往日同窗的去世,他越来越清楚地认识到这一点。
But as Bloomberg pondered a finite future and eventual death, he gave a stunningly honest assessment of his life. The author writes, “Pointing to his work on gun safety, obesity and smoking cessation, he said with a grin: ‘I am telling you if there is a God, when I get to heaven I'm not stopping to be interviewed. I am heading straight in. I have earned my place in heaven. It's not even close.’” 但当布隆伯格思虑着有限的未来和最终的死亡时,他对自己的生命作了一个惊人的坦率评价。作者写道:“在谈到他关于枪支安全、肥胖和禁烟方面的工作时,他咧嘴笑着说:‘我告诉你,要是有上帝,当我上天堂的时候我不会停下来接受面谈,我会径直步入天堂,我已经为自己在天堂里赢得了一席之地。是的,一点都没错。”(译注:布隆伯格为犹太裔,慈善家,曾捐巨资资助上述公益事业)
[How to be Right with God] Michael Bloomberg’s honesty reveals what he believes about the most foundational question for humanity: how can we be made right with God? How can we be justified—made right—with God? Clearly Bloomberg is confident his accomplishments have earned him entrance into heaven. But is his confidence well placed? The Apostle Paul would answer “no.” [如何被神称为义]迈克尔·布隆伯格的坦率反映出关于人类最基本的问题他持什么信念:我们如何在神面前得称为义?我们如何被称义?显然布隆伯格自信他的成就为自己赢得了天堂的入场券。但他的信心放对地方了吗?使徒保罗必定会说:“不!”
[FCF: Trust in Self & Earning Salvation] But it’s not just politicians, businessmen, or the wealthy who are tempted to trust in their accomplishments. All people are susceptible to trusting in what we have done or can do to be made right with God. In Galatians, Peter is tempted to return to keeping the Mosaic Law as the basis for his justification. The Judaizers—a group of Jewish Christians that required keeping the OT law as followers of Christ—were advancing this false teaching, and had even influence the Apostle Peter. [相信自己和赢得救恩]但不仅仅是政客、商人或富翁才企图相信自己的成就。所有人都容易相信我们凭自己已做的或能做的在神面前称义。在加拉太书中,彼得受诱惑退回到守摩西律法作为他称义的基础。犹太化主义者——一群犹太裔基督徒要求基督的追随者要守旧约律法——在鼓吹这种错误的教导,甚至影响到了使徒彼得。
[Context of Galatians] To understand the context of Galatians, we have to go back to the beginning. Paulopens his letter with astonishment that the Galatians are abandoning Paul’s gospel for a distorted gospel (1:6–7). Paul establishes that his calling is from God (1:11–24) and he preaches the true gospel, having been confirmed by early church leaders (2:1–10). Paul turns his attention to the dispute he had with Peter which is in view in our passage. [加拉太书的背景]要理解加拉太书的背景,我们要回到此书的开头。保罗在这封信的开头就对加拉太人抛弃保罗所传的福音而接受另一个走样的福音表示诧异(1:6-7)。保罗论证他的呼召是来自神(1:11-24),他传讲的是真福音,已经得到早期教会领袖们的认可(2:1-10)。保罗接着转入他与彼得之间的争执,今天这段经文就和此事有关。
[Paul & Peter’s Dispute (2:11–16)] Peter had withdrawn from Gentile Christians in fear of Judaizers that taught that Gentiles had to keep the OT law. Paul opposed Peter, arguing that justification is not obtained by adhering to the law but rather by faith in Christ. We read this in 2:16, Paul argues, *“we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ…” [保罗与彼得的争执(2:11-16)]彼得避开外族基督徒,因为他害怕那些教导外族人必须遵守旧约律法的犹太化主义者。保罗反对彼得,争论说称义不是靠守律法,而是凭着对基督的信心。我们在2:16中读到,保罗争论说:我们“知道人称义不是靠行律法,而是因信耶稣基督……”
[Objection: “Is Christ a servant of sin?” (2:17)] Then in verse 17, Paul answers the question “But if, in our endeavor to be justified in Christ, we too were found to be sinners, is Christ then a servant of sin?” The argument goes like this: If Peter and Paul, who formerly kept the OT Mosaic law and customs, now live like Gentile “sinners,” (e.g. not adhering to OT law), does that mean faith in Christ actually causes people to sin more? Answer: “Certainly not!” Why? [反对意见:基督是罪的仆役吗?(2:17)]然后在17节中,保罗回答问题“但如果我们寻求在基督里称义,却仍被看为罪人,难道基督是罪的仆役么?”议论像是这样进行的:如果彼得和保罗,他们以前守旧约摩西律法和习俗,现在却活得像外族的“罪人”(即没有守旧约律法),难道这意味着在基督里的信心实际上让人犯罪更多吗?答案是:“绝对不是!”为什么?
[The Law Cannot Justify (2:18–19)] He continues in verses 18–19 by stating that the law cannot justify anyone. Paul writes in Galatians 2:18–19, 18 For if I rebuild what I tore down, I prove myself to be a transgressor. 19 For through the law I died to the law, so that I might live to God.” Christ ended the era of the law in redemptive history. It’s wrong to go back to the law when Christ has already torn down. To keep the law would contradict the cross of Christ, and ignore what Christ has done in redemptive history. The image is like rebuilding a wall, brick by brick, that Christ has already torn down by his death and resurrection. [律法不能称义(2:18-19)]他在18-19节中继续说,律法不能让任何人称义。保罗在加拉太书2:18-19中写道:“18我若重建我所拆毁的,就证明自己是个有过犯的人。19我藉着律法已经向律法死了,使我可以向 神活着。”基督在救赎史中结束了律法时代。基督既然已经拆毁了,再回到律法中就错了。守律法就与基督的十字架对立,罔顾基督在救赎史上已经成就的事。形像的比喻就是基督已经用祂的死和复活拆毁了的墙,再一个砖头一个砖头地砌回去。
[Main Point] The main point is that those who identify with Christ have been radically transformed by the work and person of Jesus Christ. Died to the law, alive to Christ. [Aim] My aim this morning is to remind us of the glories of our salvation, so that we would be motivated to share this good news with those around us. [要点]要点就是认同基督的人已经被耶稣基督的位格与工作彻底改变了。向律法死,向基督活。[目的]今天早上我的目的就是要提醒我们救恩的荣耀,以便激励我们向周围的人分享这个好消息。
[Transition to Outline] So as consider Galatians 2:20–21, we see three main things: [过渡到纲要]在加拉太书2:20-21中,我们看到三个主要内容:
1. Christians live as crucified people. 1.基督徒像被钉死的人那样活着
2. Christians live by faith in the Son of God. 2.基督徒凭着信神的儿子而活着
3. Christians live to magnify the grace of God. 3.基督徒为彰显神的恩典而活着
I. Christians Live as Crucified People (2:20a) 1.基督徒像被钉死的人那样活着(2:20a)
I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. (Galatians 2:20a) 我已经与基督同钉十字架;现在活着的,不再是我,而是基督活在我里面;(2:20a)
[“I Have Been Crucified with Christ”] The statement “I have been crucified with Christ” is a profound reality that is grounded in the teaching of our “union with Christ.” Believers have died to the law (2:19) when they died with Christ because they are united to Christ and share in his death. Baptism signifies this dying and rising again. Romans 6:3 says, “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?” A believer’s union with Christ means that believers have died in relation to themselves, sin, the world, and the law. Those things no longer exert any power over their existence because they have died with Christ in his crucifixion. [“我已经与基督同钉十字架”]“我已经与基督同钉十字架”这样的宣告是一个深刻的现实,其基础是我们“与基督联合”的教导。当信徒们与基督同死时,他们已向法律而死(2:19) ,因他们与基督联合并与祂的死有份。 洗礼表达了这种死与复活。 罗马书6:3说:“难道你们不晓得我们这受洗归入基督耶稣的人,是受洗归入他的死吗?”一位信徒与基督的联合意味着信徒已经断绝了和自身、罪恶、世界以及律法的关系。那些东西不再对他们的存在施加任何力量,因为它们已经与基督一起被钉死在十字架上。
[Illustrate: Union with Christ] Martin Luther, in The Freedom of the Christian, likened it to a great king marrying a harlot. In their wedding vows he says to her: All that I am I give you. All of the privileges, honor, royalty, identity, prestige, and power are endowed to her through marriage. So that she has confidence that her sins are not held against her, because she can say, “If I have sinned, my Christ, in whom I believe, has not sinned; all mine is His, and all His is mine.” Christ takes our sin, and we take on his righteousness when we are brought into union with him. [例证:与基督联合]马丁·路德在《论基督徒的自由》中把这比作一位伟大的国王与一个妓女结婚。在他们的结婚誓言中他对她说:我所是的我都给你,一切的特权、尊荣、王权、威望和权能都藉着联姻赐予她。因此她相信,她的罪不再反对她,因她可以说:“就算我曾有罪,我的基督,我所相信的,却从未有罪;我所有的都是祂的,祂所有的都是我的。”当我们被带入与基督的联合中时,祂拿掉了我们的罪,我们接过了祂的公义
[Justification] This answers the question of how can sinners be made righteous. Believers are justified, pardoned for their sin, and made righteous through Christ. For Peter to say that the Gentiles are saved by faith, but then keep the works of the law as a test of Christian fellowship, he contradicted the gospel. To be crucified with Christ is to die to the law and its condemning power. [称义]这解答了罪人如何得称为义的问题。信徒被称义,他们的罪得赦免,藉着基督被算为公义。当彼得说外族人凭信心得救,却要守律法以通过基督徒资格的试验,他就与福音相矛盾了。与基督同钉十字架就是向着律法及其定罪的权势而死了。
[Union with Christ] John Calvin put it, “As long as Christ remains outside of us, and we are separated from him, all that he has suffered and done for the salvation of the human race remains useless and of no value for us.” To say that “we have been crucified with Christ” is to so identify with Jesus Christ in his death and resurrection that all that is true of Jesus in his crucifixion is true of us as well. [与基督联合]约翰·加尔文说:“只要基督还在我们外面,我们就与祂隔绝,祂所受的一切苦难,为世人所作成的救恩对我们一点用处和价值都没有。”若要说“我们已经与基督同钉十字架”就是要在耶稣基督的死和复活中与祂完全认同,所有在耶稣被钉十字架中对祂是真实的,对我们也是完全真实。
・Jesus’ perfect righteous life means we have the imputed righteousness of Christ. ・耶稣全然公义的生命意味着我们已经被归算为基督的公义。
・Jesus death means we also died, overcoming sin, death, and Satan. ・耶稣的死意味着我们也死了,战胜了罪、死亡和撒但。
・Jesus resurrection means we too will be raised to new life. ・耶稣复活意味着我们也要复活得新生命。
・Jesus glorification means we also will be glorified, dwelling with the Father, seeing face-to-face. ・耶稣得荣耀意味着我们也要得荣耀,面对面地与父神同在。
[“It is No Longer I Who Live, But Christ Who Lives in Me”] The next statement, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me,” describes that a radical transformation takes place in the lives of the believer. Believers have died to themselves, and now live to honor, magnify, and exalt Christ because the Holy Spirit dwells within us. Later in Galatians (4:6) he speaks of being sons of God who have received the Son so that we can, through the Spirit, cry out “Abba Father.” This is an intimate and familial expression of trust. [“现在活着的,不再是我,而是基督活在我里面”]接下来“现在活着的,不再是我,而是基督活在我里面”的宣告描述了发生在信徒生命中的剧烈转变。信徒已经向自己而死,现在活着是要尊荣、彰显、高举基督,因圣灵住在我们里面。在加拉太书稍后(4:6)他说我们既然已经接受了圣子而成为神的儿女,我们就能藉着圣灵喊出:“阿爸父!”这种亲密家庭关系的称呼表达的是信任。
[Illustrate: George Muller] Someone once asked George Muller, an English pastor known for his orphan ministry, what was the secret of his service, he replied, “There was a day when I died, utterly died—died to George Muller, his opinions, preferences, tastes and will, died to the world, its approval or censure, died to the approval or blame even of my brethren and friends, and since then I have studied to show myself approved unto God.” To die to self is not a slogan, but a reality in salvation. We no longer live, but Christ lives in us. [例证:乔治·慕勒]曾经有人问乔治·慕勒,一位以孤儿事工著称的英国牧师,他服侍的奥秘是什么。他回答:“有一天我死了,彻头彻尾地死了——向乔治·慕勒而死,向他的观点、偏好、品味和意志而死,向世界而死,向它的赞扬或指责而死,甚至向着我的弟兄和朋友们的赞扬或批评而死,从那以后我才学会明白我被神悦纳。”向自己而死不是一句口号,而是救恩中的现实。我们不再活着,而是基督在我们里面活着。
[Illustrate: Inside Out] Pixar had a movie several years ago called Inside Out. It follows a young girl named Riley as she moves from Minnesota to San Francisco. The movie is all about the inner struggle between five personified emotions within her: Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust. There is a battle over the console to control Riley’s feelings. But for the Christian, there is no longer a battle within us between competing emotions, but rather Christ through the Spirit takes control of the console of our lives so that we live life radically different. [例证:《头脑特工队》]几年前皮克斯公司出了部电影叫《头脑特工队》(Inside Out)。 它讲的是一个名叫莱利的女孩,从明尼苏达州搬到旧金山。这部电影讲述的是她内在的五个拟人化情感之间的内在挣扎:乐乐,忧忧,怒怒,怕怕和厌厌。为了控制莱利的感情,在控制台上进行了一场争斗。但是对于基督徒来说,我们里面不再有相互竞争的情感之间的斗争,而是基督通过圣灵控制了我们的生命控制台,因此我们活出截然不同的生命。
[Application: What Are We Living For?] Christians don’t live for self-actualization, for recognition, for fame and fortune, to build our brand, to carve out our piece of the American dream, to exert our influence, or to win followers. Christians live so that Christ might be seen in our lives. The highest compliment a true disciple of Christ could receive is that they lived for Christ. [应用:我们为什么而活?]基督徒不为自我实现而活,不求被人认可,不求名利,不求打造自己的招牌,不求开拓自己的美国梦,不求施加自己的影响力,不求赢得追随者。基督徒们活着,为让基督能彰显于我们的生命中。作为基督真正的门徒,能得到的最高赞赏就是他们为基督而活。
[The Living Dead Live Differently] Are you living as one who has been crucified with Christ? Or do you continually return to self-condemning thoughts? Like a cat that returns to eat its vomit, do we replay our sins rather than relinquish them to Christ and receive his forgiveness? Do you major on your feelings of guilt, sadness, and disappointment, or do you lift your eyes to see that in him we can confess and receive Christ’s forgiveness. We have Jesus! We need nothing else! [活死人有不同的活法]你是否活得像一个与基督同钉十字架的人?抑或你常常退回到自我谴责的想法中?就像一只猫回头吃它吐出的东西,我们是否旧罪重演,而不是把它们抛给基督,而接受祂的公义?你是否沉湎于罪疚、忧伤和失望的感觉,抑或举目仰望在祂里面我们可以认罪,接受基督的公义?我们拥有基督!我们不需要别的!
[Transition] Believers are radically transformed to live as crucified people. But now we turn to how we live by faith. [过渡]信徒们被彻底转变,活得像被钉死的人。而现在我们转向如何凭信心而活。
II. Christians Live by Faith in the Son of God (2:20b) 2.基督徒凭着信神的儿子而活(2:20b)
And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20b) 如今在肉身中活着的我,是因信 神的儿子而活的;他爱我,为我舍己。(2:20b)
[Life in the Flesh] Paul concedes that we still are living and continue to struggle with sin and to groan with all of fallen creation. But we live this life “by faith in the Son of God.” Again Paul points to the centrality of the crucifixion event in how it shapes our existence. We now live by faith, not by sight, in Jesus Christ. [肉身中的生命]保罗承认我们还活着,还继续与罪争战,与一切堕落的受造物一同叹息。但我们此生是“因信神的儿子”而活。保罗再次指出十字架事件在形塑我们存在的过程中所具有的中心地位。我们现在在基督里,是凭信心活着,不凭眼见。
[Justification & Sanctification by Faith] Not only are we saved by faith, but we continue to live by faith. Faith is not just a one-time decision or a past event, but a living, active, dynamic, and ongoing reality of how we operate in this world. Living by faith is the ongoing connection we have with Jesus. The Bible speaks about this as abiding in Christ, like a vine that is integrally connected to the branches. [凭着信心称义与成圣]我们不仅凭着信心得救,也凭着信心继续活着。信心不是一次性的决定或一个过去的事件,而是一个生生不息、积极动态、持续不断的现实,就是我们在这个世界中行动的方式。凭信心活着就是我们与耶稣持续不断的联结。圣经说这就是住在基督里,就像葡萄树与葡萄枝紧密相联。
[Illustrate: Dawn Wall] What does it mean to “live by faith in the Son of God?”I recently watched a documentary called The Dawn Wall, where two American rock climbers climb up a seemingly impossible 3,000 foot rock face in Yosemite National Park. It’s an incredible feat, but what was striking is that they lived on the sheer vertical cliff of the mountain for weeks held by half a dozen ropes. If those ropes fail, they plummet thousands of feet to their death. Suspended thousands of feet in the air, life goes on: they cook, eat, go to the bathroom, sleep, and plan how to climb the wall. Suspended in the air, their lives literally hang in the balance by a few ropes. This illustrates how we are to live by faith. We live, breathe, and have our being because God’s upholds by his strong hand, and we live by faith—not in ropes—but in Jesus Christ. [例证:《黎明之墙》]“因信神的儿子而活”是什么意思?我最近看了一部纪录片《黎明之墙》,讲的是两位美国攀岩者在优胜美地国家公园登上了看似不可能的三千英尺(译注:将近一千米)酋长岩“黎明之墙”。那是难以置信的伟绩,但惹人注目的还是他们凭借六七根绳子在几乎垂直的峭壁上度过了几个星期。要是绳子断了,他们就一头栽下三千尺,直接摔死。他们悬挂在几千尺的空中过日子:一边吃喝拉撒睡,一边盘算着怎么沿着崖壁往上攀爬。悬挂在半空中,他们的身家性命完全是靠几根绳子吊着的。这好比我们如何凭信心活着。我们活着,呼吸,存留,是因为神用祂坚强的手臂托住我们,我们活着不是凭着相信绳子,而是相信耶稣基督。
[Apply: Do We Live By Faith in the Son of God] There are other, practical ways the believer can live by faith in Jesus. In our major decisions, do we pray, ask God for wisdom, and seek out wise counsel? This is one practical way to live by faith in Christ. [应用:我们是否凭着信神的儿子而活]还有别的实际的方式信徒可以凭着相信耶稣而活。在我们的重大决策中,我们是否祷告,求神赐予智慧,寻求明智的策略?这是一个凭着相信基督而活的实际方式。
Major: As you ponder what to major in, what career to pursue, do you mainly weigh the pros/cons or do you bring these considerations before the Lord? 择业:当你考虑选择什么专业,追求什么职业生涯的时候,你是否只权衡个人的利弊得失,还是把这些考虑放在主的面前?
Marriage: As you ponder marriage or a marriage partner, do you submit it to God? Do you recognize that even if this is wonderful person, but they’re not a Christian, it would be unwise? 结婚:当你考虑结婚或找对象的时候,你是否把这交托给神?当你的对象是个极好的人,可惜他们不是基督徒的时候,你是否会觉得放弃了可惜?
Children: As you ponder having children (biological, foster, or adoption), do you mainly look at your time, energy, bank accounts, or lifestyle, or do you take into consideration what God is calling your family to? 育儿:当你考虑要有孩子(亲生、寄养或收养)的时候,你是否主要看你自己的时间、精力、银行存款或生活方式,抑或考虑神在呼召你的家庭做什么?
Career: As you consider a career change or moving to another state, do you walk by faith, considering your spiritual life and church family? 转行:当你考虑转行或搬到别州的时候,你是否凭信心行动,考虑到你的属灵生命和教会大家庭?
Retirement: As you consider retirement, moving someplace warm, or moving closer to grandkids, do you think mainly about your preferences, or how God may have you minister at church, among the nations, or in discipling the next generation? 退休:当你考虑退休,搬到温暖的地方,或离孙辈们近一些,你是否主要考虑你自己的偏好,抑或考虑到神可能让你在教会里,或在万国万民中服侍,或造就下一代门徒?
We are to live by faith. Trusting in Jesus. Submitting our desires, preferences, ideas, and aspirations to him and his wisdom and plans. 我们要凭着信心而活。信靠耶稣。把我们的欲望、偏好、主意和雄心交托在祂的手中,顺服祂的智慧和计划。
[Loved Me & Gave Himself Up for Me] We sometimes fail to live by faith or fail to trust God because we doubt he knows what is best for us. Does he really understand the stressors I’m facing, or the decisions I have before me. Answer: yes! Jesus loves us and gave himself us for us. Whether it’s a major, marriage partner, children, career, or retirement, God knows and cares. Even if you don’t get your preference, does he not have something better in store for you? He loves you and gave himself up for you! [祂爱我并为我舍弃了自己]我们有时没能凭信心而活或信靠神,因为我们怀疑祂是不是知道什么对我们是最好的。祂是否真的了解我所面对的压力或我要做出的决定。答案是:是的!耶稣爱我们,为我们而舍己。无论是专业、对象、孩子、职业还是退休,神都知道并且看顾。哪怕你似乎没有得偿所愿,祂岂非没有更好的为你预备?祂爱你,祂为你而舍弃了自己!
John 15:13 “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” 约翰福音15:13人为朋友舍命,人间的爱没有比这个更大的了。
Romans 5:8 “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” 罗马书5:8 “唯有基督在我们还作罪人的时候为我们死,神对我们的爱就在此显明了。”
[Deeply Loved by God] This love and sacrifice is not sentimentality, it is not inconsequential. Some wonder how someone so loveless could be loved. And yet this is the truth of the gospel. The loveless has been shown great love in Christ. Samuel Crossman, in 1664, wrote a hymn called My Song is Love Unknown, which reads as follows: [被神深爱着]这份爱和牺牲绝不是矫揉造作,也不是无关痛痒。有人会诧异,如此无爱之人竟然被爱。而这恰恰是福音的真理。无爱之人已经在基督里受宠爱。塞缪尔·克罗斯曼在1664年写下一首圣诗名叫《主爱是我诗歌》,其中一段歌词如下:
*My song is love unknown, My Savior’s love to me; Love to the loveless shown, That they might lovely be. O who am I, That for my sake My Lord should take Frail flesh and die? 主爱是我诗歌,这爱真难述说,爱是如此长阔,竟临不堪如我;哦,我是谁?祂竟为我受尽折磨,流出血水。(译注:搜自网络)
[God’s Transforming Love] Love has been shown to the loveless by Christ, so that the loveless, the unlovely, could be made lovely by the love of Christ. This is transforming love that Jesus loves his people with. [神的爱有转化的大能]藉着基督,爱向无爱之人彰显,为要让无爱之人,不可爱之人,藉着基督的爱成为可爱。耶稣爱祂子民的大爱有这转化的大能。
Martin Luther on the Love of Jesus: 马丁·路德论耶稣的爱:
If you let Christ be depicted in any other way, you will soon be overthrown when trouble and temptation come. Defining Christ like this is the greatest understanding that Christians can have, but it is also the hardest thing of all. I myself, who have lived in this great light of the Gospel for so long, have much difficulty in holding this definition of Christ that Paul gives, so deeply has the doctrine entered into my bones that Christ is a lawgiver.…At the very sound of the name of Christ my heart has trembled for fear, for I was convinced that he was a severe judge. If you feel oppressed with heaviness and anguish of heart, do not impute it to Christ, even if it comes in Christ’s name, but to the devil, who often comes looking like Christ and transforms himself into an angel of light.*1 若是你容许人把基督描绘成另一番模样,当患难和诱惑来临时,你很快就会被打倒。如此定义基督是基督徒所能拥有的最伟大的聪明智慧,但这也是最最难的事。我自己,虽活在福音伟大的光明中这么长时间了,要持定保罗所给的关于基督的定义仍然有很多困难,基督是律法颁布者这一教义深入我的骨髓……在每一声基督的名号中我的心因害怕而发抖,因为我曾坚信祂是一个严厉的审判官。如果你感受到心中沉甸甸极苦痛的重压,不要归咎于基督,仿佛那是因基督的名而来,而要归咎于恶魔,牠来的时候常常让人觉得像是基督,把自己变成光明天使的模样。
[Loved by Love Himself] We may, like Luther, think of Jesus as a lawgiver, rather than one who has loved us and given himself up for us. If you are convinced that Christ is a severe judge, always feeling a heaviness and anguish of heart—not because of godly grief—but because you doubt God’s goodness, Luther says this comes from the devil, not from God himself. Live by faith in the Son of God who loved us and gave himself for us. [被爱所爱]我们也许,就像马丁一样,把耶稣当作是一个律法颁布者,而不是爱我们,为我们舍弃自己的那位。如果你坚信基督基督是一个严厉的审判官,心中总是感到沉重与痛苦——不是因为敬虔的忧伤——而是因为你怀疑神的良善,路德说这是来自恶魔,不是来自神。要凭着相信神的儿子而活,祂爱我们,为我们舍己。
[Transition] Believers have been radically transformed to live as crucified people and live by faith in Jesus Christ. [过渡]信徒已经被彻底转变成像被钉死的人一样活着,并且凭着相信耶稣基督而活。
III. Christians Live to Magnify the Grace of God (2:21) 3.基督徒为彰显神的恩典而活着(2:21)
I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose. (Galatians 2:21) 我不废弃 神的恩;如果义是藉着律法而来的,基督就白白地死了。(2:21)
[Paul’s Argument] Here Paul goes back to his former argument that we ought not go back and follow the Mosaic Law because the law does not justify. Only Jesus justifies sinners. If we go back to the law to be made right with God we are trusting in the law, and nullify the grace of God. To go back to the OT law, as though righteousness could be obtained by more rules, regulations, and traditions, would render God’s grace and Christ’s death as useless. We nullify it. We cancel it out. [保罗的议论]这里保罗回到他先前的议论,就是我们不应该再回去追随摩西律法,因为律法并不让人称义。唯有耶稣让罪人称义。如果我们回到律法中凭着信靠律法而在神面前称义,我们就废弃了神的恩典。回到旧约律法,仿佛公义可以凭着更多的律例典章和传统而获得,这就让神的恩典和基督的死归于无用。我们废弃了它,取消了它。
[Illustrate: Homeless 100 Days] To try to pay for grace is to nullify it. Two years ago when we moved to Minnesota we didn’t have a home. So many gracious and kind people from Bethlehem opened their homes to us. And guess what, no one asked us to pay rent! Why? Because it was a gift. It was grace. If I paid rent—as though we had a legal contract—then the gift would be nullified. Instead, we lived for free because it was grace and a gift that was extended to us. [例证:无家可归100天]试图回报恩典其实是废弃恩典。两年前当我们搬到明尼苏达,我们还没有家。伯利恒教会有如此多恩慈良善的人对我们打开他们的家门。你猜猜看,没人问我们要房租!为什么?因为这是礼物,是恩典。如果我付了房租——仿佛我们签了合同——那礼物就不算礼物了。相反,我们免费住着,因为这是给我们的恩典和礼物。
[Christ Didn’t Have to Die] If we treat our salvation as something that could be earned, as something we contribute to, or as something we have to accomplish, we actually devalue it, undermine it, and even cancel out what Christ has accomplished. It goes from gift to contractual obligation. It’s like saying, “God if I do these things, you owe me salvation!” If salvation could be earned, then Christ didn’t have to die. If righteousness could be obtained by the law, then Christ didn’t need to die. [基督不必去死]如果我们把我们的救恩当作是我们可以赚得的,当作是我们可以贡献的,或当作是我们可以成就的,我们其实是在贬低它,破坏它,甚至废弃了基督所作成的。它从礼赠变成了合同规定的义务。这仿佛是在说:“神,要是我做了这些事,你就欠我一份救恩!”如果救恩可以被赚得,那么基督就不必去死。如果公义可以凭律法获得,那么基督就不需要去死。
[Heart of the Message of the Gospel] The heart of the message of the gospel is that we cannot earn it, but it is given as a gift to sinners who will trust in Jesus Christ and stop trying to earn it themselves. Michael Bloomberg’s error is a deadly error in thinking his resume is sufficient to impress, please, or merit God’s goodness. [福音信息的核心]福音信息的核心就是我们无法赚得,而是作为礼物赐给那些愿意相信耶稣基督,不再试图靠自己赢得的罪人们。迈克尔·布隆伯格的错误是致命的错误,他以为他的履历足以打动、取悦或配得神的良善。
[Magnify Not Nullify] As believers, we don’t nullify God’s grace, but we magnify the grace of God. Instead of cancelling it out by trying to earn it, Christians magnify God’s grace by receiving it as a free gift. We more fully magnify God’s great worth by relying on Jesus, living by faith, and walking in this new identity that we have received by grace. [彰显而不是废弃]作为信徒,我们不能废弃神的恩典,而是要彰显神的恩典。不是通过试图赚得它而取消它,却是因着接受它作为白白的礼物来彰显神的恩典。藉着依靠耶稣,凭信心而活,行在我们本乎恩典而接受的新身份中,我们就更加充分地彰显神伟大的价值。
[Receive It] We magnify God by receiving his salvation as people who are utterly hopeless without the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. We are hopeless with him. That we cannot obtain our salvation any other way, and must be made new by Christ. This morning, if you haven’t received Jesus’ salvation for you, by dying to yourself, by being brought into union with him, you have an opportunity to be crucified with Christ, to die to self, and to now live your life by faith in the Son of God who loved you and gave himself up for you. This will magnify the glory and the grace of Jesus Christ, when we come to him as needy sinners in need of grace that only he can give us. [接受福音]我们藉着接受救恩而尊神为大,正如我们要是我们没有耶稣的生、死和复活就彻底无望的人。没有祂我们就没有盼望。我们无法通过其它途径得到救恩,而是必须被基督作成新造的人。今天早上,如果你还没有接受耶稣为你预备的救恩,向你自己而死,被带入与祂的联合之中,那你还有机会与基督同钉十字架,向自己而死,因信神的儿子而活,祂爱你,为你舍己。当我们作为穷乏的罪人,需要的是唯独祂能赐予的恩典,这就彰显耶稣基督的荣耀与恩典。
[Share It] And for those who know Christ, who have been brought into union with him, who live by faith in the Son of God, who know their helplessness without Jesus, commit to magnifying this grace by relying on Jesus, living by faith, in order to open your mouth as a bold and winsome witness of Jesus. There are neighbors, family members, coworkers, and friends that are beginning to doubt whether their resume is sufficient to be made right with God. [分享福音]而对于那些认识基督,已经被带入与祂的联合之中,因信神的儿子而活,知道自己没有耶稣就没有盼望的人们,要藉着依靠耶稣,凭信心而活,来献身于彰显这恩典的事奉中,为要开你的口,为耶稣作一个勇敢而可爱的见证。有很多邻居、家人、同事、朋友,正在开始怀疑他们的履历是否足以在神面前称义。
[Closing Story: Bike Riding with Rich] I remember bike riding with a neighbor who was on the cusp of understanding the gospel. I had just performed a funeral earlier that day. I asked him, “Suppose it was you that died, and you came before God in heaven, and he asked why you should be let in, what would you say?” We had talked about the gospel many times before and studied the Bible together, so this wasn’t an unusual question. He said, “Well, I think it would say I tried my best with what I knew.” Then he thought about it further, and said, “but I don’t think that would be enough, and he’d just have to choose to let me in despite having not lived perfectly.” Oh that we would remember and recognize that it is all by grace, and that grace is offered freely to all who will receive it by faith. [结尾的故事:和瑞奇一起骑车]记得有一次我和一位邻居一起骑单车,他当时就在理解福音的骑缝点上。那天早些时候我主持了一场葬礼。我问他,“假设那是你死了,你上天来到神面前,祂问你为什么要让你进去,你要说什么?”我们之前就多次讨论福音,也一起查经,所以这不是一个不同寻常的问题。他说:“好吧,我想我应该说我已经凭我所知道的尽力了。”然后他再想了想,又说:“但我觉得那还不够,祂应该只是白白地让我进去,而不考虑我活得并不够好。”哦,我们应该记得并承认那全然是恩典,而那恩典要白白地赐给所有愿意凭信心接受的人。
**Sermon Discussion Questions ****讲道讨论问题**
Sermon Title: Crucified with Christ 讲道标题:与基督同钉十字架
Sermon Text: Galatians 2:20–21 讲道经文:加拉太书2:20-21
Main Point: Those who identify with Christ have been radically transformed by the work and person of Jesus Christ. 要点:那些与基督认同的人已经被耶稣基督的工作与位格彻底地改变了。
**Outline: ** 纲要:
1. Christians live as crucified people. 1.基督徒像被钉死的人那样活着
2. Christians live by faith in the Son of God. 2.基督徒凭着信神的儿子而活着
3. Christians live to magnify the grace of God. 3.基督徒为彰显神的恩典而活着
Opening Question: 开场问题:
1. What does Michael Bloomberg’s quote, “I’ve earned my place in heaven,” reveal about how he sees the world and heaven in particular? 1.迈克尔·布隆伯格所说的:“我已经为自己在天堂里赢得了一席之地”反映出他如何看待世界与天国?
Discussion Questions: 讨论问题
2. What is the context and the main argument leading up to Galatians 2:20–21? 2.加拉太书2:20-21之前有什么背景和主要的争论?
3. What did Peter do, what did the circumcision sect likely require, and why does Paul object? 3.彼得做了什么?割礼党可能要求什么?保罗为什么要反对他们?
4. How does the summary of the gospel in Galatians 2:20 address the controversy taking place? 4.加拉太书2:20中福音的总结如何解决所发生的争议。
5. What does it mean to be crucified with Christ? What are some other passages that shed light on this reality? 5.与基督同钉十字架是什么意思?还有哪些经文阐明这一现实?
6. What does it mean to nullify the grace of God? 6.废弃神的恩典是什么意思?
Application Questions: 应用问题:
7. What does it look like to live as crucified people? 7.活得像被钉死之人是什么样子?
8. What are some ways we can live by faith in the Son of God? 8.凭着信神的儿子而活有哪些方式?
9. How can we live to magnify the grace of God? 9.我们如何活着彰显神的恩典?
10. What are some plans we can put in place to share Jesus with unbelievers this holiday season? 10.在这个节日期间,我们有什么计划可以与不信者分享耶稣?
Prayer Focus: 祷告聚焦:
Praise God for his work of redemption such that we have died, Christ lives in us, and he loves us and gave himself for us. Confess your sins of trusting in something other than Christ or trying to earn or merit right standing with God. Thank him for how we have been crucified with Christ and now live by faith in Jesus. Ask God for help to share this good news with those without Jesus. 赞美神,为祂救恩的工作,正如我们死了,基督活在我们里面,祂爱我们,为我们舍己。承认你宁愿信靠别的东西而不信靠基督的罪,或试图赚取或赢得在神面前站立的权利。感谢祂,为我们已经与基督同钉十字架,现在凭相信耶稣而活。祈求神帮助我们向没有耶稣的人们分享这个好消息。

1 Luther, Martin. Galatians (Crossway Classic Commentaries. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 1998), 111–112.


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      本文标题:2019-11-24与基督同钉十字架Crucified with
