死亡诗社漫想 11-23

死亡诗社漫想 11-23

作者: MaryW | 来源:发表于2020-11-23 23:32 被阅读0次

死亡诗社里,John Keating老师的形象,恐怕是千千万万学生心目中渴望的理想老师。

The book articulates two competing theories about how young people should be educated: first, the process of rote memorization and blind obedience practiced by most teachers at Welton Academy (the “Welton way”); second, the process of training students to think for themselves (the “Keating way”).

He allows students to really see and feel with their own touch, rather than bury their heads in dusty books. He leads them to challenge the authority, to follow their heart, and to rebel against the orthodox approach. And I never thought I could run into such a teacher in my life, until Pr. L. 

Pr.L is amazing, stunning. At first look, he seems no more than an old grandpa with receded hairline. One would easily mistake him as a shrewd peddler when bumping into him on the street. But quite opposite, he's the kind of erudite professor capable of voluminous wisdom as well as patience. No one can touch him in his field of speciality. But despite his expertise, he's far from arrogance or self-importance. One word he always repeated to his student is, "learn to ask, learn to question the authority, learn to challenge me". So much so that his students can now learn to balance themselves in the middle ground, saunter in the grey area, throw open the forbidden gate. 

And I thanked him deeply for what he had taught me. 


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      本文标题:死亡诗社漫想 11-23
