Have you ever thought about what your own personality is like?
If you are asked to describe yourself with three words,
which three words would you choose?
Or, do you actually have no idea what your own personality is like?
Are you actually a person with no personality?
But then again, is personality really so important?
Kenya Hara, a leading design personality in Japan, once said:
The value of personality,
as well as the explicit expression of likes and dislikes,
have been unnecessarily overestimated.
It is a good thing that we live in a society where
all people are free to express their desires.
But freedom can also bring confusion.
What some people are really seeking is not to enjoy the freedom itself,
but to force others to see their freedom.
For example, “I want to eat Mac Donald’s” and “Mac Donald’s will do”
both mean to eat Mac Donald’s.
But it seems that the former embodies a person’s independence,
while the latter reflects the lack of assertiveness.
However, is this really necessary?
Is one’s daily performance of independence
with a variety of acts not an embodiment of being not independent?
An independent person will indeed have a personality,
but a person with personality may not necessarily be independent.
They might just be a slave of vanity,
craving the attention of others every day.
What do you really need, freedom and independence,
or a tag that hangs on you?
It seems that most people have not figured out this issue.