平台:arch linux
- 安装nerd fonts字体
- 设置配置文件
- 添加插件"ryanoasis/vim-devicons"
首先要有nerd fonts字体
spacevim在安装时,会顺带下载nerd font字体
也可以自己安装,使用"yay nerd-fonts"就可以找到相关字体
# set spacevim theme. by default colorscheme layer is not loaded,
# if you want to use more colorscheme, please load the colorscheme
# layer
colorscheme = "onedark"
colorscheme_bg = "dark"
# Disable guicolors in basic mode, many terminal do not support 24bit
# true colors
enable_guicolors = true
# Disable statusline separator, if you want to use other value, please
# install nerd fonts
statusline_separator = "arrow"
statusline_iseparator = "bar"
buffer_index_type = 4
windows_index_type = 3
enable_tabline_filetype_icon = true
enable_statusline_mode = true
statusline_unicode = true
# Enable vim compatible mode, avoid changing origin vim key bindings
vimcompatible = true
# filemanager = "defx"
name = 'colorscheme'
repo = "ryanoasis/vim-devicons"
merged = false