

作者: 米脑斯 | 来源:发表于2019-01-14 11:27 被阅读0次



1.  You stood me up.

2.  You didn’t show up.

3.  There are a lot of no-shows today.

4.  He ditched\missed the date.


话题二:彼之砒霜吾之蜜糖 Junk or keepsakes?


5. Look at all this junk. What’s in that box? Can you check?

6. Ok, they can go in recycling.

7. Can you take a look at that rocking chair? It looks like the back is broken.

8.  Can I ask you a question? Why are you keeping a plastic cuckoo clock?

9.  Are you kidding? Listen to that while I cook? I’d go crazy.

10.Hey, where are you taking all that junk? Bring it back to the attic!


11.Recycling? No, I can sell them. People collect old comic books.

12.I can fix it, I think We could use an extra…

13.It isn’t plastic. It’s oak. Actually, it was kind of expensive.

14.It would be perfect for the kitchen, don’t you think?

15.Junk? You call this junk? These are keepsakes!

话题三: 有朋自远方来


16.Guess who’s coming to Chicago?

17.How’d you guess?

18.When are they going to be in Chicago?

19.Where in Canada are they going?

20.Remember the big party they gave when we were in England?

21.  理智些

Be sensible, Sweetie. It’s too expensive.

还可以用wise up, try to be rational

Wise up, Ange. It’s a bill of goods. 别天真了,安吉,有钱能使鬼推磨。

Man is a rational being.人是理性动物。


tispy  微醺的感觉She wasn’t tipsy, just a little high.

buzzed 喝的有点飘了,脑袋有点嗡嗡响,这里用buzed这个词很形象。

hammered 喝醉了,hammer本义是锤子,喝得就像被锤子抡了脑袋一样

drunk 醉的 drunk as a fish 喝得烂醉如泥

wasted 断片儿

23.闻起来味道怪 smell funny

闻着一股腥味或者可疑 smell fishy

There’s something fishy about it.这里面有鬼;这事儿有点古怪。

I’m convinced there is something fishy going on.我确信有可疑的事在发生。

24.No wonder 怪不得

Well, no wonder no one appreciates me.现在我知道自己为何不受欢迎了。

No wonder he’s such a good guitarist. 怪不得这家伙吉他弹得这么好。

25.Sail through –pass\make it

Not all of us sailed through trig.不是所有人都能顺利通过考试。

But they have also fallen in countries that sailed through the financial crisis, such as Australia and Norway. 但在平稳度过金融危机的国家中,如澳大利亚和挪威,该指标也下降了。


stay tuned\tune in 看电视听广播插播广告时就会说stay tuned;

stay hungry\foolish\warm 保持解饿、保持愚蠢、保持暖和

stay put 保持别动 stay hydrated 多喝水

8.  treasure 做动词value (sth) highly

treasure sb’s friendship 珍视某人的情谊

treasure sth up:keep sth as precious or greatly loved 珍藏某事物

I shall always treasure the memory of our meetings. 我将永远记住我们相聚的情景。

9.  prize v.value sth. Highly

I prize my independence too much to go and work for them. 我决不愿意丧失我的独立性去为他们效劳。

10.collision 近义词 colliding, crash

head on collision\crash 迎头相撞

wrong way collision 逆行造成的事故


Let’s trash each other. 让我们互相伤害吧!

My dad says we can trash this place. 我爸爸说弄乱这个地方没关系的。

Let’s trash it. 尽情作吧!

trash talk 废话

11.if you have trouble doing

have加负面的词后面都加dong,而不是to do. 如have a hard time doing\have problem doing…


可以指毕业,he graduated from Harvard university.

还可以指毕业生,研究生。He is a fresh graduate. 他刚刚毕业。

我打算去读研。 I’m going to graduate school.

13.major 主要的,专业,要害

14.the whole package 该有的样子都有,完美的人

Sherry is the whole package. He is a good catch.表达同样的意思。

15.anyone who … enjoys\ those who…enjoys

Those who get up early and take the morning call enjoys challenges.

Anyone who can speak Chinese well can also speak perfect English.

16.Know-how 诀窍、专门技术

He has the technical know-how to …

They want someone with foreign language know-how.


manage the travel agency 管理旅行社

have a double major      有双学位

arrange travel for individuals  为个人安排旅游活动

arrange travel for group tour packages 为旅行团安排旅行活动

make all kinds of travel arrangements  安排各种旅行安排

arrange for an interview  安排一次面试

18.pay for sth./pay sth.(直接加特定费用,例如pay tuition)

19.BOGO =Buy One Get One Free 买一送一

20.I can’t fit.我坐不下。

21.take up 占


1)  enough is enough 适可而止

2)  I’ve had it enough. 我受够了。

23.stop fighting! Knock it off!

24.We ‘ll never get finished= We’ll never finish. (finish作为形容词的使用)

25.Definitely, surely, for sure, totally, absolutely, no problem…

26.I’ve traveled all over, and this is one of my very favorite places

拓展: all over the place 乱七八糟的

造句:Your hair is all over the place.

47.英国人习惯说take to hospital,,美国人习惯说take to the hospital

48. 追尾 hit him from behind=rear-ended

A vehicle hit him from behind.=A vehicle rear-ended

A vehicle hit him from behind.=A vehicle rear-ended him.

48. My English is broken. Not speaking: his Chinese is poor. We can say : he only speaks limited Chinese.

49. 筋疲力尽,耗尽wiped (out)=exhausted=worn out=burned out

exhaust a subject 详论一个话题 exhaust sb’s patience 使某人忍无可忍

50. 毫发未损 unharmed=safe and sound=intact


1.    慢下来,慢下来,慢下来

2.  口语中[t]、[d]在结尾时并没有泾渭之别,区别在于元音的长短。

sid sit读作/sid/ /si:t/

3.    口语中如果t在两个元音中,读作[d] 如 forget about it

4.  [r]与[t] 相连,[t] 读作[d], 如sort of

5.  CD、DVD、ABC最后一个字母重读,而不是弱读。

6.  口语中gonna=going to I’m going to =I’m gonna=imna

What are\do\\have you=watcha

7.  发元音时什么阻碍都没有,辅音就是发音时有阻碍。

8.  关于英美音的区别。英音和美音基本的东西是一样的,只是口音而已。如果没有达到要必须研究某个口音的程度,没有必要纠结。

9.  在大多数发音中,[z]的带声成分并不贯穿发音的全过程,如please ,save, prove it

10.call的美音读作卡l, 不要把L的音读作/əʊ/




13.读东西时建议:设立情境;不要感觉是好像是,分清楚事实和观点;put yourself in someone’s shoes


15.如果连读起来很别扭,就不连,不是所有可以连读的地方都连读,自然就好。如whose is it?

16.s,sh,舌头位置的区别,s 舌头靠前,sh上颚比较靠后。

17.exactly, t不发音,或者特别轻,念不对的话划分音节,放慢速度来练习单音节,eg-zac-ly.

18.Nt,nd,n 后面的td发音通常省略,因为发音位置接近。这里可以练习辅音之间的连读,如果单词后和单词前的辅音在同一个发音位置,可以连读。Isn’t amazing? isn’t 里的t不发音,it的t发音接近d,it和a连读,isnidamazing.


20.Is it amazing? 注意is it 弱读

21.What did you find out? 注意did you 连读,重读out

22.travel agency 连读

23.an English(history, Chinese) teacher, 重读在English上,是说学科,如果重音在teacher上,说明是来自英格兰的老师。

24.have to, has to, as can be shown, love to等的同化现象(受后面清辅音t的影响,前面的浊辅音清音化)

25.orange juice连读的本质是不需要重新启动



28.of和have可弱读为 [əv] 或 [ə]

29.  [h]发音时不要用力,he, his, him中的[h] 经常drop掉,如hit him 读作hit im

30.In a car accident 连读 car accident不一定要读成raccident, 只是舌头不需要重新启动。

31.Is he still in the hospital? 注意连读

32.She’s exhausted. She指代前面提到的Hannah,这里就不需要重读了,弱读即可。

33.poor 美[pʊr]


1.  误区:有气无力,开头重读

2.  有反馈才能提高

3. Attitude first: keep real.



