

作者: Vichee | 来源:发表于2019-01-21 02:39 被阅读2次


    使用教材:《剑桥国际英语语言教程》美音版Pronunciation Pairs



    1. 关于爽约:

    1)You stood me up.

    2)You didn't  show up.

    3)There are a lot of no-shows today.

    4) He ditched\missed the date. Don't ditch a date without explanation。

    2. 关于card:

    1)card = advantage; play your card = use your advantage

    If Rachel plays her cards right, she will be a great heiress and you will benefit too.

    2) 句型:play the XX card 又使那招了

    Hey, you're playing the "I love you"/"I don't have time" card again.

    She is alway play the "I'm weak" card.

    3)句型:put/lay cards on the table 有话直说,摊牌

    3. 关于醉酒:

    tipsy 微醺的感觉She wasn't tipsy, just a little high.

    buzzed 喝得有点飘了,脑袋有点嗡嗡响,这里用buzed这个词很形象。


    drunk 醉的drunk as a fish 喝得烂醉如泥。

    wasted 断片儿

    4. 闻起来味道怪 smell funny

    闻着一股腥味或者可疑 smell fishy

    There's something fishy about it. 这里面有鬼;这事有点古怪。

    I'm convinced there is something fishy going on.我确信有可疑的事在发生。

    5. no wonder 怪不得

    No wonder you treat me like that.

    6. sail through- pass/make it; 顺利通过

    I sail through the final test.

    7. 关于stay:

    stay tuned/tune in 广告之后更精彩;

    stay hungry/foolish 保持饥饿/保持愚昧;

    stay put 保持别动;stay hydrated 多喝水

    8. treasure作动词 value (sth) highly珍视;

    treasure our friendship 。

    9. head on collision/crash(车辆)迎头相撞;

    wrong way collision 逆行造成的事故;

    rear end 追尾。

    10. 关于trash的用法:

    1)Let's trash each other. 互相伤害吧!

    2)Let's trash it. 尽情作

    3)trash talk (运动)场上说脏话/废话/说别人坏话

    11. have后加负面的词汇时,常跟doing,而不是to do。

    例如:have a hard time doing/have problem doing

    12. graduate

    I'm going to graduate school.我打算去读研。

    13. package

    the whole/total package 完美的人

    He is the whole package. 

    He is a good catch.(相似的表达)

    14. Know-how 诀窍、专门技术

    technical Know-how to = with a knowledge of technology

    15. BOGO = Buy One Get One Free 买一送一

    16. I can't fit. 我坐不下。

    17. 关于enough:

    1)enough is enough 适可而止

    2)I've had it enough. 我受够了

    18. We'll never get finished=We'll never finish.(finish作为形容词的使用)

    19. I've traveled all over, and this is one of my very favorite places.

    all over the place 乱七八糟的

    Your hair is all over the place.

    20.英国人习惯说take to hospital, 美国人习惯说take to the hospital

    21. 精疲力尽、耗尽 wiped (out)=exhausted=worn out=burned out

    exhaust a subject 详论一个话题 exhaust sb's patience 使某人忍无可忍

    22. unharmed/safe and sound/intact 安然无恙。

    23. jacket-loose paper cover for a hardback book书封

    24. 关于领子:

    turtle neck 高领;crew neck 圆领;V neck v领

    25. zip up 拉上;zip it 保密

    26. been there, done that (注意体会语气中的隐含意思,比如已去过某地或做过某事而不再感兴趣)

    27. sleep late 睡懒觉

    28. that's another story 那是另外一回事

    29.  what he really wants to do is write, 句中强调动词write, 前面省略了to,不能用动名词。

    30. If I remember(recall) correctly/ if my memory serves me right(correctly)如果我没记错。

    31. decent job 体面的工作;

    menial job 又无聊挣钱又少的工作;

    demanding but rewarding job 要求高但是有益的工作

    32. born的几个用法:

    born in 后面常接地点;

    born on 后常接时间;

    born with 伴随着...出,先天...,比如 born with kidney problem;

    born into 出生于...家庭 He was born into an intellectual/an academic family/a large family.

    burn to 最常见的是接父母,比如 He was born to a rich father.\More children are now born to older women.


    1. 关于句首单词/音节每每重读的问题,(例如:Can I help you?Do you listen to popular music?Can I use your computer?) Eric在晨读开头的语音纠错环节提出的时候,我立即意识到这是自己存在的问题,不经意地重读句首音节已经成了习惯,熟悉的段落、第一次读到的还未判断语气的句子,都存在这种读音惯性,阻断了语流,听起来不自然。

    2. 关于“小段重复”,Eric用张艺兴的碧欧泉广告举例子,认为提升语言最好的方法就是小段重复,把一段话练到极致,如果把20%最常见的用词、语调模式练好,其他的80%自然也不会差。周末儿子回家,给他提了小小建议,就用广告的这一小段,也不算长的时间反复练习。周末返校演讲,老师发来视频,感觉他在语音语调上有了进步。以前一致以为,语音的问题三分靠练习七分靠天分,语言能力是born with 来的,其实,远没到拼天赋这一步,之前有长长的路要走,还是方法的问题。重复练习,试试把一段话练到极致。

    3. 关于“及时反馈”,Eric的碎碎念:不要盲目追求数量、不要自以为是...十天的晨读,8次打卡,每次都是将就午夜12点提交作业,跟小伙伴们互动不够,但仅有的几次就让我受益了,比如much这个单词,在句子中常弱读,更接近/ə/,跟读练习的时候应该先是听清楚了,但跟读的时候出于习惯还是重读;education我念了/dju:/, 美音教材念了/dʒu:/, 是英音跟美音的区别。说来简单的跟读,耳朵会骗了你习惯会误导你,止住惯性相信耳朵,发音里的小毛病还很是不少,感谢小伙伴耐心听完我的打卡内容,得益于她们,我找到自己的盲区,然后反复练习并深刻印象。

    4. 其他一些我需要注意的发音知识点:


    going to=gonna/gənə/ , I'm going to = I'm gonna = Imna; 

    What are/do/have you=Whatcha, What are you going to do?=Whatcha gonna do?

    2)口语中如果t在两个元音之间,读作/d/ forget about it。

    3)your在句中通常弱读,/jər/, 注意单词在不同语境、位置的不同发音。

    4) /s/和/z/、/v/和/f/,发音的区别并非泾渭分明,受前后音影响,在多数情况下,/z/或/v/的带声成分并不贯穿发音的全过程。比如:please /z/—/s/, 轻轻带过,声带不太振动;has to=/ztə/;have to=/ftə/。

    5)发音的第一要则:relax relax relax

    6)these are =/ði:zər/, 例句:These are bees!

    7)post office=/zdəfis/。


    9)orange juice的连读,ge所发的/dʒ/不要省略,连读的本质也不是重新启动。

    10)of, have 在句子中常弱读为/əv/或/ə/。

    11)Tell him that I love him. Tell her that I love her. 连读中可省略/h/的读音。




