Everything‘s going on (2020-05-1

Everything‘s going on (2020-05-1

作者: Rollin_Panda | 来源:发表于2020-05-30 00:41 被阅读0次

BGM: P.S. (I'm Still Not Over You) _Rihanna
"turn back the hands of time"...

        想念谁 打电话
        想见面 约
        想被理解 解释
        有疑惑 问
        讨厌什么 说
        喜欢什么 买
        饿了 吃
        困了 睡
        没钱 挣
        不想活了 自挂东南枝




  • 话说这两天遇到一个非常好的英语老师,一直在帮我纠错和延伸!而且还拖堂!负责至极,学到很多!
  • prior to
  • Thank you. 每次我说Thank you的时候,总是被回Thank YOU. 这也是一种回的方法咯
  • Very impressive.
  • seamless - smooth & continuous. eg: Two clothes were sew together in a seamless way.
  • propaganda - This word has a bias meaning in it, usually used in politics view. We can use disseminate/spread/circulate instead, means wide spreading.
  • Digital SLR camera
  • photography /fo'tografi/ n.
  • thread/page 推送不是poster,poster仅指海报
  • universal = ubiquitous - very wide spread, it is commonly used
  • dis'tribution
  • increase the value
  • designed/developed try to choose more appropriate word
  • ** This is none of a problem for some companies than others.**
  • coax - to persuade sb. to tell/give you sth.
  • conman = trickster - try to get money from ppl by tricking them.
  • extractor
  • fraud - fraudulent
  • ** children horse** - it's not a computer virus, it's a back door to let other virus in, usually hard to recognize.
  • unsolicited- you didn't ask for
  • every now and then=every once in a periodically sometimes
  • spam - unsolicited e-mail
  • reputable - known, trustworthy
  • spot - see sth. come across
  • medium - plural.=media
  • portfolio - a collection of creative work to show their skills
  • Apple press conferences
  • contract = condense = distill = verb , compact-adj.
  • IPO = Initial Public Offering 首次公开发行的股票
  • at one point = at happened once
  • at some point=you will end up doing it in the future
  • vocational master - academic master 专硕 - 学硕
  • become a reality = come true = come through = come to fruition
  • ludicrous = ridiculous - extremely silly or amazing/impressive, can be used in a positive way
  • exasperated sign - a frustrated sign ahaaaaaa....like this...
  • compounded sentence 复合句 = conjunction sentences
  • eccentric = not normal = strange
  • It's easy to hit ppl. hit can be used in any kind of collision.
  • roller coasters过山车
  • Porsche 911 TurboS 无用的知识又增加了
  • How say? 怎么说?you can give an example when answering.
  • more fiscally responsible
  • less mileage说电动车充满电行驶的公里数比汽油车少
  • less noise pollution
  • spread out - put everything in a mess
  • utilitarian - practical, basic function
  • I'm sure you will do great. When you are going to encourage sb., use it.






      本文标题:Everything‘s going on (2020-05-1
