

作者: 王摄山 | 来源:发表于2017-10-04 22:51 被阅读0次
    1. ventilation

    • Industrial ventilation system.
    1. diagnosis

    • Your diagnosis is wrong.
    • It excludes the diagnosis.之前的诊断是错误的
    • differential diagnosis. 鉴别诊断
    1. parasite

    • Live off another. A mere parasite.
    1. compulsory

    • Gas marks are compulsory
    • Is English a compulsory course in your school?
    • Free compulsory education. 免费义务教育
    1. blast

    • That's a blast from the past.那是过去的回响(过眼云烟)
    • I had such a blast with him the other night.相处的愉快
    • a blast of fire.一道火焰
    • Continuous blast of the sand carring wind.风沙持续的摧残和打击
    1. digest

    • But I don't want to be digested.
    • Soap Opera Digest, oh that's my favourite digests.这里是文摘
    1. measure

    • Desperate times require desperate measures.走投无路之时也要铤而走险
    • take measures.采取行动
    • How a tailor measures pants. 量裤子
    • measure up.合格
    • tap measure. 卷尺
    • I can make you rich beyond all measure.
    1. decimation

    • The decimation of entire communities
    1. aggravate

    • Such a attempt only aggravates the strain of mental effort.这种尝试只会加剧精神
    1. vestige

    • No vestige of sunlight can penetrate as far as this.
    1. conceive

    • Ross was actually conceived right near this tuxedo.
    • I could noe conceive or believe.
    1. cognition

    • Behavior is actions, cognition is knowing and judging.
    • We are using our cognition to control our behavior.
    • Cognition only, no emotional affect.
    1. vibrate

    • Vibrations will cause the roof of the mine to collapse.
    • It vibrated through me.
    • I'm already on vibrate.我已经调好为震动了
    1. intact

    • Tibet kept it preserved almost intact.
    1. incentive

    • I don't need a incentive.
    • tax incentive stuff. 税收刺激方案
    1. yacht

    • I sipped champagne on a yacht.
    1. fragrance

    • I miss the fragrance.
    1. seismic

    • Seismic shifts of our population.
    • More strong seismic activity.
    • seismic waves地震波
    1. carnivore

    • World largest carnivore.
    1. architecture

    • She loves architecture
    1. landscape

    • It is a harsh and unforgiving landscape.
    1. exhaust

    • The exhaust fumes are choking me.
    • Traveling upriver exhausts them so much.
    1. defect

    • She defected to north korea.叛逃
    • No defect was perceptible.缺陷
    1. exceed

    • Exceed their income.入不敷出



