

作者: 寂静a | 来源:发表于2021-06-29 07:20 被阅读0次


世间英雄是用来战胜别人的,而一个智者从来不需要战胜别人而是自己 ——鼎然

Heroes in the world are used to defeat others, and a wise man never needs to defeat others but himself __dingran

痛苦是人生常态,倘若看不透这一点,你的活法需要更多难以抚平的创伤与折磨 ——鼎然

Pain is the normal state of life. If you can't see through this, you need more wounds and torments that are difficult to heal ——dingran

看穿真相背后的抑郁才叫善良,因为从来没有哪一种所谓的善良能够如此踏实与寂静 ——鼎然

The depression behind the truth is called goodness, because there is never any so-called goodness that can be so steadfast and quiet -- dingran

我不需要听你在我面前大谈道理,因为我腻味了这种作假的把式。而今的我羞愧於过去的愚蠢,总拿道理来为自己涂抹装饰 ——鼎然

I don't need to hear you talk in front of me, because I'm fed up with this kind of deception. Now I am ashamed of my past stupidity. I always use reason to paint decorative paintings for myself __dingran

赋有境界的人绝不会腐朽度日,没有境界的人时常浑浑噩噩度日。前者懂得自己需要什么不需要什么,后者只能随波逐流任人宰割 ——鼎然

A man with a realm will never rot, and a man without a realm will often muddle through. The former knows what they need and what they don't need, while the latter can only go with the tide and be slaughtered by others ——dingran

真正的冥想不是为了达到何种境界,更不是为了消除疲劳避免灾祸。冥想的魅力在于自省、冥想的骨气定是坚凝自我,冥想的顶级境界就是认知自己消融自我 ——鼎然

Real meditation is not to achieve what kind of state, not to eliminate fatigue and avoid disaster. The charm of meditation lies in self-examination. The essence of meditation is to strengthen oneself. The top state of meditation is to recognize oneself and melt oneself - dingran

你可以自私,但你必须懂得感恩 ——鼎然

You can be selfish, but you must be grateful - Ding ran


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