

作者: 月牙儿湾 | 来源:发表于2018-07-14 23:58 被阅读78次

1. Always try clothes in reality.

2. Don’t buy clothes on the website without trying. Only watch styles that you prefer and try in reality. TJ-max is great.

3. Write your own principles you learned each day.

4. Never draw back any word on wechat, any other social media and in reality. Never regret anything. Anything you have done is normal, is natural. Never regret anything you have done. Only analyze it, analyze why you do like this, what’s the underlying meaning of your behavior? Do you like it? Do you agree it? If yes, can it be better? If not, go and improve it.

5. Learn to ignore conversation that is not important.

6. Do not say any word further to the guy who grumble

7. Take an eye on the one you are connecting with, if you don’t like him/her, cut him/her from your list. No more contact.

8. Know the meaning of each thing you are doing/ dealing with

9. When in a conversation, keep alert about the underlying meaning of each sentence the guy saying. Always be alert about each person’s face control, body language, posture!

10. Be aware of flatter, threat, tease… Keep cool to every abnormal situation!

11. Always have plan B!!! Always think about if this won’t work, what should I do next, third, forth, fifth? You could hardly control anything except yourself!

12. Do what you should do, but not what you want to!

13. ICM or Cancer?  Because of the rule the environment provided, the ICM can develop into an integral individual; Without control/rule/principle/order, cancer cell just ruined everything into a mass.

14. Never regret anything!


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