pm2 高级配置

pm2 高级配置

作者: sorry510 | 来源:发表于2021-11-12 10:35 被阅读0次


    pm2 相关命令

    pm2 start app.js --name my-api # 命名进程
    pm2 start app.js -i 4 #后台运行pm2,启动4个app.js
    pm2 start test.php # 运行php程序
    pm2 list # 查看进程
    pm2 stop all # 停止所有
    pm2 restart all        # 重启所有进程
    pm2 monit              # 监视所有进程
    pm2 logs # 查看日志
    pm2 log [app_id] # 查看日志
    pm2 restart [app_id]
    pm2 stop [app_id]
    pm2 plus # 开启web监控页面,需要注册 pm2 的官方账号

    --name new-name指定进程名称,默认以文件名作为进程名称
    -i 0启动多少个进程,0为CPU核数

    pm2 启动其他服务程序的配置方式,支持yamljsjson


      "apps": [{
          "name": "queue1",                            
          "script": "think",                     
          "cwd": "./",                               
          "interpreter": "php",                        
          "args": "queue:work --daemon --queue xxx"
      "apps": [{
          "name": "queue2",                            
          "script": "java",                     
          "cwd": "./",                               
          "interpreter": "",                        
          "args": "--jar xxx.jar"

    pm2 启动 bat 等不使用环境的脚本

    pm2 start XXX.bat --interpreter none



    systemctl start pm2-用户名


    加载 pm2 save 后的配置

    pm2 resurrect


    pm2 install pm2-logrotate
    • pm2-logrotate配置

    • max_size (默认 10M): 最大为多少时进行分割,例如: 10G, 10M, 10K

    • retain (Defaults to all): This number is the number of rotated logs that are keep at any one time, it means that if you have retain = 7 you will have at most 7 rotated logs and your current one.

    • compress (默认 false): 是否压缩日志

    • dateFormat (默认 YYYY-MM-DD_HH-mm-ss) : 日志格式

    • rotateModule (Defaults to true) : Rotate the log of pm2's module like other apps

    • workerInterval (Defaults to 30 in secs) : You can control at which interval the worker is checking the log's size (minimum is 1)

    • rotateInterval (Defaults to 0 0 * * * everyday at midnight): This cron is used to a force rotate when executed. We are using node-schedule to schedule cron, so all valid cron for node-schedule is valid cron for this option. Cron style :

    • TZ (Defaults to system time): This is the standard tz database timezone used to offset the log file saved. For instance, a value of Etc/GMT-1, with an hourly log, will save a file at hour 14 GMT with hour 13 GMT-1 in the log name.


    pm2 set pm2-logrotate:max_size 2048K // 设置切割日志大小
    pm2 set pm2-logrotate:rotateInterval '* * */1 * *'     //每小时备份
    pm2 set pm2-logrotate:compress true    //压缩
    pm2 set pm2-logrotate:retain 3  //备份最多3份,也就是备份最进3小时的日志



          本文标题:pm2 高级配置
