
作者: 凌空_lingkong | 来源:发表于2019-12-13 18:10 被阅读0次

    bitbake的原理介绍, 使用方法, 编译脚本的编写方法

    bitbake 介绍


    $ bitbake -h


    bitbake [options] [recipename/target recipe:do_task ...]

    Executes the specified task (default is 'build') for a given set of target recipes (.bb files).
    It is assumed there is a conf/bblayers.conf available in cwd or in BBPATH which
    will provide the layer, BBFILES and other configuration information.


    --version show program's version number and exit
    -h, --help show this help message and exit
    -b BUILDFILE, --buildfile=BUILDFILE 执行指定的recipe,不处理任何依赖
    Execute tasks from a specific .bb recipe directly.
    WARNING: Does not handle any dependencies from other
    -k, --continue 出错后, 尽可能继续. Continue as much as possible after an error. While the
    target that failed and anything depending on it cannot
    be built, as much as possible will be built before
    -f, --force 强制target/task的执行. Force the specified targets/task to run (invalidating
    any existing stamp file).
    -c CMD, --cmd=CMD 运行指定task. Specify the task to execute. The exact options
    available depend on the metadata. Some examples might
    be 'compile' or 'populate_sysroot' or 'listtasks' may
    give a list of the tasks available.
    -C INVALIDATE_STAMP, --clear-stamp=INVALIDATE_STAMP 清楚stamp
    Invalidate the stamp for the specified task such as
    'compile' and then run the default task for the
    specified target(s).
    -r PREFILE, --read=PREFILE 先读取指定的file, 在读取bitbake.conf
    Read the specified file before bitbake.conf.
    -R POSTFILE, --postread=POSTFILE 在bitbake.conf后,读取指定的file
    Read the specified file after bitbake.conf.
    -v, --verbose Enable tracing of shell tasks (with 'set -x'). Also
    print bb.note(...) messages to stdout (in addition to
    writing them to ${T}/log.do_<task>).

    -D, --debug 增加debug level. Increase the debug level. You can specify this more
    than once. -D sets the debug level to 1, where only
    bb.debug(1, ...) messages are printed to stdout; -DD
    sets the debug level to 2, where both bb.debug(1, ...)
    and bb.debug(2, ...) messages are printed; etc.
    Without -D, no debug messages are printed. Note that
    -D only affects output to stdout. All debug messages
    are written to ${T}/log.do_taskname, regardless of the
    debug level.
    -q, --quiet Output less log message data to the terminal. You can
    specify this more than once.
    -n, --dry-run Don't execute, just go through the motions.
    Dump out the signature construction information, with
    no task execution. The SIGNATURE_HANDLER parameter is
    passed to the handler. Two common values are none and
    printdiff but the handler may define more/less. none
    means only dump the signature, printdiff means compare
    the dumped signature with the cached one.
    -p, --parse-only Quit after parsing the BB recipes. 只解析recipes
    -s, --show-versions Show current and preferred versions of all recipes.
    -e, --environment Show the global or per-recipe environment complete
    with information about where variables were
    -g, --graphviz Save dependency tree information for the specified
    targets in the dot syntax. 保存dependency tree信息
    Assume these dependencies don't exist and are already
    provided (equivalent to ASSUME_PROVIDED). Useful to
    make dependency graphs more appealing
    -l DEBUG_DOMAINS, --log-domains=DEBUG_DOMAINS
    Show debug logging for the specified logging domains
    -P, --profile Profile the command and save reports.
    -u UI, --ui=UI The user interface to use (knotty, ncurses or taskexp
    - default knotty).
    --token=XMLRPCTOKEN Specify the connection token to be used when
    connecting to a remote server.
    --revisions-changed Set the exit code depending on whether upstream
    floating revisions have changed or not.
    --server-only Run bitbake without a UI, only starting a server
    (cooker) process.
    -B BIND, --bind=BIND The name/address for the bitbake xmlrpc server to bind
    Set timeout to unload bitbake server due to
    inactivity, set to -1 means no unload, default:
    Environment variable BB_SERVER_TIMEOUT.
    --no-setscene Do not run any setscene tasks. sstate will be ignored
    and everything needed, built.
    --skip-setscene Skip setscene tasks if they would be executed. Tasks
    previously restored from sstate will be kept, unlike
    --setscene-only Only run setscene tasks, don't run any real tasks.
    Connect to the specified server.
    -m, --kill-server Terminate any running bitbake server.
    --observe-only Connect to a server as an observing-only client.
    --status-only Check the status of the remote bitbake server.
    Writes the event log of the build to a bitbake event
    json file. Use '' (empty string) to assign the name
    --runall=RUNALL Run the specified task for any recipe in the taskgraph
    of the specified target (even if it wouldn't otherwise
    have run).
    --runonly=RUNONLY Run only the specified task within the taskgraph of
    the specified targets (and any task dependencies those
    tasks may have).



