Solar Impulse 2 Takes Off From S

Solar Impulse 2 Takes Off From S

作者: lele61 | 来源:发表于2016-07-12 21:39 被阅读20次

Solar Impulse 2, the solar powered airplane, piloted by Swiss pioneer Bertrand Piccard prepares to land in Seville, Spain, after finishing a 70 hours flight over the Atlantic ocean, June 23, 2016.
2016年6月23日,在耗费70小时完成了穿越大西洋的飞行后,由瑞士飞行员 Bertrand Piccard 操作的太阳能飞行器 Solar Impluse 2 ,准备降落在西班牙塞维利亚。

Solar Impulse 2

An airplane powered entirely by the sun has almost finished its more than year-long, globe-trotting journey.

The single-seat Solar Impulse 2 took off from Seville for Cairo Monday with pilot Andre Borschberg in the pilot's seat.
这架仅有一个座位的飞机 Solar Impulse 2 于周一从塞维利亚起飞前往开罗,由飞行员 Andre Borschberg 操作。

The odyssey this time will take the solar-powered plane over a number of airspaces, including Tunisia, Algeria, Malta, Italy, Greece and finally Egypt.

This is the solar-powered plane's next to last flight before arriving in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates where the trip around the world began in March of 2015.
此次旅程是 Solar Impulse 2 全球旅行的倒数第二段,之后它将抵达阿联酋阿布扎比,那里是它于2015年3月开始环球旅行的地方。

Last month, Swiss aviator Bertrand Piccard was in the cockpit to take the Solar Impulse 2 on one of the most hazardous parts of its worldwide sojourn - a 71-hour flight over the Atlantic Ocean from New York.
上个月,瑞士飞行员 Bertrand Piccard 驾驶飞机完成了其全球旅行中最危险的一部分——一段从纽约横跨大西洋的、71小时的飞行。

Piccard and Borschberg have taken turns solo piloting the aircraft.
两名飞行员 Piccard 和 Borschberg 以轮流的方式,独立驾驶飞机。

Borschberg piloted the plane across the Pacific Ocean, from Nagoya, Japan to Hawaii; a 118-hour endeavor.
Borschberg 驾驶飞机穿越太平洋,从日本名古屋到达夏威夷;这段旅程耗时118小时。

The two pilots have learned meditation and hypnosis as part of their training to help them stay alert for long periods of time.

Piccard and Borschberg say they aim to demonstrate that alternative energy sources and new technologies can achieve what some consider impossible, like flight without fuel.

The carbon fiber Solar Impulse 2 has a 72-meter wingspan, which is longer than the wingspan of a Boeing 747 and weighs about as much as an automobile. The 17,000 solar cells built into the wings harness the sun's energy and charge onboard batteries.
Solar Impulse 2 机身由碳纤维制造,翼展达72米,比波音747的翼展还要长;重量相当于一辆汽车。飞机机翼上的17,000个太阳能电池片接收太阳能,为机上电池充电。



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