Think about和Think in的文字游戏

Think about和Think in的文字游戏

作者: thatTODDler | 来源:发表于2017-08-17 10:04 被阅读27次

From The Gene Page 234:

It is the impulse of science to try to understand nature, and the impulse of technology to try to manipulate it. Recombinant DNA had pushed genetics from the realm of sciece into the realm of technology. Genes were not abstractions anymore. They could be liberated from the genomes of organisms where they had been trapped for millennia, shuttled between species, amplified, purified, extended, shortened, altered, remixed, mutated, mixed, matched, cut, pasted, edited; they were infinitely malleable to human intervention. Genes were no longer just the subjects of study, but the instruments of study. There is an illuminated moment in the development of a child when she grasps the recursiveness of language: just as thoughts can be used to generate words, she realizes, words can be used to generate thoughts. Recombinant DNA had made the language of genetics recursive. Biologists had spent decades trying to interrogate the nature of the gene -- but now it was the gene that could be used to interrogate biology. We had graduated, in short, from thinking about genes, to thinking in genes.

“They could be liberated from the genomes of organisms where they had been trapped for millennia, shuttled between species, amplified, purified, extended, shortened, altered, remixed, mutated, mixed, matched, cut, pasted, edited”


They could be liberated from the genomes of organisms where they had been trapped for millennia这一部分,liberated其实是结果,trapped是产生结果之前的状态。所以修饰和被修饰部分之间的关系,可以看做时间先后关系或者前后对比关系。考虑到这一点,我先写之前,再写之后,然后点明两者对比关系。就得出了“只是千万年来禁锢在基因组中的一部分,相反,基因已经能从基因组中提取出来”,稍作修改后,顺应前文,与前文构成递进。


第二个翻译的难点,就是本文题目啦。think about和think in。这种用法,是英文独有的文字游戏,是让人会心一笑,觉得英文很可爱又很调皮的用法。类似的说法我在之前某篇Vital Speech of the Day上也看到过,原文忘记了,大概是We need to use our brains to think about things, instead of think of them. 我当时的翻译是“有些事,我们要用脑子思考,不能只惦记着。”虽然意思出来了,却丟掉了英文里的小把戏。这一段也是一样,虽然能把原意表达出来,却没能在翻译中再现文字游戏,英文中同用一个think,而中文里却很难找到有同一个字的词语,分别对应需要思考的问题和解决问题的思路。如果有人能想到,一定要告诉我。



From the Gene Page 244:

It was an inverted fable: an academic Goliath versus a pharmaceutical David, one lumbering, powerful, handicapped by size, the other nimble, quick, adept at dancing around rules.

这一段主要考虑了中文读者的接受度。inverted fable直接用故事梗概,“小个子羊倌打败巨人格利亚”,简单明了,直接给了主角和结局。后面的小词都处理成了四字结构。这是一个个人习惯,如果原文复杂难懂,我习惯翻译成简单易懂的,如果原文简单浅显,我又习惯翻译成讨巧顺口的。当然,前提是跟原文的语言风格不冲突。





    本文标题:Think about和Think in的文字游戏
