《道德经》第十五章 中英文

《道德经》第十五章 中英文

作者: 国学经典宋读 | 来源:发表于2020-03-11 19:25 被阅读0次

The ancients followed the divine law,

subtle, delicate, mysterious, communicative,

too deep to be understood.

Not objectively understood,

it can only be subjectively described.

The ancients were circumspect as crossing a frozen river,

watchful as fearful of hostile neighbors,

reserved as an unacquainted guest,

softened as melting ice,

natural as uncarved block,

vacant as a vale,

and obscure as a muddy stream.

Who could calm the turbid water?

It could be slowly turned clean.

Who could stir the stale water?

It could be slowly revived.

Those who follow the divine law

will not be full to the brim.

Only those who do not go to excess

can renew what is worn out.




      本文标题:《道德经》第十五章 中英文
