- For variable name, always use English with lowerCamelCase.

space in comment:

bad example:

Suggestion: 与其“半吊子”英文来注释,不如用中文注释把问题说清楚。专有名词与关键字保持英文原文即可。
谨慎注释掉代码。在上方详细说明,而不是简单地注释掉。如果无用,则删除。 说明:代码被注释掉有两种可能性:1)后续会恢复此段代码逻辑。2)永久不用。前者如果没有备注信息,难以知晓注释动机。后者建议直接删掉(代码仓库保存了历史代码)。
Do not mix production code with test code. All testing codes must be put to folder src\test\java.

For boolean variable in POJO, no "is" prefix is allowed.
Always use meaningful naming for self-descriptive purpose.

Bad example: no prefix for local variable.

- Naming per layer

- Bracket usage
if( XXX ){
if( XXX ){
} else{
- space usage

bad example:

space between method and argument:

bad example:

- new line usage

bad example:

- text file encoding
IDE text file encoding: UTF-8; IDE new line format: use Unix instead of Windows
IDE setting:

why we should set this property
- basic type and wrapper object

No business logic is allowed in constructor. If initialization logic is needed, put it in init().
class method sequence
public method > protected > private > getter / setter

- No business logic in setter/getter

- Bracket is mandatory in if/else/for/while/do.
Bad example:
if (condition) statements;
Better to use if XXX return; instead of if XXX else YYY:

