【汉化】Sep 30 2018 OctoPack Battler

【汉化】Sep 30 2018 OctoPack Battler

作者: 沧笙 | 来源:发表于2018-10-03 19:25 被阅读130次

Some more content has been added into the sample project and OctoPack Battler today!
今天在示例项目和OctoPack Battler中添加了更多内容!

An update has been made to Order Turn Battle. I've received some reports of certain Yanfly's Buffs & States Core Lunatic Mode codes failing to work properly with Order Turn Battle. I don't know why this happens, but I suspect it has to do with turn order calculation. This comes as a big surprise to me because I use a lot of Lunatic Mode notetags inside the sample project, too, and they have been working fine as far as I can tell. But since I cannot know how every single user is placing their notetags inside their projects, I have made a fail safe to organize it properly to prevent future problems with it.
已对Order Turn Battle进行了更新。我收到一些关于某些Yanfly的Buffs和States Core Lunatic Mode代码无法正常使用Order Turn Battle的报告。我不知道为什么会这样,但我怀疑它与计算有关。因为我在示例项目中也使用了很多Lunatic Mode notetags,而且就我所知,它们一直很好用。但由于我无法知道每个用户如何将他们的notetag放在他们的项目中,我已经做了一个故障保护,可以正确防止将来出现问题。

That is the only major change I have done to the plugin code itself. Now, I will explain the new content added to the sample project!

A bug was fixed for the Guard skill's action sequence. I made a small typo in it so one of the effects didn't work. That is fixed now.


The Trickster is the newest class I've added to the sample project. It has 8 new skills added to it!

This is Yanfly's Jump Tips & Tricks added into the sample project to show it does indeed work with OTB despite what many people claim otherwise. This skill makes the user jump into the air for 2 turns, becoming untargetable. After 2 turns is up, the user falls down from the sky and lands on the selected enemy, dealing critical damage to it.
这是Yanfly的Jump Tips&Tricks添加到示例项目中以显示它确实与OTB一起工作,尽管许多人声称不然。这项技能使用户跳到空中2圈,变得难以驾驭。在2转之后,用户从天空坠落并降落在选定的敌人身上,对其造成严重伤害。

The Trickster is a class that brings in a lot of mechanics from the Persona series by using Yanfly's Lunatic Mode alone! It can give an ally a state that makes a special effect: if the ally hits an enemy's weakness, that ally will gain an extra action immediately after, as long as the enemy's weakness hasn't been exploited already during that turn.
Trickster是一个 通过单独使用Yanfly的Lunatic模式从Persona系列中引入大量机制的课程!它可以给盟友一个特殊效果的状态:如果盟友击中敌人的弱点,只要敌人的弱点在那个回合中没有被利用,该盟友将立即获得额外的行动。

There is a hidden passive effect, too: if all enemies become stunned by having their Break Shields reach 0, the Trickster will ask you if you want to do an All-Out Attack, which brings in the total ATK power of the party to deal damage to the enemy.
还有一个隐藏的被动效果:如果所有敌人都被他们的Break Shields达到0而震惊,那么Trickster会问你是否要进行全面攻击,这会带来该攻击的总攻击力量。

If you want to add the Trickster to your party, you can find him in the bar in the sample project!


This is a pretty unique class! It also shows the type of potential gameplay that can happen with different mechanics added to it like Persona's 1-More system and All-Out Attack. Please take your time exploring the the new features!
这是一个非常独特的课程!它还显示了潜在的游戏玩法类型,可以通过添加不同的机制来实现,例如Persona的1-More系统和All-Out Attack。请花点时间探索新功能!



      本文标题:【汉化】Sep 30 2018 OctoPack Battler
