赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 001 Self In

赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 001 Self In

作者: UncleBryan | 来源:发表于2018-04-03 06:10 被阅读0次

    I. Reading 阅读

    My name is Robert. My friends call me Bob. I am twenty years old. I am Chinese. I come from Beijing. There are six people in my family. I have one younger sister and two older brothers. We are not rich, but we are a happy family.

    II. Vocabulary & Idioms 单次短语注解

    1. name [nem] n. 名字
      例: What's your name, please?
    2. friend [frɛnd] n. 朋友
      例: He has many friends.
    3. call [kɔl] vt. 称,叫(名)
      例: Cindy calls her doll Baby.
    4. Chinese [tʃaɪniːz] a. 中国人的 & n. 中国人
    5. come [kʌm] vi. 来自
      come from... 来自于......
      例: I come from Japan.
    6. people ['pipl] n. 人们
      people 表示“人们”时,只作复数用。我们可说two people(两个人)、three people(三个人)、many people(许多人)等,却不可说one people。若欲表示“一个人”时,应说one person 或 a person 。
      例: There are many people at the station.
      There is only one people in the room.(X)
      →There is only one person in the room.(O)
    7. family [ˈfæməlɪ] n. 家庭
      例: He has a large family.
    8. younger sister 妹妹
      older sister 姐姐
      younger brother 弟弟
      older brother 哥哥
    9. rich [rɪtʃ] a. 富有的
      例: The old man is rich, but he is not happy.
    10. happy ['hæpɪ] a. 快乐的
      例: I feel happy when I am with you.

    III. Grammar Points 语法重点


    1. My friends call me Bob.
      call [kɔl] vt. 称......为......
      例: They call the little girl...(X,句意不完整)
      →They call the little girl Mary.(O)
    2. I am twenty years old. (我20岁。)
      a. 此类句子结构为:
      例: My baby boy is one year old.
      He is twenty-five years old.
      b. 在上列例句中的old亦可用of age 取代。
      He is twenty-five years old.
      =He is twenty-five years of age.
      * age [edʒ] n. 年纪
      c. 谈到age还有一个很好的用法:
      look young for one's age
      =look younger than one really is
      例: You look young for your age.
      =You look younger than you really are.
    3. I am Chinese.
      =I am a Chinese.
      第一例中的Chinese是形容词,之前不置不定冠词"a";第二例中的Chinese则作名词,之前须置 "a"。
    4. There are six people in my family.
      a. there置于句首,之后接be动词(is,are)时,作“有”解。
      there is + 单数名词 + 表示场所的介词
      there are + 复数名词 + 表示场所的介词短语
      例: There is a book on the desk.
      b. there [ðɛr] 一字则是副词,本意为“那里”。
      例: Put the book there.

    IV. Substitution 替换

    1. A: What's your name?
      B: My name is Peter Wang.
      =I'm Peter Wang.
    2. A: How old are you?
      B: I'm eighteen years old.
      =I'm eighteen years of age.
    3. A: Where are you from?
      B: I am from Shanxi.
      =I come from Shanxi.
    4. A: How many people are there in your family?
      B: There are five people in my family.



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          本文标题:赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 001 Self In
