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Linux/Mac OSX 与 Windows 的差异(部分附带Python中os模块的函数)
Touch xxx 创建空文件
New-Item xxx -type file P:创建空文件
pwd print working directory(打印工作目录)
getcwd() (Python:打印当前目录)
hostname my computer’s network name(电脑在网络中的名称)
mkdir make directory(创建路径)
cd change directory(更改路径)
ls list directory(列出路径下的内容)
rmdir remove directory(删除路径)
pushd push directory(推入路径)
popd pop directory(推出路径)
cp copy a file or directory(复制文件或路径)
cp copy a file or directory(P:复制文件或路径)
robocopy robust copy(P:更可靠的复制命令,PowerShell除了cp还有robocopy)
mv move a file or directory(移动文件或路径)
less page through a file(逐页浏览文件)
cat print the whole file(打印输出整个文件)
more page through a file(P:打印输出整个文件,PowerShell 无cat)
type print the whole file(P:打印输出整个文件,PowerShell 无cat)
xargs execute arguments(执行参数)
forfiles run a command on lots of files(P:在一大堆文件上面运行一条命令)
find find files(寻找文件)
dir /r find files(P:寻找文件)
grep find things inside files(在文件中查找内容)
select-string find things inside files(P:在文件中查找内容)
man read a manual page(阅读手册)
help read a manual page(P:阅读手册)
apropos find what man page is appropriate(寻找恰当的手册页面)
helpctr find what man page is appropriate(P:寻找恰当的手册页面
env look at your environment(查看你的环境)
get-childitem Env (P:)
echo print some arguments(打印一些参数)
export export/set a new environment variable(导出/设定一个新的环境变量)
set export/set a new environment variable(P:导出/设定一个新的环境变量)
exit exit the shell(离开 shell)
sudo DANGER! become super user root DANGER!(成为超级用户或 root,危险命令!)
runas DANGER! become super user root DANGER!(P:成为超级用户或 root,危险命令!)
chmod change permission modifiers(修改文件许可权限)
attrib change permission modifiers(P:修改文件许可权限)
chown change ownership(修改文件的所有者)
iCACLS change ownership(P:修改文件的所有者)