《Ray Dalio on a Lifetime of Principles》
每个人都有自己的一些生活原则 投资原则 工作原则 让我们看看Ray Dalio的一些原则
1) It isn't easy for me to be confident that my opinions are right. In the markets, you can do ahuge amount of work and still be wrong.
2) Bad opinions can be very costly. Most people come up with opinions and there’s no cost tothem. Not so in themarket. This is why I have learned to be cautious. No matter how hard I work, I really can’t be sure.
3) The consensus is often wrong, so I have to be an independent thinker. To make any money,you have to be right when they’re wrong.
3.1) I worked for what I wanted, not for what others wanted me to do. For that reason, I never feltthat I had to do
anything. All the work I ever did was just what I needed to do to get what I wanted. Since I always had the prerogative to
strive for what I wanted, I never felt forced to do anything
3.2) I came up with the best independent opinions I could muster to get what I wanted. Forexample, when I wanted to
make money in the markets, I knew that I had to learn about companies to assess the attractiveness of their stocks. At the
time, Fortune magazine had a little tear out coupon that you could mail in to get the annual reports of any companies on
the Fortune 500, for free. So I ordered all the annual reports and worked my way through the most interesting ones and
formed opinions about which companies were exciting.
The way I learn is to immerse myself in something, which prompts questions, which I answer, prompting more questions, until I reach a conclusion.
3.3) I stresstested my opinions by having the smartest people I could find challenge them so I could find out where I was wrong. I never cared much about others’ conclusions—only forthe reasoning that led to these conclusions. That
reasoning had to make sense to me. Through this process, I improved my chances of being right, and I learned a lot froma lot of great people.
3.4) I remained wary about being overconfident, and I figured out how to effectively deal with my not knowing. I dealt with my not knowing by either continuing to gather information until Ireached the point that I could be confident or byeliminating my exposure to the risks of not knowing.
3.5) I wrestled with my realities, reflected on the consequences of my decisions, and learned and improved fromthis process.
By doing these things, I learned how important and how liberating it is to think for myself.
After all, isn’t the point of learning to help you get what you want? So don’t you have to start with what you want and
figure out what you have to learn in order to get it?
While most others seem to believe that mistakes are bad things, I believe mistakes are good things because I believe that
most learning comes via making mistakes and reflecting on them.
I believe that the way we make our dreams into reality is by constantly engaging with reality in pursuit of our dreams and
by using these encounters to learn more about reality itself and how to interact with it inorder to get what we want—and
that if we do this with determination, we almost certainly will be successful
The quality of our lives depends on the qualityof the decisions we make