
作者: 晓楠得一录 | 来源:发表于2022-10-22 11:04 被阅读0次

Faux means fake, or imitation. If you love the look of diamonds but can't afford one, get a faux diamond ring.

Faux is a French word that has crept into our lexicon, because faux in French means "fake." Now if we have the words fakeimitation, and false (all of which are good synonyms), why use faux? For fashion, dahling. Use faux to talk about faux fur, faux gemstones, or to make fun of a "faux pas," which is French for "no-no," widely used among the witty international set when someone does something gauche (French for "clumsy").

Usage Examples

She pulled a faux leather bound album from a stack on the table and flipped to a sketched portrait of me.

I kept my eyes down on the table, my eyes tracing the pattern of the faux wood grains printed on the laminate.

He never went anywhere without a faux leather valise stuffed with dozens of orange plastic pill bottles.

He’d set his sights on trying out for the Cleveland Browns—not as a player, but rather as a contender for the role of a wide-eyed, gape-mouthed faux animal named Chomps.



  • Vocabulary_faux

    Fauxmeans fake, or imitation. If you love the look of dia...


