Something inexplicable can't be explained. It doesn't make sense. You don't want to come to the beach on the most beautiful day of the year? That's inexplicable!
Inexplicable is made up of the prefix in, which means "not," and explicable, which comes from the Latin explicabilis, meaning "unfolded, unraveled." Do you see the double negative? If something is not unfolded, it's folded up and tangled — like something that doesn't make sense. Your school's decision to call a snow day is inexplicable, if there's barely a layer of snow on the ground.
Usage Examples
I knew, of course, that Deborah had been gunned down, but I still had some vague, inexplicable sense that she would come back one day, as if she had taken a trip somewhere.
“Behold the inexplicable,” he said, not sounding a whole lot like himself.
I tuned him out to consider the jumble of inexplicable images churning chaotically in my head.
Something about how the Law of Natural Selection, which always worked in Nature, sometimes inexplicably broke down in Man.