

作者: 圣微 | 来源:发表于2017-12-12 09:01 被阅读0次

Once, Shams-e-Tabriz, a Perfect Master of the time, confronted Rumi and flung some of his books into a nearby well. Rumi and the people sitting around him were enraged. Shams pulled the books out of the well again, and they were found to be dry! Rumi, on seeing this, realized that his books were nothing compared to the knowledge of the Perfect Master, and so he himself flung all his books into the well and followed Shams.

Shams-e-Tabriz, although a Perfect Master, used to play the gamechowkhat[similar to checkers], which was his favorite game. Rumi would invariably lose the game. After years with Shams, one day while playing the game, Rumi lost as usual and exclaimed: "Alas! I have lost again!"

Shams said: "No, this time you have won!" That very instant, Rumi received God-realization from Shams.

- Meher Baba, Online Lord Meher, pg. 4901


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