

作者: 恋上书的眼镜猴子 | 来源:发表于2018-04-30 00:01 被阅读0次


    1.  20/20 指正常視力. “Normal visual acuity, as measured by the ability to read charts at a distance of 20 feet.”

    2. NPR广播里的两个有用表达:The Americans liked the Chinese goods a whole lot better than the Chinese liked the American goods, and that pattern has been true ever since.

    "...that pattern has been true ever since" 指某种模式长期持续

    RICHARD NIXON: I have taken this action because of my profound conviction that all nations will gain from a reduction of tensions and a better relationship between the United States and the People's Republic of China.

    I have taken this action because of my profound conviction that..." (正式演讲或写作中表达坚持的观点时常用的句式)


    摘自:China's Second Continent: How a Million Migrants Are Building a New Empire in Africa

    President Abdoulaye Wade fancied himself a great builder, but he had a remarkable knack for approving prestige projects that became public relations disasters. 

    【have (got) a knack for (something): to be exceptionally proficient at (doing) something】

    But far from embracing it as a point of national pride many Senegalese regarded the monument, which was built by a North Korean company, as a vain and grotesque waste of money.

    【point of pride: something which produces a feeling of self-satisfaction, especially an admirable personal characteristic or accomplishment.】

    eg: It is a point of pride to a Beacon Hill resident if he can say that he was born on the Hill or was at least raised there.


    “屁股决定脑袋”这句话用英文怎么说?刚刚在The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People这本书中找到了一个绝妙的翻译:Where we stand depends on where we sit.


    记得上次有同学分享sitting president 现任总统。今天碰到then-president 时任总统。In 2013, the Muslim Seleka alliance rebelled, seized power and removed then-President from office. 

    代理市长 acting mayor 在职的 incumbent


    脑力工作者brain worker, knowledge worker ,白领white-collarworker只能算脑力工作中的一种。对应的体力工作者hand , labourer, navvy, 还有一个比较有意思muscle-worker

    7. 通常我们在生活中会说考试中的几分就决定了自己上好大学还是差一点的大学。这个在英文中也有对应的表达 "can mean the difference between"

    For many students, a few points on the test can mean the difference between a good and a bad university, and a life of wealth or poverty.


    In the aftermath of a disaster, the effectiveness of emergency management practices – or lack thereof – can mean the difference between life and death.

    Effective communication can mean the difference between a comfortable retirement and difficult years for a retired employee.



    Despite recent talk of winding down America's involvement in Syria. 尽管近期美国表态要逐渐退出叙利亚

    wind down:慢慢减少直到结束

    America forfeited that mantle long ago. 美国早就撂担子不干了。


     This would leave America's allies to fend for themselves against A, B and C. 这样的话,美国盟友只能依靠自己来对抗A、B、C了。

    fend for oneself:自谋生计、照顾自己。

    Such attacks will do little to alter the course of war. 这些攻击对于战事进程变化而言杯水车薪。


    Those in D held out longest.D城市的反抗军队抵抗了最久。

    hold out:抵抗、坚持

    They are cut off from international support.他们无法获取国际援助

    be cut off from:断了

    He may not have Russia backing. 他也许就没有俄罗斯撑腰了。


    Which teems with fighters;teem with 有很多


    NPR广播对Netflix的报道:Its popularity is leaving rivals Amazon and Hulu in

    the dust as it continues to add new content...Right now, Netflix is the only game in town...Sid Ganis says Netflix has established itself

    as a place for high-quality content...While a lot of people see a big

    wide horizon for Netflix, Michael Pachter, an analyst at Wedbush Securities, has been a skeptic.

    "leave rivals in the dust"形容远远超过的意思

     "the only game in town"非正式用语表示最好的最重要的最值得考虑的

    "establish itself as a place for" "a big wide horizon for"

    a. Via Science sees a big horizon for big data analytics. (Forbes) 在这里  a big horizon 是指很大的发展前景

    b. The Arab Spring has opened a wide horizon for us, and we must take advantage to promote the interests of our people. (NYT) 这个句子中是指开阔视野

    10. 群里一同学提问:

    there are two main reasons why it is beneficial for children,One reason is that children would benefit from...

    这句话如果不用there are,怎么换比较合适

    回答1: Two reasons explain why

    回答2: It's beneficial for children, partly because ..... and partly because .... (because 可根据情况换成because of)

    回答3: The benefits of xxx are supported by two main reasons. One reason is that ...


    The EAST system is a souped-up version of the original Russian design.     

    Souped-up :to make changes to sth such as a car or computer, so that it is more powerful or exciting than before.

    China is one of the countries contributing to the ambitious International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project in southern France which - apart from European nations - draws in India, Japan, Russia, South Korean and the United States.

    Draw in: to involve sb or make sb take part in sth, although they may not want to take part at first

    未完待续 ~~~



