MFS02 E13

作者: c51ebd4f18de | 来源:发表于2021-02-07 23:20 被阅读0次

S02 E13

Come on, let’s go. We’re gonna need a little more time at the airport because I’m pretty sure that they’re gonna wanna patch you down.

patch 打补丁;缝补;修补

快,咱们走吧, 我们将需要多留点时间在机场,因为我肯定他们会多留你一会。

Manny is with his father for the weekend, so Jay and I are flying to Vegas.

I’m a little torn because I want alone time with Gloria, but I also like rubbing Manny’s head for good luck.

I just need to send this e-mail to Claire why I’m not working on the bake sale next week, but I can’t say the real reason.

Why not?

Because she drives me crazy when she’s in charge of these things.

Okay, we got a flight to catch, so let me help u out here. You tell me what u want to say to her, and I’ll help you find a nice way to say it.

I want to say… I can’t work on the bake sale because you’re a bossy control freak that look down on my cupcakes even though your lemon squares were very dry.

Done. Okay? How’s this?

Dear Claire, I cannot work the bake sale because you’re a bossy control freak who look down—very funny, Jay. I —I —why the whoosh?  Where is— where is the e-mail? It ended! Make it come back.

I don’t know how to make it come back.

Now she’s gonna read it, and she’s gonna think it’s from me!

Well, technically, it was from u. Come on, let’s hit the road.

It sended. Please come back.

Torn 犹豫的;举棋不定的

Bake sale美国家庭经常有的 糕饼义卖活动

find a nice way to say it 一个更恰当的/委婉的方式来说

Control freak控制狂

Look down俯视;向下看;用目光慑服某人;看跌,看不起

let’s hit the road.我们出发吧

We love our neighborhood, but sometimes the last thing you want to do after fighting traffic is get back in the car to go out to eat. And the only restaurant with walking distance is Shawarma city.

Two shawarma combo. Meat or chicken?

one meat. One chicken, and can u make  the chicken all white meat?

Number 32. Pay cashier.

Okay, that’s not an answer.

Then a miracle happened. The hottest new restaurant in the city opened up two blocks away—Amelia’s.

But there was a problem.

They can take us at 5:15.

wha are we, 80?


What we, 20?

Then… miracle number two. Turns out one of the mothers at Lily’s pre-school is none other that Amelia herself. 

So we arranged a play date with her son, Jackson. Where we would, you know, charm Amelia.

The most important play date ever, so I’m really gonna need u to sparkle, sweetie.

oh, I’m gonna sparkle like it’s the 4th of July.

I was talking to Lily.

fight traffic 堵车


meat or chicken 猪肉还是鸡肉

White meat 这里指鸡胸肉;dark meat 鸡腿肉

Cashier 收银台

They can take us at 5:15. 5:15有位子

Charm 吸引

Sparkle  发光

4th of July,美国独立日(Independence Day,又称Fourth of July或July Fourth)是美国的主要法定节日之一,日期为每年7月4日,以纪念1776年7月4日大陆会议在费城正式通过《独立宣言》。

It’s our parents’ anniversary, so we’re surprising them with breakfast in bed. 

They’re possible to buy for… we think. We’ve never tried.

Okay. Ready?

One, two, three…


Oh. Oh! No! No!

I’m sorry! 

Nothing’s happening!

Oh, my god.

Yeah, our kids walked in on us. We were, as they say, “having sex.”

Oh, god.

That’s not a euphemism, Phil. it’s exactly what we were doing — having sex, jin front our children.

Well, they weren’t there when we started.


In fact, you weren’t even there when we sat…

Oh, my god. Oh, my god.

It’s okay. Maybe they didn’t see anything.

Sweetie, they screamed, they dropped a tray of dishes, and then they ran out of here like they were on fire.

You were on fire, lady.

Really? You’re still going?

Well, forgive me for thinking you zesty performance deserves some praise.

Our children are downstairs right now, and they  probably traumatized.

Oh, come on. I’m sure it’s not  that bad.


Walk in on 进屋撞见(别人在做私密的事)

euphemism [ˈjuːfəmɪzəm]  委婉

you weren’t even there when we sat…我们刚开始时你也不在状态


Traumatize 精神受创;创痛

I can still see it.

I can’t believe that just happened!

What were they doing ? 


What ever it was, it looked like dad was winning.

It! They were doing it!.

He has no idea what you’re talking about



I know what sex is, Alex. It’s when a man and a woman take off their underpants and then get into bed.

Stop talking!

Try Claire again.

I’m not getting a signal. Relax. We’ll get her. Hey, shorty told me about this restaurant in Vegas that’s got a three- story wine tower, right in the middle of it. The guy who gets your wine flies around on a wire.

Like the “Peter Pan”.

No, not  like the “Peter Pan”. This is a high-end place.

Oh, year, because all the finest restaurants in the world have people flying around on wires.

You know, you used to go bananas when a Japanese guy flipped a shrimp onto your plate.

Now look at u.

Try her again.

fine. And just so you know, it’s not like Peter Pan. I mean, nobody wears tights or anything.

Well, If they’re not wearing anything, I don’t want them flying over my food.


Phil, it’s me. Can I talk to Claire?

Yeah, one second, Jay.

No. No, no. Can’t.

She doesn’t want to talk right now.

Ay, no. 

Why not?

Uh, she’s a little too upset.

Phil, put her on.

He says he wants to—

Hang up the phone. 

I’m sorry, jay. She says I have to go. 她让我挂电话

You know, she’s my daughter and everything, but that guy seriously needs to grow a pair.

Well, we tried.

Vegas, here we come.

Turn around the car.

Only ‘cause I want to.(表示我是自愿的,不是怕老婆哦)

The guy who gets your wine flies around on a wire.


Fly around 飞来飞去

Wire 钢丝



Go bananas 抓狂;疯狂

Hang up the phone 挂电话

Grow a pair=grow a pair of bollocks(睾丸,蛋蛋) 长两个球出来,意思是更有种, 更男人一点

Turn around(使)调转方向;

This is a beautiful home. I love the throwback to the’60s.

Although if this was the ‘60s. We’d be a couple of “confirmed bachelors”, and lily would be a Yorkie.


And I’d still be trapped in a loveless marriage.

Oh, Amelia.

Oh, you are funny. 

I really like u guys. I mean, I haven’t had a lot of time to meet the other parents. You know, single mom, hectic work schedule…

what do u do, Amelia?

I own a few restaurants. I just opened one nearby.

Oh, my gosh. Are you that Amelia?

Oh, my gosh! We’ve heard wonderful things about the restaurant, it must be doing well. We can never seem to get a  reservation.

can’t get in.


Oh, well, that’s no problem. The next time you call, just tell them—

Oh, one second.

Oh, I’m sorry. Tell them what?

Well, did you show it to him? And what did he say? Okay, uh, hold on a second. I’m gonna switch phones. I’m sorry. It’s the restaurant. Excuse me just a minute.

You said to tell them something. Did you hear that? When we know what to say, we’re in. 我们就有门路了, 有特权了

Oh! This is very exciting.  iIve never had an in at a restaurant before. They’ll probably greet us at the door by our names, show us to our favorite table… 

they’ll let us play fast and loose with the menu, order lunch things for dinner, dinner things for lunch. It’s fine. It’s fine.


It’s fine. 

Stop moving.

You there? Put on the phone.

Oh, that’s the baby monitor. Should we turn it off? 

Who am I speaking to? Well… Mr. Campbell. You need to replace the extremely expensive countertop, that one of your incompetent workers clearly ruined when he was supposed to be fixing the refrigerator.

Okay. This is why she’s so successful. She’s tough but calm. Because I’m not an idiot! As is evidenced by my law degree, which I will happily dust off and use to crush you in court. If you don’t fix it, replace it, or send me a check in the nest 72 hours, you know what? Stay right there. Don’t move.

Act like you weren’t listening.

What does that look like. 

I’m so sorry. I have to run down to the restaurant for a minute. I really feel terrible asking, but do — would you guys mind—

Oh, it’s not a problem. We’ll watch the kids.


Oh, yes, you go take care of that fabulous restaurant of yours that we cannot wait to try. And when we do call, Amelia, you said to—

Jackson, mommy will be right back.

Okay. Thanks, you guys, so much. I own you big time.

Did you hear that?

She owes us big time,

You know, she also has that restaurant in Las Vegas where the sommeliers fly around on wires.

Oh, my gosh, lily, thank you for being such a trouper. With Mr. Personality over there. I’m gonna get you a treat. 

Oh, a juice box broke in here. It’s ask wet inside. Will you stop gasping? It’s just a diaper.

confirmed bachelors坚定的独身主义者

Yorkie 约克夏

Trap in 深陷 陷入

hectic 忙乱的

Get a reservation 订位子


play fast and loose with the menu 用于菜单就是随意更换菜单

play fast and loose with sb/sth反复无常,处事轻率,忽冷忽热,

baby monitor.婴儿监护器

Countertop (厨房的)工作台面,操作台


Dust off 重新采用(陈旧的方法);把(旧物)备好待用;重新振作

Dust sb off 继续做,,

In court (作为当事人)出庭;在法庭上

Big time (强调重要性或程度深)极大地

Owe you big time 欠你很大的人情



Get you a treat 给你点奖励 给点好处


Okay. We need a game plan. We need to rehearse exactly what we’re gonna say,because that is the only way I’m gonna hold it together when my babies are looking at me with judgment and disgust.

First of all, that’s how they always look at us.

Oh, Phil.

Secondly, this isn’t as traumatic as you think.

Honey, I walked in on my parents having sex once. It was awful. I can’t even get the image out of my mind.

Claire, we’re not your parents. We’re in much better shape.

Okay, you want to know the worst thing? They did even talk about, they just let it hang there. I’m not gonna do that to our kids. Phil, this is a defining moment for us as parents. How we handle this could shape how they feel about sex and intimacy for the rest of their lives!

Claire, honey. This is only a big deal if we make it a big deal. We set the tone here. So let’s just play it cool. Act like it was a big, funny mix-up. Crack a few jokes. Lighten the mood. 

Jokes. What kind of jokes?

Well, this is…

I’m just spitballin’ here, but— what if I was all, “knock, knock”… and they were like, “who’s there”? And I was all, “someone who doesn’t want to see their parents doing it. That’s why we knocked.” anagin, this is very rough.

Why are they still up there?

How long does sex take?

Oh, my god. Stop talking. Did you guys notice that dad had the same look on his face as when he smells a new car?

I need to leave. I need to go to camp.

This is gonna be so weird when they come down, let’s just go. Okay? Come on.

Wait. But I’m hungry. 

We’ll get breakfast. Let’s just go. Come on!

Let’s go, come on.

Where are you going? 


Where is your mother? I need to talk to her.

I don’t think it’s a good time right now. She won’t come out of her room.

She’s really upset, isn’t she?

Big time.

How’d you know?

We called.

Tell me exactly what she said.

I don’t know. There was just a lot of screaming.

Where was your father when all this was going on?

Oh, he was right behind her.

Rehearse 排练

Hold together 使团结;使和睦相处;团结 

Hold it together 唯一让我坚持住的事情


We’re in much better shape. 我们的身材好多了

Defining 下定义

a defining moment for us as parents 这是我们作为家长的关键时刻

Intimacy 亲密行为


Mix-up (计划上的)失误,差错,失败 funny mix-up有趣的误会

spitballing 不假思索,随口一说


Oh! It’s not coming out! It’s not coming out! 擦不掉

Blot! Don’t rub! Blot!

We are beyond blotting and rubbing. I think we’ve moved on to sweating and crying.

Okay, okay. Let’s not panic. We’ll just tell Amelia what happened, and then we’ll pay to have it cleaned.

What if it can’t be cleaned, Mitchell?!

Okay, okay. Then we’ll pay for a new rug. 

Are u insane? This is a limited-edition alpaca hand-made stark rug! I saw it in Architectural Digest. It cost $50,000. It was in Diane Keaton’s house. Oh, no, it was in, oh, what’s-her-name’s house. Um, from “Prize’s Honor”. From—uh, oh, oh, she was in “Addams Family’. You know.

Anjelica huston!

Oh! Oh, my god. $50,000 for a rug?! Cam, we don’t have that kind of money.

Maybe she won’t make us pay. I mean, we wouldn’t make someone pay if this happened to us.

Did you not hear her on the phone? “Fix it. Replace it. Write me a check’.开赔款支票给我 she probably has that embroidered on a pillow. Right next to a jar of human tears.

Maybe we can turn this around,

How? It looks like someone bled out over here.

No. I mean the rug. Maybe we can turn the whole rug around, put it under the couch. See, no one would ever know it’s there.

Well, we would know, we would know.


What are you thinking?

You don’t want to know.

No, tell me, ‘cause I’m— I think I’m thinking the same thing.

I seriously doubt that, because now I’m thinking it was Joan Collins’ house.


Blot (用软纸或布)吸干液体 

rub 擦;抹

a limited-edition alpaca hand-made Stark rug 一张限量版全羊驼毛地毯

Rug 小地毯;垫子;(盖腿的)厚毯子

limited-edition 限量版


Stark 这是专门做羊驼毛地毯的品牌

Architectural Digest建筑学文摘;建筑文摘;建筑辑要

Embroider 刺绣;

Bleed out渗出



Gloria, what are you doing here?

Wait, where are the kids?

They just left.

They told me that you were very upset.

Oh, got. 

And yo have every right to be. It was bad.

I know that.

Claire, it was an accident.

That doesn’t make it any better.

Okay, you’re right. I know how you feel.

Oh, god.

It happened to me before with another woman. And that time, I was the one getting it. And it hurt. I’m sorry it had to come out like this, but you have to admin that you’re only happy when you’re the one cracking the whip. come on, we all know how you ride Phil. But maybe if you just let go a little, maybe even taste my cupcakes, I will join you.

No—-unh. No. No. I am so confused right now.

I may pass out.

What are you talking about?

What are you talking about?

The kids just walked in on me and Phil in bed. And we just spent the last hour holed up in our room trying to figure out what to say to them.

Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. Can I use your computer? I just need to check one e-mail.

Yeah, the kitchen.

Gloria, I just switched us to the next flight. Now, did you guys get everything straightened out?

claire is very upset because the kids just walk in on them having sex.

Aw, geez.

Oh, then we’re all up to speed.

She’s so upset that she hasn’t even had time to apply her make-up or use her computer.

What are you even doing here, dad?

I don’t think you should be the one doing the questioning here, missy.

Don’t get mad at her. Your wife’s the one who just offered up her cupcakes.

Crack the whip 掌权; 突然采取严厉的措施; 采取严厉手段; 以严厉的手段命令别人; 显示权威;


Pass out晕过去

Holed up (为免受打扰等而)躲藏的,隔绝的

everything straightened out 把事情解决, 说清楚了

Up to speed 掌握最新情况的


Good thing we had mom’s gas card.

Don’t make me regret buying you that lighter, dude. Put it down.

Okay, I’m just gonna say it. Our parents are totally irresponsible. And.i’m not just talking about us walking in on their freak show earlier.

Just let it go.

No. We’re lucky to be alive. How often do they let Luke go to school in shorts in the winter? And they let me ride in the front seat before I was 60 pounds. And they never shut the gate at the top of the stairs when we were babies. Do you know how many times you fell on your head? Do u?


We get it— it was bad.

You know, I guess, it’s better than having parents who fight all the time. Maybe.

My friend Jacob’s parents are getting divorced. He has to move out of his house. They told him last week.

That sucks.

He’ll get used to it. Half of my friends’ parents are divorced. 

Mine too. It’s insane.

So it’s a good thing mom and dad still do sex. Better that mom leaving the stove on. Which she’s done twice this month.

I just realized we haven’t even gotten to the worst part of it yet.

Which is.

They’re gonna want to talk about it.

Well, maybe not.

Are u kidding? Their parents never talked about anything, so they want to talk about everything. 

Yeah, they called a family meeting when we switched to 1% milk.

Regret 后悔

irresponsible 不负责

Stove (用于取暖的)炉子,火炉

leaving the stove on忘关炉火

1% milk脱脂奶

I don’t know where those kids are.

What is more important than putting a working lock on a bedroom door?

You are one to talk.

What is that supposed to mean?

You don’t remember when I walked in on you and mom that time?

Gloria, can we please go now?! So why don’t you get off your high horse, dad. at least I am trying to handle this better than the two of you did.

What did we do?

You made gimlets and went back to your room. What were we supposed to do?

You could have talked to me. You could have made sure that I was okay..

Want to talk about it? 

Your mother and I were watching a particularly racy episode of “hart to hart”哈特夫妇

Stefanie powers had to go undercover as a call girl.

Meh. Dad. 

Hang on.

This whole story makes more sense if you know I got a thing for thigh-high boots.

Oh, gross! You are ruining sex for me, and boots.

Hey, working okay for you?

I was sending an e-mail to my brother in Colombia. I was telling him about Claire. You know, I realize there’s so much I don’t know about her. Like, for example, what is her favorite word? Or what was her first pet’s name?

Gloria, I’m not an idiot. Are you trying to get Claire’s password?

Okay, fine. I sent her something by mistake. I need to get into Claire’s e-mail to erase it before she sees it.

Before I see what?

Hola, Claire.

Hi, Gloria.

Before I see what?

It’s so embarrassing. You see, Jay and I—

It’s a naked picture of Gloria.

yes. Naked. I was gonna send it to Jay. You see everything. The whole body.

I need to sit.


Wow, dad. So, you just got done giving me a lecture on the importance of locking my bedroom door while in my house to retrieve naked pictures. That your wife accidentally sent me.

The irony is just occurring to me.

What are you doing?

What I’m doing is deleting it.

Good for you.

Let’s go to Vegas!

Do us a favor—no pictures. Oh, gloria, listen, We do need to talk about the bake sale at some point. I have some concerns.

Of course you do.


All right.

What do we do Now?

Okay, I’m really afraid of reading this situation the wrong way, but I’m 80% sure you’re coming on to me. Okay, now…40%.

get off your high horse 别那么趾高气扬



Call girl应召女郎,通过电话上门服务的

Erase 删除

Give a lecture 说教

Retrieve 取回

Irony (出乎意料的)奇异可笑之处;有讽刺意味的情况;反语;反话


Mitchell, we need to make a decision. It was the perfect plan. Turn the rug, and shen wouldn’t find the stain for years.

But we couldn’t do it. We’re too honest.

There are certain moments in life that define you and this is one of those moments.

Oh, guys. I’m so sorry that took so long.

Oh, my god. What happened here?

Jackson did it. He grabbed lily’s strawberry juice and started drinking it. Before we could stop him, it was all over everything.

Oh, my god. Oh, my god!

We are horrible people. I’m only following your lead.

Yeah, so close that you stepped on the back of my shoe.

Come here. 

Jackson’ s allergic to strawberries.


And he can go into anaphylactic shock. I need to inject him right now.

Oh, are you sure? He seems all right to me.

Yeah, maybe just get him some fresh air.

Stop talking! He really hates this. And so I’m gonna need you to help me pin down his arms and his legs, okay?

You know what?

Jackson, honey. Manny’s so sorry to have to do this, But it’s only gonna hurt for a second.

His arms.

Wait! Wait!

Jackson didn’t drink the juice! I stepped on lily’s bag and a juice box feel and we panicked, because we beard you on the phone and we can’t afford Joan collins’ rug!

We are so, so sorry. We could not feel any worse.

Oh, no. that’s bad.

Number 19!

Oh, uh, can we have some napkins, please?

All out of napkins. Paper towels in bathroom, Mitchell.

He knows your name!

I’m only following your lead.我只是顺着你说

so close that you stepped on the back of my shoe.你近到踩到我的鞋了-你哪里是跟着我,你都踩到我的鞋了,(你顺着我说,还不忘添油加醋)


anaphylactic shock过敏性休克

inject 给  注射

Pin down 把。。限制住 这里就是按住胳膊和腿

Pin someone down 迫使某人表态

pin something down 把事情搞清楚

And, uh… I’m just gonna say it—I’m really sorry about what happened.

Well, we’re not sorry about what happened. We’re sorry that you saw what happened.

Yeah, okay, they get that. Let’s see. No one wants to see their parents…

Your sensuality…

Not dressed.

Basically, it’s two adults. It’s like you’re shaking hands. But you’re not using your hands at all.

I can’t handle a big family talk about this. 

We’re not gonna have a choice. So when they start talking, just smile and nod and think about something  else.

Yeah, it’s easy, just like at school.

So, I guess what I’m saying here is that as you get older and … explore your sexuality, you will discover that as long as you are in a committed relationship. With consenting adults, there’s really nothing to be embarrassed about.

And let’s face it -your mom can’t keep her hands off me whenever the gun show comes to town.

Good one, dad.

Humor makes difficult situations easier.

Wow, really?

Totally. You talked to us on our level but without being condescending.

we did.

All right. I guess we did.

Yay, us. I think we really handled that well.

Me too. You were excellent.

You were pretty good. Ugh, this is such a weird day. 

I know it.

By the way… happy anniversary.

It always is.

Hey mom, can I get— oh, my god! Enough!


Hey, what’s this?

Your anniversary present.

That’s very sweetie.

My goodness.

What is it?

A door lock. How embarrassing. Thank you.

We’ll use it all the time.

We thought the lock was a really good idea. But the problem is it makes a noise. A loud noise.

It’s hard for me to look at dad afterwards.


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      本文标题:MFS02 E13
