Day 09|A letter from Harvard

Day 09|A letter from Harvard

作者: 陀思妥耶傅斯喵 | 来源:发表于2017-06-11 22:04 被阅读0次
chapter 7

P1  Imitation

01  Principle 1.Don't criticize, condemn or complain

析  c开头的这三个词算近义词吧。criticize:find fault with;condemn: censure;complain :object to,protese.

仿 It's a our right to criticize the government and relevant organization when they do not exercise their duties.

02  She felt unsociable and suspicious, like the Wolffs' dog down the street, a mutt, braced for hostility.

析  形容性格。unsociable: solitary, unfriendly; suspicious: doubtful,questionable; hostility: opposition,antagonism。

仿 Some people who are unsociable and suspicious may have difficulties in communication with others.

03 Nath went into the living room without turning on the lamp, letting the colored lights on the tree guide his way.

析 还喜欢一句。He wanted to savor the long-awaited letter, the promise of getting away at last, a new word waiting as white and clean as chalk.前者写迷茫,后者写憧憬,可以对比着一起看,迷茫~关灯~几个小彩灯的荧光~意味着前景黯淡,憧憬~信件~白色无暇的信纸~意味着崭新的前途。

仿  He is the most brilliant person I have ever met and I am sure that his wisdom and experience will guide us to the new world.

P2  Summary

When Nathan received the letter from Harvard, he smelled the taste of freedom. In contrast, Lydia was forced by physics exam and nearly cannot take her breath.The story reached its climax at this chapter: these two children found respective solutions for dealing with their parents ; Nathan got the chance to college and planed to learn astronomy to escape the trouble on Earth; Lydia learned to deceit and cheat the others.

There is no doubt that their different choice will lead them to opposite life path. One way to the liberty and independence , and the other way to disappointment and depression.



      本文标题:Day 09|A letter from Harvard
